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Everything posted by Jotari

  1. For some reason I now find myself wondering how Ephraim did the deed. Did he full on spear her right in the middle of the bed room or did they opt for a gentler, cleaner method.
  2. I thought the reference was to soldiers Caineghis and co had already defeated and the whole point was that fighting them would be a battle they couldn't win since Ashera would keep on reviving them. Hence why they take all their best soldiers to attack the goddess head on. I could be wrong but that's the way I thought things were playing out. Still it's surprising Ashera could revive the dead since people disappear in the Fire Emblem universe without leaving behind a body.
  3. I haven't played Path of Radiance so I'm curious to know. Were Almedha and Ashnard's possible son mentioned at all in Path of Radiance?
  4. Don't be fooled by his awesome speech, he was far from doing what was best for his soldiers. If he was thinking about his soldiers he would have tried to absolve them of the blame and place it on himself or if it was about honor, charged the Liberation Army's Camp. instead he, and I can't stress this enough, massacred innocents, to force his soldiers into a pointless last stand ultimately resulting in their death. Also while an execution would be a likely fate for him I highly doubt Begnion would execute an entire army that was following orders. Though he says We Jarod's last stand speech is really about himself and he happens to be the kind of person who wants to go down fighting with little care as to who he is fighting or what he is fighting for. When he was spared he had plenty of options to do next but he choose to do the most horrible and reckless thing imaginable. Don't get me wrong though, I think Jarod is a great character for all the time he spends around, he is just very far cry from the noble knight that got screwed over. The guys a pure monster with no remorse when it comes to taking lives.
  5. In the end he wasn't so bad? The end showed him in his worst light by far. Sure he was completely screwed by the senate but in that situation most people would either run away or get bloody revenge against those who wronged them. Jarod went and slaughtered innocents for no reason other than he had nothing left to do. That's the whole reason for part 1 end game, Daein has already won by that point, Miciah and co are stopping Jarod from trying to kill as many citizens as possible in the mean time. And do I even need to mention how he casually slaughtered his own soldiers just because? That alone is slightly a tad above not so bad in my opinion never mind the whole massacring people that have nothing to do with him because he has nothing better to do.
  6. Where talking in the hypothetical here. his class is summoner, if they decided to make him playable they would have given him the ability to summon.
  7. If killing the senators was really that easy than Ike and co probably would have thought of it regardless of the blood pack since the senators were the ones causing the whole mess for them too.
  8. I actually really liked the way that was done particularly because it wasn't done over the top yet it still came out of nowhere and in a way made it a bit more realistic. I think it also gave Ike a better understanding of who he was going up against as it gave him and player time to come to terms with the reveal. I feel Zelguis' memory scene would have lost a lot of its impact afterwards if we had only just found out he was the Black Knight a minute before hand. Revealing his identity before hand allowed him to keep the mysteriousness of the Black Knight since it was only Ranulf's theory and we still didn't no any of his motives or reasons for being the Black Knight while at the same time it gave us a character to associate the black knight with so he wasn't just a faceless enemy anymore. Of course this is all just my opinion your welcome to feel however you like about it.
  9. No one else seeing the problem of them all having died far away in a different country? Actually infinite warping would probably solve that. On the subject of infinite warping why did Ashera wait for our heroes to reach her and all the end game bosses. She should have just warped Lekan, the Black Knight, Levail, Dheginsea and every other random soldier under her command to attack divided groups one at a time.
  10. Tiki, Manakete -> Manakete, because she's awesome.
  11. Except Sanaki's Rudol Gem unless the intended point was to troll the player.
  12. I'd love to see Pelleas join in 3-13. Just reached that part and spared him for the first time and I have to say I'm a little disappointed. I was expecting a more uplifting speech about the importance and life and all but instead we get to spare him just because Micaiah say's no and miss some awesome artwork of Ashnard. The logical thing to do with the information they have had hand anyway is to get him to join the battle anyways. I'm sure any Laguz could count as a third party if Pelleas. Plus it would make a whole lot more sense in the eyes of the country if their king died defending their nation rather than getting stabbed by his loyal general for no explained reason (who later takes the throne).
  13. I'm surprised more people aren't considering Izuka. Sure it'd make little sense in the story but...summon spam!
  14. If mages had somewhat decent strength it might make them more useful especially when it comes to dealing with other high res mages. In general I would like to see a closer divide between magic and strength growths as I mention in this thread I made a while back http://serenesforest...showtopic=31744
  15. Yeah in a long three tier game that would get pretty overpowered near the end too.
  16. I like the idea of automatically negating a counter. Would certainly give more useful opportunities for thieves to actually damage foes since as it is a untrained thief only has the option to attack a foe when the attack would kill them in fear of a strong counter attack.
  17. So how do people feel about knives? Are the a waste of a weapon type or are they actually useful? Should they return as separate weapons in future games, and if so what classes should use them and what additional strengths or weaknesses should they have?
  18. Does the battle of Barhara credits scene like tribute mention all recruited characters who die during the first generation or only the ones who survive up until that point?
  19. Let's just hope they give it a half decent marketing scheme so more people can expand their Fire Emblem knowledge beyond what can be seen in Smash Bros.
  20. What would be the most talkative Fire Emblem game? Of the ones I've played I'd probably say Radiant Dawn since that's one long ass game with a lot of plot relevant characters in various locations with alterations on subsequent playthoughs. Still though it doesn't have any in depth support convos like the previous games.
  21. I had the exact same idea. I think Pegasi Sword, Wyvern Spear and Griffon Axe would be the smartest way to develop it. Pegasi are the only fliers that have really used swords even if it wasn't their primary weapon and even if Wyvern's have been specializing more with axes in recent games they still use lances quite heavily and have been dual wielding both for a long time. To take away axes from Griffons, the one weapon currently associated with them would seem weirder than having Pegasi specialize in swords. I also thought of Griffon's getting Axe + Bows as a promotion item and have implemented it into my ever growing branching class tree that some of you might have seen. In fact I came here trying to get a few ideas for the Mastery Skill of an Axe Bow Griffon unit.
  22. So does this game have a lot of text to translated or is it just a really low priority game when it comes to localization?
  23. Somehow I feel that would end up looking a lot more complicated.
  24. Hmm so do you reckon in universe the units are aware of all those stats and statistics that means they'll be killed in one blow?
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