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Everything posted by BBHood217

  1. I considered this a possibility, but I still went through with all of it anyway; for that, I very much apologize. My intentions are not at all malicious, I didn't tell you because I wanted to surprise you and everyone else. None of this is hopefully considered theft; everything that's yours (characters, a few maps, and other things) is fully credited to you, and of course it's all free and non-profit. I promise you, your characters here are not used in bad taste; I did my best to write them into a new story. And if my interpretation of them is still disagreeable, that's fine; the romhacks they're from still exist. Believe me when I say that I only have the utmost respect for you and your work, and this fangame is my way of thanking you for everything you've done for this community.
  2. Version date: 12/23/2019 A Fire Emblem fangame by BBHood217 Characters created by MageKnight404 and LordGlenn Lex Talionis engine by rainlash Over the years, MageKnight404 has contributed interesting and entertaining stories and characters to the FE community with his romhacks. This is my tribute to him and his creations. Join Heather, Julie, Joshua, and many of MK404's original characters on an adventure full of exciting gameplay, little references, and a standard plot to save the world. Screenshots (old): Features: - Runs on the Lex Talionis engine by rainlash, it is NOT a romhack. - 12 chapters of good ol' FE gameplay with features like skills, AOE attacks, and a turnwheel. - MK404's original characters from his romhacks (FE404, both Sacred Dawns, and Yuri's Side Story), plus one brand new character exclusive to this game. - Map sprites and combat animations by the FE community, including MK404's works from his romhacks plus a few animations not featured until now. - Branching promotions for some classes, and also promotions are automatic upon going past the level cap. - Easily usable as a reference along with the Lion Throne and the Lex Talionis site's wiki to make your own FE games with this engine. This fangame is complete, as in there's a defined beginning and ending. More work could probably be done on it but after a year of working on this, I desire to try my hand at something else for a change. Perhaps something original with my very own characters instead of someone else's. Regardless, any feedback provided (whether to me or to rainlash, about this game or the engine it runs on) would be greatly welcome and appreciated. Download: https://www.dropbox.com/s/d04lqvmx6514k0p/The Raymond Chronicles.zip Installation instructions: - Download the game. - Unzip the folder somewhere. - Run the exe file and enjoy. Yep, it's that simple. The game is perfectly capable of running on its own, independent of the Lion Throne or any other Lex Talionis game. With that being said, the version of the engine this game uses is and trying to run it with any other version (older or newer) is not recommended due to possible compatibility issues.
  3. Just finished it, and it was good. Everyone else has already mentioned my thoughts on it: Story's good, characters are good, pacing's good, gameplay's good. It took 8 years to finish, and it was worth it. Don't be dissuaded by people who can't quite figure out the first map for some reason, this fangame is well worth playing. Character thoughts:
  4. You remind me why I like cats :3 I built upon what you did and aligned everything properly: Now she should be perfectly GBAFE-compatible. If there should be any reason to put her in a GBA FE game anyway. Maybe one of these days, she'll be in one of those big meme hacks; but I'll have to establish myself first, and more importantly make her an actual unit and not just a mug. I think I'll finally get started on her combat animations.
  5. BBHood217

    My OC, J.G.

    I don't believe I've ever posted this here before. It's a portrait of an original character of mine that I made years ago: It's a frankenstein hybrid of Fir, Nino, and a civilian kid. Her name is J.G., and yes she's a mage. And.. that's all I got, even after all these years. In my spare time, I've been trying to figure out how to make an FE game out of her and I still haven't succeeded. Oh well, I'm sure I'll think of something one of these days. Here's the portrait animated: And here's her combat animation: I used Lisandra_Brave's female ponytail mage as a base. The single sprite is in 16 colors, for GBA insertion purposes. Here's her map sprite: Just an edited pupil, but it works well enough for me. I'm quite happy with what I've done so far, but of course there's still more to be done. I gotta make her map sprites and promoted class, and then I gotta figure out what to do with her.
  6. I mean he's not wrong. I tried to use her, and she turned out like this:
  7. Neat. After finishing up, then updating, adding the sounds, and doing one last full test, I was thinking of releasing the game. But maybe it'll be a better idea if I send it to you first. I'll let you know when it's all done.
