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Imuabicus der Fertige

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Everything posted by Imuabicus der Fertige

  1. funany% the most ambitious endgame of all times The most efficient way to play Fire Emblem ought to be whichever way a player can maximize their fun, as such any style of play would be perfectly included. I do think this is a non-issue, tbh. It´s talking about a hobby, not a hostage negotiation (I hope?!). I think the FE community is too fragmented to come to a result in this regard anyway and all issues of unit evaluation are to be considered and attempted to be clarified prior to the discussion. Oh yeah, maybe you can get some more people involved by posting this to the FE gamefaqs, if you want? I didn´t see it specifically stated in your survey. Also consider FEgame centric subreddits if you haven´t?
  2. There c-/should be animal units. Dogs as pointers (reduce avoid/mov) and, to some degree, Rallybots (pet the damn dog) but Hawks for Hunters (Vision/Range to gamefiy their existence) if the class exists, are examples I can think off without descending into cruelties FE needn´t protray. But then we also have mythical animals - a Wyvern Rider getting off his Wyvern gives you one scary lizard and one footsoldier. Heck, i can´t remember if the existence of animals as is - livestock, wildlife - is acknowledged in FE. Not even for purpose of communication.
  3. @Bartozio thanks for catching that, the issue of Hortensia being a defensive but unlucky gigachad has been remedied
  4. Bro doesn´t know the difference between going meta and talking about meta ☠️ I also started this specific part of the discussion in my 4th reply, after having to deal with your shoddy rogue like metaphors. Surprise, surprise, the core of the comment back then remains unanswered by you and gnip, whilst you continually insist answering it would be easy. I will repeat it again, like a hamster enjoying it´s wheel, but only what is officiated through the author is story, everything else is headcanon. The weakness of your argument lies in your reaching to the entirety of stories ever told, instead of focusing at the example at hand, as PoR is not all stories ever told but a self contained one. Continue ignoring the entire rest of the game to try and make a point, why don´t you. Why do you think I asked you who killed Freddy 2 of Babenberg and Otto 2 of Bohemia? Exhibit 1# of not understanding quality and execution. (2023.09.07, w.L.) Are you intentionally misrepresenting my point, or did this whole thing make you cry? It has always been my contention that this is all perfectly clear if gameplay is capable of telling a story, and only isn't clear if gameplay isn't story. Well done pointing out how ridiculously many holes there would be in Path of Radiance's story, if gameplay were incapable of telling even a part of the story, like you pretend to contend. You seem to understand my point, but have so far proven incapable of dispelling it, because gameplay is story. Go back to "what the author acknowledges is story" do not receive 200. I moved this discussion away from your guesswork about things you have no experience with, and towards actual examples I have experienced, and how they served as counter points to your wild speculation, and guesswork. Whether or not I like it, is as irrelevant as your own blatant dislike of it. This is the fundamental part of your counter argument that falls apart. The old maxim is that you loss your good growth units, and get inferior prepromted replacements, but that idea was codified back when people generally thought growths were universally better than bases, and as general opinion has shifted away from that sentiment, thanks to people actually playing the games, and experiencing the things they were talking about, so too do I think the idea that replacements are generally inferior needs reassessing. Sure it is possible for the replacement unit to be inferior, but there are also plenty of examples where the replacement is superior, for example replacing an Amelia that you were training into an armor knight with Duessel; the initial unit could have missed key benchmarks due to growths not being consistent, making the more consistent bases of the replacement superior; the initial unit simply being inferior due to people overvaluing growths; or sometimes people use units for sentimental reasons, and when they lose that unit they have to field a more practical one, etc. It could even be a case where units fill very different niches that it is hard to directly compare, like replacing Pent with Jaffar, or fill the same niche in different ways, like Effie's higher strength compared to Benny's higher defense as armored knights. This isn't as clear cut as you act, and if replacements aren't largely inferior like you claim, your whole counter point falls apart. True, not like I have made some threads in which I complain specifically about losing certain units (Marcia, Gilbert) which thankfully doesn´t happen often due to my overly cautios playstyle, or have done 2 playthroughs of SD to see the named replacement units and one wherein I peruse the 31 replacements. Granted, if my argument, like yours, relied on calling out another persons playstyle and experience without knowing said person or playstyle and making my own experience the measurement of the world, I would shut the fuck up, but you do you, as you do. Damn you really just recounted my own metaphor with a lot more words, the only thing to see here is how interesting a thread on the requirements of when to consider a unit a replacement is would be, considering your confusion with Amelia/Duessel.
