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Everything posted by BBHood217

  1. How'd I miss that? Guess that should teach me to read all of a thread no matter how big it is. Whose is it, though? The person who posted it said it wasn't theirs. I can use them for now, but I'd like to give proper credit so it'd be great if anyone recognized the creator of those sprites.
  2. Nah it's fine, my game is far from finalized. Guess I'll just roll with the FE8 style then.
  3. I kinda prefer the FE7-style menu screens that the main Lion Throne game uses, so I was a bit surprised when I made a new Debug level and while testing it the menu screens were FE8-styled instead. How'd that happen? And how do I get the FE7 style back? I also found a couple of things while working on my little project: - The swordmaster is tagged as an "armor" for some reason. There's no gameplay effect since the base Lion Throne game doesn't utilize armorslayer weapons, but it does make the swordmaster's footsteps sound like a knight's/general's. - The description for getting Slowed says "Inflicts MOV -6", but it's actually only MOV -3.
  4. I've searched high and low, but I can't seem to find any. And the few I do find are old and dead links. Somehow, I don't even have a romhack with a female merc in it. So does anyone have map sprites for a female mercenary or know where to find it? I only need the map sprites, I'll worry about the battle animation later.
  5. Thanks so much. Actually, I kinda like the helmetless look. I might apply that to the vanilla lance version too. I guess at this point, I better start keeping track of all the names I should credit.
  6. I greatly apologize for the necrobump, but this thread's question matches my own in a way. So we have combat animations for pegasus knights wielding swords (thank you MK404). However, I seem unable to find map sprites of the same; I've looked everywhere for a sword peg knight map sprite set, and I just can't find it. I suppose it would be trivial to just edit the lance into a sword myself, but I wanna know first if anyone had already beaten me to it and whether they're willing to share it. As for why I need it, I'm working on a... thing and part of that thing are two kinds of peg knights that both lead to the same falcoknight: The standard lance one and a sword-only one. I just need map sprites to complete the sword peg.
  7. I'm gonna chime in while I still can. TLP is an FE7 hack, so like in FE7 you can't do supports until after Chapter 10. As for paired endings, I don't remember seeing any when I did my playthrough of it long ago even though I got a few pairings that should've triggered them. Something something hacking and coding, but it doesn't matter anymore as this hack is long done and no longer supported. I guess if you really wanna see the unused(?) paired ending texts, you might as well just browse through the hack with an editor. Edit: I just learned something new. I recall not seeing Yue's ending, but as it turns out it's because he has no ending in the first place. There's no text in the hack anywhere written as an ending for Yue, so he has no ending because it simply doesn't exist. I guess there was just no room to write an ending for the poor guy.
  8. Advance Wars 2 was my gateway to FE. Many years ago, I discovered the GBA and played its games; and I remember liking AW2 a lot. From there, I found a somewhat similar strategy game only in a fantasy setting and more RPG than army management. That was of course Fire Emblem (7), and I loved it just as much as AW2; I wouldn't make the same company connection until some time later. Despite liking AW2 a lot, I never did play any other Advance Wars game that came before or after it. And as that franchise came to a halt after Days Of Ruin, I forgot all about it and shifted my focus on FE. And now here I am with FE7 and FE8 100% completed, Shadow Dragon and New Mystery completed at least once (all the way, no bad endings), and all the others I've never played but at least am familiar with.
  9. Huh. If Amelia's replacement didn't show up here, then she must be on Ephraim's route instead. ...with Gheb. :(
  10. They probably just picked his name out of all the playable characters with no regard to context. It's really just a dumb commercial, there's no deeper meaning to it. Still, it gave us Dorcas Emblem so it can't all be that bad.
  11. I think the LevelEditor folder is supposed to go in the Lion Throne folder, as in you need the game itself too. Say, I noticed higher version numbers. How do I update the game and/or editor?