  8. I'm rather excited, I'm only one chapter and an epilogue away from finishing my game. That said, I found a few more things: - Slightly weird things happen if a unit using the Escape command is not removed from the map. - If during preps you pick characters different from the chapter start's initial group, hovering over their spots while changing formation will still show the old characters (even if the spot is empty). This seems only cosmetic as the R info displays the correct character, and swapping units around corrects the displayed characters. - This is a little more severe. I'm having problems with a player warlock's Hex aura during preparations: He wasn't in the starting group when the chapter started and I had to pick him in. The error happened when I hovered over him, when I tried to save from the prep screen, and even when starting the chapter. I'm not sure why this is happening, I've played through a couple of previous chapters with him with no problems (granted, there were no prep screens there), and it never happened to me with Kayla in The Lion Throne. I circumvented it for now by not deploying him, which slightly bites as he was my overall MVP. And lastly, I have another suggestion. A new type of weather: Fire. For those maps that take place in lava caves, and cutscenes where arsonists or dragons burn down the place. Edit: I tried to make a status that immobilized a unit (MOV -99) so that they won't have any movement range displayed. It's supposed to go on HardGuarding enemy units, but apparently having -99 MOV also somehow makes those enemies not attack even if anyone's in their attack range. I guess that's how Stun works. It's not too big a deal, but I still want HardGuarding enemies to have 0 displayed MOV and that can only be done on enemy bosses but not specific generics.
  9. You know Jahn? Don't have him just be another generic enemy manakete. Instead, have him transform into a fire dragon like the giant one in FE7. Actually live up to his reputation of being the last true dragon.
  10. To me it feels like FE6 is a prototype to 7 and 8, and that's always turned me off on playing it. Menu interfaces are more primitive, weapon hit rates are lower, swordmasters and berserkers have too much crit, horseslayers don't affect nomads and troubadours, Forblaze's spell animation looks weird, nobody blinks and only have one kind of closed mouth, and the music somehow sounds cheaper (such that I consider Going My Way to be the original song and Cath's theme to be nothing more than its beta version). A balance patch can fix some of those things, but the rest still remain and they still turn me off enough. Maybe the only way I'll ever play 6 is if it's remade.
  11. There's an alternative that's actually available anyway. You could give that a try while waiting for this to finish.
  12. Does that even need clarification? There's really like only one single version of FE6 unmodified.
  13. And something tells me the upcoming changes are gonna be VERY radical...
  14. That's just the old "check rout" condition... but applied to the player. Thanks, why didn't I think of that? :P I have another question now, though. Is there a way to play sound effects in cutscenes? They'd help in implying actions (like doors opening, or people collapsing or getting stabbed), but I can't seem to find any functionality for this. Edit: This time, I have a little thing to report. If used in the very first chapter, the victory screen would show 0 turns and "none" as the MVP. It works fine in the next chapter, though apparently even a unit that wasn't deployed on the map can still be MVP by merit of their performance throughout the entire game instead of only in the current chapter. Maybe I won't use victory screens for now. The GBA titles didn't have victory screens, and I want to emulate the FEGBA style more closely anyway.
  15. I'm trying to use a general lose condition of "You lose if all your units are dead" (I'm not doing lords) using "get_total_party_members() <= 0". It works just fine; until I shift focus to a different group of characters, then it stops working because I think it's still counting the previous group that isn't deployed. Is there a way to check only for player units that were deployed on the map without counting any undeployed units? Like maybe "check_rout()" but for the player team?
  16. Pretty much, yeah. Wexp is a real grind here, especially with staffs. If you want anyone other than Yoder to use the Saint's Staff, they'll have to blow through a lot of heal staffs first. There is one good news, though. I believe that unlike in FE7 and FE8, you can actually have a unit get multiple S rank weapon mastery. So you can have a paladin eventually wield Durandal, Maltet, and Armads all at once if you're bored enough.
  17. It's actually on the site, but it's under Calculations. Basically unlike FE7 and FE8, everything in FE6 gives only 1 measly wexp (or 2 if it defeated an enemy). Wexp rank progression is likewise static as it's always a flat 50 wexp to advance to the next rank.
  18. The game kept complaining every time I tried to use a move trigger. That's with following the tutorial to the letter. I just gave up and moved stuff manually with "move_unit".
  19. I was misremembering. Rex Aegis wasn't a final boss-only skill, it was a general gate/throne bonus that I misattributed to Ulver. My bad. Edit: Thanks to the Ultimate Graphics Repo that was posted today, I finally have a name to properly credit. The female mercenary map sprite is by Agro.