  5. dunno either, you have managed to talk about anything but what was specifically asked of you come back after lvl 22, that might help.
  6. Then the Ice tribe leader guy Klima, but I think I remember that the Ice Village is in at least two games (CQ I know fer sure) and he has a connection through Felicia and Flora. Nope never mind, the BR boss of the map is Flora and Rev doesn´t strictly have a dedicated Ice Village map.
  7. Guidelines: 2.1.) mention the diffculty on which you rate the unit 2.2.) what classes your unit went through, what skills they had and so on; don´t consider obviously suboptimal builds. 2.3.) no DLC rings, no non-unit DLC bonuses 2.4.) no grinding in skirmishes 2.5.) no rng abuse (no resetting for bond rings) 2.6.) cooking is allowed 2.7.) ratings to be given in the format X/10 2.8.) if it isn´t mentioned above, it´s fair game 2.9.) no "Kagetsu exists and obsoletes Lapis, 0/10", explain your rating Unit: Hortensia Class: Wing Tamer (promotes to Sleipnir Rider, with Class Skill: When unit uses a staff, may not consume a use. Trigger %=Dex.) Lvl HP STR MAG DEX SPD LCK DEF RES BLD Bases: 19 27 5 12 21 19 17 6 23 5 T. Bases: 19 9 5 7 12 11 11 5 12 1 Growths: / 40 20 20 35 50 50 25 55 0 Personal Skill: When unit uses a healing staff, grants range +1. Innate Proficiency: Staff SP: 1500 Support Bonuses: C Hit+10, Avoid+5 B Hit+10, Critical+3, Avoid+5 A Hit+10, Critical+3, Avoid+10 S Hit+10, Critical+3, Avoid+20 Tools and mo stats: Average Stats - Fire Emblem: Engage (FE17) (triangleattack.com) Engage Numbers - Google Tabellen Rating: 7.5 Next unit on Monday
  8. I´ll consider this once you don´t have to go meta instead of answering the question at hand. friendly reminder that you are arguing this in the same thread a guy is crying that this isn´t clear enough - after all he could just have escaped through some unknown means, whilst being surrounded by enemies, in a palace that was home and seat of power to said enemies and his flying mount is in the process of dying which is followed by an interaction between it and differing people present I´m sure if the death of your magically enhanced BBEG is uncertain you just stand around in a familiar environment you should have the advantage in and knowledge of and hold a victory speech. What´s a loose end, right, we need to set up a hook for the sequel right? so you do like arguing hypotheticals when it suits you, man, what a surprise It´s obviously a brilliant move because he´s found a way to entertain himself, with nothing but a chessboard and a piece of wood, since there is nothing else. Honestly he should be careful, lest he end up as Dr. B., F in the chat for that guy, thoughts and prayer. But since we are here, and I entertained your shining moment of stupidity I´m sure you won´t mind telling me a bedtime story of the Vulnerary and Iron Sword in Oboros inventory? Pretty please? My result so far is that neither of you two have been able to come up with a story for the most miniscule moment in gameplay, which allegedly still constitutes a story. Naturally if the act of equipping Oboro with an iron sword and a vulnerary is a simplistic component to a story then in how limited an action it is, it shouldn´t be that diffcult to come up with something, anything at all, either a simple reasoning or considering this to be a simple and individual part of something greater, yet this is something you have managed to fail not only twice you are also trying to spin it such, that me not bringing up evidence backing up your claim is my fault and a shortcoming of my arguments? Furthermore of course your incessant need to, instead of giving an - allegedly - simple answer to the question asked, you felt the need to unsuccessfully elevate the discussion to a meta level, which indicates you just plain don´t have anything of note to say. Don´t worry, your concerns have been noted, laughed at quietly and dismissed.
  9. Justice for Kotaro and Iago and that Zola and Hans guy! This is Nohr and (would be) allies/subjects erasure! Amundsen would like to know your location.
