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Everything posted by BBHood217

  1. Did I see that right? You got a chest key from a chest? In fact, so useful that it disappeared entirely in the next two games.
  2. Wendy should've been a recruit. Alas, this isn't FE8.
  3. Well according to NPC dialogue, it's a "knight killer".
  4. I thought "longbow" was one word. Don't you mean "knight killer"? ........... Alright, that's the last straw. I will retranslate FE6's basics myself if it's the last thing I do!
  5. Please tell me the steal message was "Stole a lockpick".
  6. Don't you mean "receive"? Don't you mean "conquer"? Or maybe even "capture"?
  7. Because I think that translation predated FE7's English release so there was no "Seize" to refer to. We could go back and change them into what FE7 and FE8 use, but apparently it's an extremely insurmountable task.
  8. 5000 what? Once again, the translation's disregard for the basics rears its ugly head. But I digress. This run looks promising. Or not, if that HP+1 is any indication :P
  9. In fact, that's the only way to get Merlinus' A supports with Nino and Vaida. Getting a C in CoD is easy enough, but the problem is afterwards because Merlinus can't be deployed in the next map (the Durandal/Armads map) and the two maps (Sands of Time and Battle Preparations) after that have time limits. You have to oversupport in CoD so that you can get the B in Sands/Battle Prep, and then finally finish with an A in VoD/VoL (it must be finished there because no Merlinus in Light).
  10. "Eirukaribaa", huh? I say that settles that, it's definitely Aircalibur. If it were Alacalibur, wouldn't the katakana had been "Arakaribaa" or something? ...or are we all seriously gonna start calling the dragon people Mamucoots now?
  11. Hmm, someone's gonna have to go back and rewrite that part of the site.
  12. It's not called Alacalibur or Aircalibur. It's called Dummy.
  13. Win: Eirika did a total of four attacks in the Prologue. All of them were criticals. Fail: Ross did not gain any Spd until 10/8. Worse, I decided to go Super Journeyman this time for a change of pace. Oh god, the slowness... should've stuck with Pirate/Zerker :x
  14. Don't you play JRPGs? You slaughter thousands of evil minions (possibly human ones), and then you spare the big bad villain because "if you kill him, you'll be just like him". Happy end.
  15. I do know that, actually. Because I bring him along there for support purposes, which I can finally stop doing because his supports are finally all done.
  16. FE7 translates his name as Zephiel! FE7 also translates that manakete's name as Fae, but that never seems to catch on...
  17. I tried that, and by the final chapter they just had A ranks in both weapon types. Hooray, I guess.
  18. Are you sure? Because in my playthroughs, she lets herself get two-shot without bothering with her healing stuff. Stupid skank.
  19. So, either I make the map harder or I let Tethys eat ballista. Hmm, decisions...
  20. I was about to suggest using the names that appeared in the character art books, but then we'd be arguing over why she's not named "Turner" or why he's not named "Caerathahtakhtaaadha... whatever name they gave Caellach".
  21. Here are a couple from my current playthrough: Epic win: Ephraim and Duracell plugging up the hole in Ch. 19, with Eph ORKOing anything that gets to him. Epic fail: All the enemies kept throwing themselves at Eph, whittling down his HP until a lucky ranger finally finishes him off with a sword (not a bow, a sword!) that actually hit at only 12%.
  22. Or a complete renaming to "The Scouring". A shame she doesn't live up to said description.
  23. If Monica had a battle sprite, I think she'd be a revenant.
  24. I think that's a positive change, because the runesword completely lacks a physical attack so it'll never ever crit.
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