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Everything posted by BBHood217

  1. Phew, this chapter's a big one. Chapter 19: Ancient Beasts
  2. I'm actually surprised that the hack made no mention of Aion's resemblance to him. I was gonna bring it up too, but I somehow completely forgot while posting the chapter. I guess he's a completely unremarkable character after all.
  3. I actually would kinda like to see Heather Emblem become a reality, assuming FEXNA gets released some time within our lifetimes that is.
  4. "Za Warudo" is a common meme from JoJo's Bizarre Adventure. A jojoke, if you will. Everything else, I have no idea.
  5. I've googled "xenosaga mws" and found out that MWS stood for "Multiple Weapon System", and that to me sounds like it'd be overpowered in an FE game. Like a weapon that's range 1-3 and has weapon advantage over all physical weapons, because multiple weapons or something. Possible drawbacks might be the inability to counter, or maybe it has major weapon disadvantage over all magic weapons. But none of that matters here where Shion doesn't fight at all. Still, I feel that such a cute face like hers shouldn't be wasted on an NPC-only role... Anyway, here's the next chapter. Chapter 18: Force Of The Fang
  6. Gotta admit, I'm not much of a Gundam guy so that went completely over me. So had there been a proper Raymond mode, there would've been a Pascalslap too?
  7. The chapters are getting bigger and longer, so I'll have to start posting these in multiple parts. Chapter 14: Storming Laus
  8. Judging from that list, I have a little idea on who's replacing who. Megan's a dead giveaway, and I kinda actually already knew that anyway because I've known of this hack long ago (but again, only played it myself just now). I just don't remember how she got the archsage spot, only vaguely remembering that she told me to ignore the various paintings and visions as she explained something. Oh well, I'll just have to play to that point to see it again. So let's continue. Chapter 13: Seeking The Truth
  9. Oh, Megan's an OC of yours? And there are others too? Now it really and truly is a fanfic :P You did, in a way. This early hack allowed people to follow your example (on hacking that is, not the fanfic part) and make more hacks and ways to hack. That's what I think, anyway.
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