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Everything posted by BBHood217

  1. I set to those too, except for unit speed which I leave at normal. After a first playthrough, it can be manually sped up anyway.
  2. Say, does this hack also cover Hector mode and the Hard versions of the three modes too? Or is it just Lyn(oan) Normal and Eliwood Normal that are done and the game will break if I try anything other than those two?
  3. This post is nothing but filler so that Chapter 10 is posted on page 3.
  4. Here's my final team. I only played Normal in both modes. Other than the body rings, I forgot what I gave to who. Also, Andrei and Isaac got bit by the bug.
  5. Yeah, stealing a droppable item won't make any other items droppable. Even if I pumped my final team full of stat boosting supplements in the final chapter?
  6. That blog post (and the related ones about FE404 itself and your reason for putting yourself in it) was as interesting read. And also: I agree with this. As embarrassing as they are, you can't forget where you started from. It's your legacy, and all you can do with it is build on it. Where it goes from there is up to you. I know of a few people who've tried to completely wipe off their old shames from the face of the internet. I don't agree with that; some people might actually enjoy and have fun with those works, but being denied of them just makes the guy who made and then removed them look like a major jerk.
  7. It actually has no official name, it's just a hack of FE7 done by MageKnight404. Regardless, people decided on "MageKnight404's FE7 hack" for its name, or "FE404" for short. ...do I have permission to link him to where I got it? It's just right here in Serenes, but finding the relevant topic might take a while.
  8. While it's true that this hack is all kinds of embarrassing for the author, it's still a fun hack in that it's fun to see what was changed and how they got jammed into the game and also all that dated 2000's humor. Not to mention that the sprite work is good, it's not a buggy mess, and it's 100% complete. Done.
  9. Oh, I forgot to mention this the first time. You can actually steal Matthias' Iron Rune, and still get the one that the end of the battle gives you. So you can have two Iron Runes. Not sure why the Iron Rune wasn't just simply made droppable.
  10. 404'd! I play MageKnight404's FE7 hack Like the title says. I'm no stranger to FE, I've played FE7 and FE8 until I completely filled out all the support logs and I've also played a few hacks like The Last Promise and Requiem. However, I've never played this particular hack until now. I've heard of it and read someone else's LP of it; but that was long ago, and thus I'm not actually fully familiar with it. So I figured I should finally experience this... work, for myself. From what I understand, this was one of the earliest hacks made for FE7. As such, there isn't much in the way of major drastic changes like in today's hacks; but this hack probably still paved the way for them. We all have to start somewhere, right? I won't be transcribing the dialogue, just giving a summary of them. And I'll also only play through this once, so we're stuck with Lyn Normal and Eliwood Normal. I might change my mind after I finish, but that's some ways off. So, let's do this. No change so far, intro's the same. You know the story: Humans and dragons lived together, then they fought each other in the Scouring, and humans won with the losers disappearing. Still no change so far. Ah, here we go. I can tell we're in for a good time. Still have to give tactician info. I input the usual. Chapter -1: The Duchess Of Tahra
  11. In FE6, is it possible to make dragon breath have a range of 1-2 instead of only 1? Y'know, to make the fire dragons and Idenn not laughingstocks?
  12. I'm just really itching to make a little FE game of my own, but hacking FE7 seems far too monumental of a task for me. So I've been waiting for FEXNA. Please don't let me wait too long :3
  13. Possibly forever. I can't help it, but I'm starting to think that this game and the engine it's running on have the same release date as Yandere Simulator.
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