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Everything posted by BBHood217

  1. This is seriously the best way to replay FE7. I have to get through the tutorial again since I'm too lazy to use my 100% save file, but I only intend to play Dorcas Normal and Dorcas Normal anyway before moving on to other hacks. I really don't mind relearning things like the Dorcas Triangle that shows how Dorcas beats Dorcas, Dorcas beats Dorcas, and Dorcas beats Dorcas.
  2. So, I have to ask. What does this all mean for FEXNA? Will the long wait finally end soon?
  3. That's weird, I got to 7x just fine without needing to do any fixing. Version differences might be afoot here.
  4. I've been imagining for years now; but the longer I'm unable to actually act on it, the more likely I'll forget about what I wanted to do and eventually lose interest.
  5. Door keys and lockpicks won't work; instead, you have to step on floor switches to open them. They're a slightly different color from the regular floor tiles; but seeing as this seems to happen a lot, perhaps arrow indicators should've been used on them too.
  6. This hack looks so good that I kinda wish someone would fan translate it. Although I remember how FEGirls' translation broke it a little, so maybe one could instead recreate the entire hack from scratch on an English FE7 rom. I dunno if anyone's willing to go through all that effort, though.
  7. This is kind of an important question for me. ...do the FE6 guys blink in that hack?
  8. Ooh, let's compare final stats! I posted this in the Requiem topic months ago: Don't mind Andrei, he and Isaac got bit by a bug that maxed out their res when I got them back in Ash's story.
  9. This is perfect. And apparently old, having been written in 2015. But anyway, that's how I plan to start on my first FE game whenever FEXNA comes out. I've been thinking about a larger one that's 20ish chapters, but first I wanna make one that's only around 5 chapters.
  10. The "incomplete hack" monster has claimed yet another victim, this time Midnight Sun. I think it's time that we addressed this. Something's clearly very wrong when after a decade of hacking, only a few hacks out of so many have ever reached a professionally complete state. Why is this? Are our ambitions just too big? I can't help but think that so much more could be done if the scopes were limited to only 10-15 chapters maybe rather than the grandiose epics that are always attempted but almost never finished. It just feels like so much time and effort of not just the creators but the audience too is wasted whenever another hack is inevitably left in the dust with its story never to be concluded. I just don't enjoy seeing this happen. I look forward to some promising hacks, and then months later whoops they're now dead so I was waiting for nothing after all. It's so depressing...
  11. It's not the FE6 that they're used to, so it's understandable. Don't let the criticism jeopardize the work, be sure to take heed of the actually helpful advices buried within, and just keep working on the game so both it and the reception to it will improve.
  12. I decided to vote for someone different today.
  13. I, of course, voted for my most favorite character in FE7.
  14. Legato far outmatches Josie, but I was still able to have her poke him once without dying horribly to get the backstory. The post-battle Linda and Danielle scene also still happens even if they don't fight (Skye got to her first being on a horse and all), Linda just needs to be deployed. If Rydell can also interact with Edward and not just Thelma, it might be the same with them too.
  15. I agree. You could pull a Sacred Stones and do a selectable route split where Roy goes one way with a majority of the army (that's what you play) and a few others go the other way to do that route offscreen and hand over the legendary weapon when they meet up with Roy again.
  16. Heh, I also scored me two iron runes all because it looked like he wouldn't drop the one he had on him.
  17. Monks don't exist in that hack, I think their animation was used for something else that would crash the class roll (which is why the class roll was disabled). So if you wanna use that A-rank tome, you'll need to have either Katarina or Rayden use nothing but Shine.
  18. I might've overestimated FE404's reputation. Don't mind me then, I was just rambling. Anyway, I remember reading that the scripted Luna attack was originally supposed to be Nosferatu but it broke stuff so Luna was used instead.
  19. Raymond's also not a lord, but the only reason he needs a heaven seal instead of a hero crest is because he's on Hector's slot and not due to any actual story reasons. Basically, hacking limitations I would guess. Three usable heaven seals would've been nice but the vanilla game only came with two. I also wish one of the dark tomes used Apocalypse's spell animation instead of just reusing Sink/Gespenst, but this hack isn't that ambitious so this is all we get. Maybe that's why it was actually completed. It didn't seem that bad to me. But when you've played Sacred Dawn and Last Promise, nothing else seems so long and wordy by comparison.
  20. What does it matter anyway? It'll be a millennium before FEXNA and any games made with it are ever gonna be released.
  21. I'll just spoil it: Ash gets the forced promotion. The rest can promote whenever.
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