  12. So if I don't add a unit in one chapter, I can still add and load them just fine in the next one? And as for the cooldown, I should get more specific then since it's apparently a bug? Anyway, it happened when Joel fell in battle in Chapter 2. He didn't deploy in Chapter 3 despite being in the base menu and all the dialogue scenes, but returned just fine in Chapter 4.
  13. I'm trying to figure out something. Say I wanted to play through a few chapters with this one group of characters, and then play through a few more chapters with another group of different characters. And then in one chapter, I wanna either go back to the first group or bring both groups together. It all comes down to that "load from last save" checkbox, so I guess my question is: How long are the stats of a playable character retained? Can a character go unused for several chapters and still be loaded with all their previous stats afterwards? Or does it only extend to the previous chapter played and everything is forgotten if they go unused for even one chapter? I also have a question about Casual mode. I lost a character in one chapter and feared it was a bug when they didn't return in the next one despite still being in the base menu prior, but all was well when they came back just fine in the following chapter afterwards. So I was wondering if that "death cooldown" was intentional, and whether there was a way to disable or maybe even extend it. And speaking of disabling, I'm also wondering if it was possible to force difficulty modes (like Hard Classic only or Grandmaster Casual only).
  14. Asking that just pushes back the release date further and further.
  15. I got this when a dracolord threw a javelin at warlock Kayla: I'll have to turn combat animations off around dracolords for now. Also, Sam's tactician sprite in combat has no transparency. Edit: Got another one when Joel tried to attack with a master axe:
  16. Thanks. I thought the editor came bundled with the game, but apparently not. Did I just miss that download link before...?
  17. I'm probably missing something, but where's the level editor? I got the game, I'm enjoying the game, and I'm seeing potential for what I might be able to make with the engine. But I can't seem to find the level editor.
  18. This seems to be a very heavy undertaking, so I hope you guys can handle it.
  19. I'm still undecided on staffs. On one hand, you'd be more free to use high level staffs instead of just hoarding them; on the other hand, being able to use said high level staffs on every chapter might be unbalanced. And reducing their usage numbers might not be a solution either because enemies use them too; a druid with a berserk staff would be a lot less annoying if he could only use it once instead of three times. And what about the hammerne staff? What's its purpose now that weapons no longer break?
  20. I've been thinking about how weapon durability was done in all the FE games, and have been brainstorming about how I'd implement durability in a game that I'd make for FEXNA or whatever other FE maker assuming any of them are released within my lifetime. So hear me out here. Take the durability stuff of the GBA games, and then cut them all down to around 2/3 of their original values. They still decrement per use as normal, but running out is where my big change is. When a weapon's durability runs out, it doesn't break; instead, it only becomes unusable but you don't lose it. Don't worry about throwing them away though, because they're not dead weight forever; the durability of all items is reset back to full after a chapter is finished, ready to be used again for the next chapter. So there's my concept. It no doubt needs more adjusting, like with store prices where maybe they should be doubled since items are now more permanent. And of course, consumable and promotion items still run out into nonexistence as normal. Anyway, I'd like to hear your opinion on this; I'm open to responses both "good idea :)" and "bad idea >:(".
  21. It's intentional, heal and mend staffs give more exp than usual. I think other staffs also have adjusted exp gains, but I don't use them regularly enough to know for sure.
  22. Well, I'd rather learn the tools of the thing that could potentially lead to a lot more opportunities and possibilities in regards to FE fan content. I really would rather not learn the romhacking tools and attempt to hack a rom only for FEXNA to finally come out and put all my romhacking time and efforts to waste.
  23. But I imagine it'll be all worth it since you could probably do all kinds of things with it that you can't do with just romhacking.
  24. Just finished it. Aside from a few CGs having little palette problems, the whole hack worked perfectly. And wow, Lyn using axes on top of swords and bows plus her better CON made her a monster; I even made axes her S rank in anticipation of the Sol Dorcas, though annoyingly that ended up still being a sword and not an axe like the Mani Dorcas. Now I can't help but imagine other hacks getting this treatment, like Raymond Emblem for FE404 or Kelik Emblem for The Last Promise.
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