  20. I forgot a question: Is it possible to change the promotion music, or is it hardcoded to "To A Higher Place.ogg"? Edit: Couple more things I wanna add. With the new HUD, status effects (Poisoned, Slowed, Provoked, etc.) don't display their names. Also and I guess this is kinda spoilers for the final boss, how is Ulver getting Rex Aegis? I've looked at the data files and nothing seems to grant him that skill yet he had it anyway when I fought him. Then again, this might've been changed since it was v0.8.0 when I last fought him.
  21. I found something while testing promotions. Normally when selecting a feat, you can't put the cursor on feats you already have. However when the feats menu comes up, the cursor always starts on Strength+2 even if you already have it. If you don't move and select it, you get Strength+2 again... which is a waste because duplicate feats are not a thing and now you've wasted a feat and still only have one Strength+2. Also, promoting still uses combat animations even if they're completely off. It's fine if the classes don't exist in the Animations folder (like Pegaknight -> Falcoknight), but the game crashes over existing classes not having the proper character names. I really don't wanna do combat animations for now (I haven't touched any of the Lion Throne defaults for combat anims), so I just removed the entire Animations folder. I'll finish the game first, then worry about the combat anims afterwards.
  22. Most games use F12 for screenshots and they do indeed go in a Screenshots folder or something similar. And here are the map sprites: MapSprites.zip As I've mentioned, they all have all four team colors (blue, red, green, and pink). And definitely yes, you can add them to the repository. It should be mostly fine... I think, I hope. Here are some more details about some of the classes: - Barbarian: It's really just a berserker in all but name and graphics, I just wanted a way for brigands to promote like raiders can and also have an excuse to use the FE7 Hawkserker map sprite (and hopefully in the future, combat animation too). - Channeler: I thought this was the summoner, but it's apparently a magic seal? I gave it all four colors anyway even if neither you nor me are gonna use this class for now. - CitizenKid: Basically the same as the citizen but using the little boy and girl map sprites. Also an advice to others: Do not rename or remove the Citizen class (changing its displayed name is fine) or the game/editor will crash. - Cleric: Sorry, but I changed Prim's map sprite to the generic female cleric. I recommend making a backup of it first if you want to keep it. - Dracomaster: I renamed it because I feel the word "lord" should only be reserved for Lord units, but it's just the Dracolord otherwise. You can rename it back if you want. Here's an interesting trivia: FE8 actually has a unique map sprite for female dracomasters, but I decided not to use it. - Duke: I made a new generic portrait for it (a blank class card with gold borders), but it's the same otherwise. You can now have a pink Zephiel, though. - Halberdier: I noticed an unused map sprite. It's barely different from the normal one, so I hope you don't mind that I completely replaced it. - Lord: It's completely untouched as neither of us are gonna use it. So I guess that should be "all but one class has all four team colors". - Mageknight: Both this and the strategist use the same map sprites, but I kept both of them anyway even if I'm not planning on using the strategist. - Mercenary: I added a female map sprite so it wouldn't be jarring to promote from a male merc to a female vanguard. I'm not sure whose sprite it is though, the person who posted it said it wasn't theirs. It'll be helpful if someone recognized the creator of this sprite so they can be given proper credit. - Pegasquire: Now this I can credit. This map sprite of a sword-only peg is by Sephie. I edited the helmetless look to the pegaknight and falcoknight as well, but I'll gladly credit those to Sephie too. - Pirate: It's just a renamed raider, again you can rename it back if you want. The sprite while moving was rather jittery, but I managed to fix it; that goes for all the other classes. - Ranger: This is actually the nomad trooper's map sprite, but I used this instead of the actual FE8 ranger because I prefer the nomad trooper's sword combat anim over the ranger's. So there it is. I hope these map sprites are useful.
  23. It took me around a month of on-off work, but I've finally implemented a bunch of new classes; as well as adding additional female variants where applicable and all four team colors to all the classes. I imagine that combat animations will be majorly time consuming, so I'm gonna completely ignore them for now. My game when it's first done will probably have to be played with combat anims off at all times, but that's fine. With all the classes and units set up, I can finally move on to making a story and levels around them. Now, I have a few more questions: - Is there a screenshot button? I had to screen capture and paste into GIMP to get the above image. - I wanna change the chapter title image (the sun thing in The Lion Throne) back to what it was in FE7. Replacing it is probably simple, but I have no clue where or how to find the FE7 image. Does anyone have a rip of it or its hex address location and palette so I can find it myself with FEBuilderGBA? - Can I release my new Lion Throne map sprites? They could be a valuable resource.
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