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Everything posted by BBHood217

  1. You can really sum up most FE tropes with this one line: The empire's a jerk and dragons are back.
  2. Just recently finished a Lion Throne playthrough, and it was kinda tough to get Ophie's sword rank to A in time for the final chapter. There are new wexp options to make gaining wexp easier, but I also got another idea. Would it be possible to have a command to give wexp to a character, for things like arms scrolls and such?
  3. That's actually how it is normally, battle music is just a recent addition. The Lion Throne itself has no battle music.
  4. I wasn't sure if just editing a post would bump or give notifications, so I apologize for double posting. Anyway, I have a few questions: - I can't seem to find any mention of them, so how do I set up battle music and boss crit kills? - How do I check the remaining number of enemies, for things like keeping count in defeat enemy missions and playing near victory music? - How do I check which character is visiting a house/village, for things like having the resident react differently to different characters? Also, a house could be visited over and over if it wasn't closed after the first time. It's fine in the GBA games since visiting there ended the character's turn, but it's not the case here so they could choose to visit again and again. I haven't tested this in the current version, so I don't yet know if this behavior has changed. Finally, I've found another bug. A character can learn a feat after reaching a certain level (which is set to 8 unpromoted and 3 promoted in Lion Throne). If they use a stat booster while still at that level, they can learn another feat. I've done this only during base preps, so I don't know if it'll also happen in pre-chapter preps and during the actual chapter.
  5. I've started playing through the new version, and it's apparent that there's a lot for me to do. I've found one bug so far: During level ups, the ding sound doesn't play when stats increment. I'm not sure what's wrong since the sound file is still there.
  6. Nobody seemed motivated enough to take it back though, so it's arguable that it would've become yet another in a sea of dead hacks if Blazer hadn't acted.
  7. When I drew up a world map for The Last Promise, I didn't know much about its prior history as Tactics Universe until someone pointed out that Solum looked very similar to Elibe. As it turns out, Tactics Universe was initially an FE7 prequel until it was decided at some point to be mostly its own thing and a whole bunch of names (not just the hack's title) got changed to what they are now; for example, it's no longer Etruria but Magnus that's now being a jerk. Anyway it's already been mentioned, but TLP was a milestone in the FE hacking community that helped pave the way for future FE hacks. And I'll even argue that it's still very playable even today. We all already know its... story, but it's still entertaining and bridged together by some pretty fun chapters and characters; it's kinda like Fates Conquest. I've mentioned a few times before that I unironically want to see a character spotlight on Kelik, but I've recently changed my mind about that. Now instead, I want to see one for Shon; I think there's potential for discussion regarding his personality, his long journey, and the final destination of said journey as well as what he ultimately did there. But mostly, I just want to hear more of that ridiculous voice given to him.
  8. Just appearances, I think. A male and female cleric have the same base stats and growths, separating them will require making a new class.
  9. Map sprites, on the other hand, are a different matter. Right now, there are only two possible variants for map sprites: male and female. If you want a cleric that uses Serra's map sprite instead of the generic FE6/FE8 one (or Prim's in Lion Throne's case), you'll have to make a new class for it; in this case, you could duplicate the existing Cleric class info and rename its internal name as well as the map sprites relating to it to something like "ClericSerra".
  10. The easy answer is that those events technically didn't exist yet.
  11. Manually, huh? I wonder if I should give that a try. I currently only need three spells; two of them (Bolting and ranged Binding Blade) might be relatively easy, but I have no idea right now how to do Apocalypse. When I converted the mage and sage, in their scripts were references to nonexistent effects like MageCrit and Cape Animation. It's a good idea to test the animations after converting them because not all classes are perfectly converted. I did my best to fix them, so the animations I've made available to download should work fine for the most part.
  12. No, I don't mean the magic classes. And on a side note, I actually fixed the converted mage and sage animations so they work now. But I actually meant the actual spells. As in Elfire, Purge, Luna, Ivaldi, Apocalypse.