  10. send a miracle, on god fr fr so true tho, focus on gameplay, makes for better games rly, there´s a strike with writers or some shit, we really should just take all them wastes of space, line em up and give ´em the good old tinder swipe from normandy (I do not support the killing of any amount of people for any reason) ey, considering you got all meta up in ´ere instead of answering the question I´m puttin that down as no story, mhmkay? That whole story you wrote is so cute, all up to the point you write it in a thread where someone complains that that is specifically not explicit enough and the entirety of it´s meaning is derived from the game building up Ashnard as the BBEG, which is told through cutscenes and supports and not attacking with an iron sword. eh, there´s worse, send in your list to your nearest publisher and maybe you´ll get lucky. Somebody has to break in the market, be the first! You could always record it all and in 200 years it´d be an important source for economic history or w/e the english term is. I got the location wrong, so what? Do you hold victory speeches when the death of your nr 1 enemy in a place you should be plenty familiar with is unclear, or what? The story is nothing but a justification for the gameplay, otherwise people would be complaining about why we do what we do, where we do it and how we do it, as is the case regardless but worse. So you lost a unit and as a result your gameplan changed for the better for you as a player. That may be the case, considering you moved the discussion from how FE engages with permadeath to what you personally like, as many who have nothing relevant to add will do. At the core of what has happened is that upon loss of a unit you are dealing with less than before, for replacements are largely inferior, as such your options have not become different but the strategies you may employ have become less. Instead of using this death, to proactively introduce change in the campaign, it is simply a net loss of would be capabilties down the line, the consequences diluted thorugh mediocre replacements. I suppose this positive change you insist on could be described as being "different" instead of "less" in the same vein a stroke victime may move and speak differently after the fact, as tact- and tasteless as the comparison is. You are right I don´t experience unit loss all that much because I try to play very, very carefully since I do not want to lose a unit I have decided to use since losing one such unit voids the meaning and intent of the run and repeating the same map with the same units is not all that interesting.
  11. Not a fan of knife as a weapon for Sages. Feels like "We must innovate, quick what do we do?" If a mage is too weak to handle a sword, they don´t belong on the map, they belong in a sanatorium or on the receiveing end of a coup de grâce and I frankly see no reason why we shouldn´t have mages ballin in the melee with weapons, unless there is a lore reason akin to poweful magic = crippled body. If Athos steps up, I´m expecting 5x5 fire balls, but the closest FE has gotten to showing powerful magic, outside of "hehe can´t win against gharnef" is the magic gambits of TH (I might be misremembering but the strongest damage wise are still the lord battallions which are all physical in appearance no?) and before that, the fucken warp staff. Everybody knows rocks are a timeless weapon from a less civilized age. If Merric can conjure up storms with Excalibur, then give him a couple pebbles and he´s walking around with a Glock or a shotgun. Anyway, for magic user knifes: infinite uses (spectral knife or some justification) and MAG calculates for hit, crit and procc skills should the exist. Add additional effects as per weapon rank.
  12. eh I think they generally disrupt the flow of the game, unless the game itself is just a slideshow. Like, play a strategy game campaign, load cutscene, play cutscene where the big bad evil explains their evil plan, load game, continue. SC2 had these small cut ins where the character would talk while you could still just focus on the game. I think I managed to mess myself up in C&C ZH and The Settlers 5 HoK where I triggered a cutscene and I watched my doods dying in the background or got back to a destroyed army. Same shit with soulslike, might even be interesting the first time, I don´t care to see boss 2nd or 3rd phase phase transition for the next 50 attempts. And then there´s this weird thing BG3 does, where every character interaction is this weird almost cutscene-in-nature close-up even when just trading, not to mention how awkard the body language and facial expressions are in general - tav always standing around with their arms folded and their brows all kinds of wrinkled - I´m probably misremembering but in D:OS2 you could just go directly to the shop? I think that´s just plain more efficient. Ah well, high level whinging.
  13. I dislike cutscenes, especially when they go against gameplay. Bitch, you were just bleeding on the ground, but now I´m losing? Hell no, skip. Xenoblade 2 is a big example, and in BG3 combat performance vs cutscenes performance simply does not add up.
