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Everything posted by BBHood217

  1. Uwee hee! Awakenings has apparently localized "Roro" as "Legion", and has them pluralizing every single nouns. Does this mean an updates to the translations in the futures?
  2. ...are all of MK404's vids like that? It's a... unique LP style, but one that I'm no fan of.
  3. Aha! My suspicions were right! The dialogue on the "Eliwood stabs Ninian" scene is really slightly different depending on whether Eliwood/Ninian was A or not. Someone should add in the not-A dialogue.
  4. I see no problem, and in fact it reminds me a bit of Shadow Dragon's script.
  5. I just finished playing this. The translation team did a wonderful job on it. Think they'd be interested in a retranslation of FE6? I dunno why Nintendo didn't release this and Mother 3 in English, but it's their loss. Fans do what Nintendon't.
  6. So, when's the "Fire Emblem 3DS" text on the front page gonna be changed to "Awakening" now that the latter is definitely official?
  7. You can't make a poll about the best axe user and then leave out the actual best axe user.
  8. Wasn't that because said fan translation was made before FE7 was released in English? So there was no "Scouring" to refer to at the time.
  9. A game where every single enemy unit is a dragon? Not wyverns, fire-breathing defense-ignoring dragons? Sounds like fun.
  10. I thought the main character was Zigludo.
  11. No, HoMM 3 is the only HoMM game. Period.
  12. Also, change "Seize" to "Conquer" too! And "Wait" to "End"! No no, leave the "End" that ends your phase as "End", don't change it to "End Turn" or whatever. It's totally not confusing at all.
  13. After 8 playthroughs, I 100%'d the entire support library in FE8. At one week per playthrough, it's not too long I guess. FE7, on the other hand, is gonna take longer with the mutually exclusive characters and the multitude of 80-turn supports and stuff.
  14. I heard they went with Skies because Heavens didn't fit. I don't believe that though because some units (e.g., any Aestevalis unit) have even longer names than Zeorymer's full name.
  15. J+W+K+L OG series where, Banpresto? Also, have they ever updated the translation or are we gonna be stuck forever with Zeorymer of the "Skies"?
  16. And despite all that, Eirika/L'arachel is Eirika's one and only support option that has no paired end.
  17. Same reason they're not effective against mage knights in JP FE8: They forgot.
  18. Though it's not possible, it should still help in making a support ring for the 12 people you're bringing into the final chapter.
  19. If it'll help, here's the team I used in this chapter. Everyone except Colm is promoted. Eirika/Valk!L'arachel Ephraim/Myrrh Innes/Hero!Gerik SM!Joshua/Bishop!Natasha Zerker!Ross/Sage!Lute WK!Tana/WL!Cormag Tethys, Colm, Rennac Josh had Audhulma, Ross Garm, Tana Vidofnir, Innes Nidhogg, and Lute Excalibur.
  20. Don't forget about the Holy Church of the Black Fang in the swamp.
  21. Myrrh is really the most reliable tank you can have in Last Hope. I don't think anyone else can reach 35 def, so even the likes of Gilliam and Duessel have a chance of dying to enemies repeatedly throwing themselves at them until they get lucky (and they will). Same guy as always: Ephraim with Siegmund and a Hoplon Guard.
  22. I finally did it. I actually managed to push my way to Riev and take him out while still managing to loot everything, finishing at turn 6. Myrrh helped a lot with the initial blockading, but it obviously wasn't a solo act; otherwise, she'd have no dragonstone left. Hero Gerik blocked the swordmasters and great knights while everyone else split up and handled the north and southwest.
  23. There only ever seems to be one single way to do Ch. 19: block the main entrance with two tanks who don't do enough damage to kill in one round, loot everything, and then warp Ephraim to take out Riev. If I try anything else, people end up dying because every single enemy reinforcement is a promoted unit that's packing silver heat. Is it possible to beat Riev without warping?
  24. I don't hate 8 per se, but I used to find it inferior to 7 years ago. I got over that, though.
  25. FE8's support library is easier to fill up since everyone can be recruited every playthrough and, barring Rennac/Tethys who have the only 80-turn support in that game, the most you have to wait for a support is 40 turns.
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