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Everything posted by BBHood217

  1. Played it, loved it. It could easily pass as an official GBA FE game. And it's 100% complete too. Even today, the only other 100% complete hack is still The Last Promise. I'm starting to think that your name should contain the word "Blaze" if you actually want your hack to be fully completed. Now, I read the part of this thread about how Clare should use light magic instead of anima, like how valkyries used light in FE8. Then I looked at the FE8 units in this hack and I figured something: Might as well add another FE8 unit while we're at it. In this case, make Alicia promote into a Mage Knight (but still use Anima/Dark instead of Anima/Staff). After all, lots of lords get horses on promotion.
  2. Right here in the thread itself: Okay, I was slightly wrong. It was 0B 741W 2L. Also, Kelik always has 1L even if he doesn't die at any point in the game. Damn Fenix's cutscene powers. And don't worry, 7x works fine. All six houses in 7 are visitable.
  3. So hey, um... I just finished TLP myself. Nah, not doing the Constellation. Regarding the endings, both Liquid and Lyam still had 0B 742W 1L and there were no paired endings whatsoever even though I had lots of A supports. A different LP stated that this hack does have some paired endings, so I guess something broke. Support library doesn't work right either so I can't reread supports. Also, endings don't mention Yue, Liuke, and Siegfried. Oops or intentional?
  4. Actually, it's the "Sealed Sword". Why don't we call it that, then?
  5. Binding Blade, because I think that actually fits into the game's text limit unlike "Sword of Seals".
  6. While that's true, that's normally reserved for villains and/or unsympathetic secondary characters. But yeah, I'll admit. TLP is a very different FE. You're not controlling typical FE heroes, and for once dragons do not factor into the plot at all (25x is just filler). Blazer made an amazing hack, with all the good and the bad that it has. ...although is the Constellation really unfinished? That's kind of a shame.
  7. Seeing as how the main TLP thread is still closed, I guess I'll say it here. Oh, how it sucks. You go through all that trouble just to get a stronger Silvans, and then you can't even use it in the final chapter. All that effort, wasted. Actually, it even sucks storywise. The aforementioned getting a stronger Silvans is Shon's quest to be a better man, a better son. That could've all climaxed in the final chapter... and then he wusses out. To me, he's now and forever a wuss. It would've been nice if Shon could fight Siegfried if they have an A support with each other. That'd totally fit in with the rest of the game's obscure secrets. Something to think about for the next version (if there will be one), maybe? Hey, you know who else fought his dad? Luke Skywalker. He had no problems with it, though admittedly Anakin (Skywalker, not YOU CAN DO IT) was on the dark side while Siegfried opposed you only because of ether stuff and not out of malice. The trope of sons fighting dads exists for a reason. And tropes are tools, not cliches. That's all I have to say. ....... Okay, I still have one question to ask. How do I get to 7x?
  8. I can barely make out a small white thing at the rightmost edge of the screen. Is it the TM/® symbol?
  9. Dammit, I hate the .NET framework. There were so many problems trying to install it the last time I tried, so I got rid of all of it and just never bothered. Edit: Fine, I caved in and got 3.5 after some trouble but that's as far as I go. I guess if I'm gonna play hacks, I'll really be needing NUPS.
  10. I can't run NUPS for some reason, some application error or something keeps stopping me.
  11. Full version with all the chapters done when? Even just an estimation. el gasp! ze gasp! il gasp! ang gasp! the gasp! See how (not) funny you sound?
  12. When it comes to running to a healing tile, the AI's odd about it. Sometimes it just keeps running without attacking, and sometimes it suddenly turns around and attacks someone.
  13. Oh. Well then, why don't we use what the game uses? On that note if you haven't already done so, it'd be nice if the divine weapons' descriptions were like those of the sacred weapons in FE8. I mean something like, for example, Maltet: "The lance of ice and snow. Skl + 5"
  14. Sword of Flame is too simple, and Sword of Sacred Fire is a mouthful. Let's just stick with Blazing... dammit, Blade or Sword?
  15. I prefer the original line (the Awakening one). It emphasized that only he's right and everyone else is wrong.
  16. Can't you skip to when you actually get Florina? Please don't do that. Le language of el foreigners is not de amusing to gli abuse, because it makes ang ones who talk like that sound der stupid.
  17. Other than not having him Bolting your ass, taking out Aion before Kishuna leaves will have Kishuna stick around indefinitely (until you attack him of course).
  18. I'm not quite sure who my most favorite GBA lord is, but I do know my least favorite. Hector = Ephraim > Eliwood = Lyn = Eirika >
  19. Gasp! Correct menu commands! It's a miracle! I approve of this hack.
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