  14. What a fool you are. You can't just have vantage and wrath when confronting Kaga! Now it doesn't work anymore. Unlucky. Considering his banage, I think he meant the murderous insanity part a core requirement for royalty. then again, insanity is probably grounds for non compos mente or something, so I suggest execution post chapter 17, child abuse clearly didn´t have STAB what a moustache does to a mf the magic: Cope more, Gilbert will never be a magical girl. cringe, I spent all that time comitting interracial eugenics in Underleveled Incest Simulator: West meets East chin is the best stat, look at Valbar and tell me I´m wrong
  15. Guidelines: 2.1.) mention the diffculty on which you rate the unit 2.2.) what classes your unit went through, what skills they had and so on; don´t consider obviously suboptimal builds. 2.3.) no DLC rings, no non-unit DLC bonuses 2.4.) no grinding in skirmishes 2.5.) no rng abuse (no resetting for bond rings) 2.6.) cooking is allowed 2.7.) ratings to be given in the format X/10 2.8.) if it isn´t mentioned above, it´s fair game 2.9.) no "Kagetsu exists and obsoletes Lapis, 0/10", explain your rating Unit: Merrin Class: Wolf Knight Lvl HP STR MAG DEX SPD LCK DEF RES BLD Bases: 1 36 15 10 21 21 12 12 14 9 T. Bases: 16 13 9 7 12 11 8 8 10 3 Growths: / 55 25 25 40 50 30 30 25 10 Personal Skill: When 2 or more female allies are within 2 spaces, grants Hit/Avo+5 to unit and those allies. Innate Proficiency: Knoife SP: 1500 Support Bonuses: C Hit+10, Avoid+5 B Hit+10, Critical+3, Avoid+5 A Hit+10, Critical+3, Avoid+5, Dodge+5 S Hit+10, Critical+6, Avoid+5, Dodge+5 Tools and mo stats: Average Stats - Fire Emblem: Engage (FE17) (triangleattack.com) Engage Numbers - Google Tabellen Rating: 8.19 Next unit on Thursday
  16. The secret ingredient to TH Maddening is Alert Stance. drugs don´t do drugs they turn you to bdsm Whomst? If you aren´t warp skipping the last 5 maps of TH then you are doing it wrong.
  17. Flayn -> White Magic into Gremory Garden Boy -> Bench Lysithea -> anything magical Petra -> Assassin/Sniper/WL Everywhere I go, Child Soldiers all around.
  18. ... why does he only have 3 claws? 5 fingers = 3 claws? That seems like a downgrade, would not transform, tbh.
  19. Hero has Handaxe, SM has... Rutger? I´m looking at the og Ogma/Navarre and Navarre seems like an almost strict downgrade? Aside from weapon level. And in SD, they even have the same weapon level, but Navarre gained 8 Lck and Ogma +2 lvl and +2 HP? The hell happened here?
  20. Guidelines: 2.1.) mention the diffculty on which you rate the unit 2.2.) what classes your unit went through, what skills they had and so on; don´t consider obviously suboptimal builds. 2.3.) no DLC rings, no non-unit DLC bonuses 2.4.) no grinding in skirmishes 2.5.) no rng abuse (no resetting for bond rings) 2.6.) cooking is allowed 2.7.) ratings to be given in the format X/10 2.8.) if it isn´t mentioned above, it´s fair game 2.9.) no "Kagetsu exists and obsoletes Lapis, 0/10", explain your rating Unit: Panette Class: Berserker Lvl HP STR MAG DEX SPD LCK DEF RES BLD Bases: 1 46 25 3 19 13 11 7 11 11 T. Bases: 16 17 12 3 13 7 8 5 9 2 Growths: / 75 45 10 40 25 30 15 20 15 Personal Skill: If unit’s HP is not at max after combat, grants Crit+10 as long as unit’s HP stays below max. Innate Proficiency: Knife, Axe SP: 1500 Support Bonuses: C Hit+15 B Hit+15, Avoid+5 A Hit+20, Avoid+5 S Hit+30, Avoid+5 Tools and mo stats: Average Stats - Fire Emblem: Engage (FE17) (triangleattack.com) Engage Numbers - Google Tabellen Rating: 9 Next unit on Monday
  21. mrw no squire, no heavy bois Eh, Hinata/Hana, Arthur/Charlotte, Setsuna/Takumi, Effie/Bennie, Hinoka/Subaki, Odin/Nyx, Saizo/Kaze/Kagero, Hayato/Orochi (growth unit Hayato may be) are all pretty different units in my opinion, even when considering the quality gaps in retainer-lord (aforementioned Setsuna/Takumi, Hinoka/Subaki but especially Beruka/Camilla, Peri/Xander) Emphasis on personal growths over class growths and correspondingly distributed high bases should make for Navarre/Ogmas scenarios aplenty, even with only one (base) class. Though terrain costs, individual modifiers (think the Fates S rank classes bonuses) might get lost, though base classes got no business having the latter I think.