  13. It took me a long while, but I finally made combat animations for this engine. It's mainly for my own works, but anyone can make use of these as well. Download link: Combat Animations Installation is simple: Put the Animations folder into the Data folder (move the old Animations folder elsewhere first for backup purposes). Credits to all the people who made the custom animations: rainlash, AstraLunaSol, Dei, Fe7x Team, Keeks, Klokinator, MageKnight404, Temp, The Blind Archer, Solum, Iscaneus, Nuramon, GabrielKnight Some notes: - These can be used in The Raymond Chronicles right now, although you'll only see generic colors and sprites for all but one character and a few certain things will still be missing combat animations. - The Raider and Dracolord from The Lion Throne are renamed here to Pirate and Dracomaster. - The Skirmisher, Dragoon, Duke, and Lord aren't as complete as the rest because I wasn't gonna use them. Also, I have no idea where to find a javelin animation for the Skirmisher. - The Princess is from FE404, but apparently FEGirls also used it (it's a female pupil in that hack) which is why it's in the graphics repo. - The Ranger uses nomad trooper animations because I prefer its sword animation over the one used by the FE8 ranger. - The Strategist used mage knight animations in The Lion Throne. I changed it to a male valkyrie and moved the old animations to the actual Mageknight. And finally, I have a question: Does the fe_repo_to_lex converter also work on spell animations?
  14. It's complete in the sense that there's an ending and end credits. There's just things to polish up like leftover FE7 text and events, and adding supports. If that still counts as incomplete to you, then technically TLP is also incomplete because the Constellation is missing that final star.
  15. I found a couple of things: - If a character's displayed name is different from their internal name (e.g., "Mekkah" but his displayed name is "Pitfall Man"), they appear as a generic unit during chapter play. - interact_unit doesn't seem to actually ignore crit rates (and possibly also hit rate?). If the crit is 0 (or not even used), then Crit won't work and it'll just become a normal Hit. Likewise, a crit of 100 turns a Hit into a Crit.
  16. Sorry for the late reply. I've been figuring out how to get the sounds myself, and I think I can do it now. If you want, I can get you the missing sounds and possibly even more (like monster sounds and spell sounds). And while it's tempting, I don't think I really need any 0.9.0 features just yet so I'll hold off on it for now.
  17. Is it possible to use a particular combat animation when wielding a certain weapon? Like Knight Lord Eliwood when wielding Durandal. Also, you know the feature in recent hacks where a finishing blow on a boss has the attack become a critical hit? Would it be possible to implement that here too? Although I've noticed that some sound files used by some units' criticals don't seem to exist right now, but at least those units lack the Critical skill so their crits go unused and no errors occur. Finally, is it possible to implement battle music using the currently available coding and features?
  18. The more that question is asked, the further back the release date is pushed. ...probably.
  19. I was in a mood to play The Last Promise again after having recently watched someone's LP of it, and that gave me an opportunity to maybe do some fleshing out. TLP does not at all use a narrator to tell its story, and additionally the story is very "tell, don't show". I finished playing The Road to Ruin not long ago, and its storytelling was more in line with the GBAFE games in that it has a narrator and a world map detailing the continent of Pandosia. So that gave me the idea to try and create a world map of TLP's continent of Solum based on all the plot details and character dialogue. And after having completed my playthrough of it, this is what I've come up with: This is what I could make sense of based on what the game told me. Everything seems to be in the correct places, and the routes the characters take seem accurate... hopefully. Regardless, I hope I've made the setting look a little more lively. Because sometimes, words alone aren't enough.
  20. Finally got some motivation to do that combat animation I said I'd do. And so far, I got this: I think it came out okay. It's just gonna be the usual mage animation, but editing all the other frames is still gonna be a challenge; leaving in the cape should at least make it a little easier. You might be wondering about her outfit; compared to the usual medieval fantasy stuff, it looks a little... modern. I'm gonna stick with it because that's how I envisioned her, I just need to come up with a good reason why she's wearing such a thing.
  21. I've been looking forward to this. I hope I did a good job with my first ever fangame.
  22. Do this: It amazingly works because Douglas will apparently never attack Larum (and I guess Elffin too).
  23. okay this is epic ...why is that line associated with Thanos? It was never uttered even once in Infinity War.
  24. Like I said, it's practically all done. But there's always room for possible improvement.
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