  22. I dislike "real world" inspired class names that go beyond the scope or have nothing to do with the real world implication, is a way I´d put it I think. I´m fine with Halberdier, Archer, even Sniper etc. but stuff like Troubadour, Valkyrie, Melusine feel strange. I also dislike it when they give names like Aura, Siegfried, Wille Glanz (a literal nonsense name), Excalibur and so on, to items though I wouldn´t be able to explain why. At the same time, Bishops wielding holy magic and staves is also fine with me, weirdly. Similarily I wouldn´t like Hussars, Curassiers, Landsknecht, Doppelsöldner, Dragoon, Keshig, Janissary and the like, because these names refer to more or less specific troops (or are just outside the time setting of FE´s so far anyway). I´m fine with Sword/Axe/Lance Fighter/Rider/Armor at the same time I think it´s a tedious if not worse a boring naming system. I thought a base class Soldier with access to sword, axe and lance specialises into Sword/Axe/Lance Fighter who then promote into their final form of... whatever one choses.
  23. I´m kinda of the opinion that magic/physical hybrid classes should either be lore bound to a nation or as a personal class to a character. So maybe Camilla isn´t a Malig Knight but The Malig Knight and her weapon could ´ve been the magic damage equivalent axe to Siegfried and the Raijinto (real strong Bolt Axe, I guess). Same with Hinoka but a Bolt Lance, though with another class. I´m gonna say, the more I think about it, the less I like FEs using class names like Myrmidon, Paladin, Assassin at the same time, Axe Fighter/Rider, Sword Fighter/Rider, Lance Fighter/Rider just don´t have even remotely the same ring to it. I also don´t think any healer class should be stuck with just healing. At least let them have a butter knife. For that sweet dodge stat. I´ve also been thinking a new class of bows, the DS inspired Greatbow: high damage, high range, can´t double, a wee bit inaccurate maybe, impacting the enemies movement range.
  24. Guidelines: 2.1.) mention the diffculty on which you rate the unit 2.2.) what classes your unit went through, what skills they had and so on; don´t consider obviously suboptimal builds. 2.3.) no DLC rings, no non-unit DLC bonuses 2.4.) no grinding in skirmishes 2.5.) no rng abuse (no resetting for bond rings) 2.6.) cooking is allowed 2.7.) ratings to be given in the format X/10 2.8.) if it isn´t mentioned above, it´s fair game 2.9.) no "Kagetsu exists and obsoletes Lapis, 0/10", explain your rating Unit: Timerra Class: Sentinel (promotes to Pickett, with Class Skill: Sandstorm: While making a physical attack, may calculate damage with 150% of Def instead of Str. Trigger %=Dex.) Lvl HP STR MAG DEX SPD DEF RES LCK BLD Bases: 18 35 14 6 17 18 16 8 10 5 T. Bases: 18 11 6 5 12 11 8 7 7 1 Growths: / 55 25 25 45 45 30 30 30 10 Personal Skill: Inflicts Crit-5 on foes within 3 spaces. Innate Proficiency: Lance SP: 1500 Support Bonuses: C Hit+10, Critical+3 B Hit+10, Critical+3, Dodge+5 A Hit+10, Critical+6, Dodge+5 S Hit+10, Critical+12, Dodge+5 Tools and mo stats: Engage Numbers - Google Tabellen Average Stats - Fire Emblem: Engage (FE17) (triangleattack.com) Rating: 5 Next unit on Thursday
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