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Everything posted by Troykv

  1. I don't know; I found something endearing about how unapologetic and straighforward they're; it's quite fun for someone like me.
  2. Hahaha... I know, unless something very strange happens; Camilla will remain in the Top 1; and it's pretty much impossible now to make her leave the Top 2. But I don't mind it; I would like to see what IS does with a half-serious interpretation of Camilla instead of going pretty much exclusively sexy older sister in (almost) all her alts (the Adfrit just has the big sister part). But I'm worried about Micaiah; she suddenly jumped to the Top 2 without a particular organized movement; product of many circunstances in the last year; and these circunstances makes this year pretty much her only opportunity to win CYL, for at least 4 years; who knows how many popular gals ends bringing 3H, and how any future Alt of Micaiah affect her overall position in the next CYL.
  3. Only two days of votes left; let's see how this ends in the end.
  4. Maybe people are okay with this after months of other developers releasing unfinished games, game with flawed concepts and games that lied about miscellaneous stuff.
  5. Nice! The extra votes for Micaiah are appreciate <3; let's try to bring her to Top 1; or at least let her continue in Top 2. Mangs' bald memes became even stronger; they went further beyond like Mekkah's Karel.
  6. Many people really like Camilla; and doesn't care too much about older characters. But looks like some people are lucky the results were revealed now; it will definitely have effects in the results going forward.
  7. It would be nice to use the 4 Star Focus Units to put Older Seasonal Units. So far has been only used in the banners with the 3-4 Star Fodder Units.
  8. I think it would help Selkie and the other Tellius Beasts. But I'm unsure how it would affect the 3DS Beasts; in fact, I think Panne will lose many votes.
  9. I don't think this post is supposed to go in any direction in particular. Having discussions is fun. The only think I suggest is avoiding personal attacks and absurd (lack of any logic) comments.
  10. He's talking about Forblaze, Armads, Durandal, Mulagir and Maltet. So far the only Elibe Weapon with Dragon-Effective damage is Binding Blade.
  11. So... now her skirt got stucked in her butt and her crotch is exposed (?)
  12. It surprises me to found that your headcanon it's actually similar to my friend's headcanon about Micaiah xDU
  13. Maybe we ended up in 1500 Replies after the mid-results xD.
  14. Probably Sain finds them more heroic because of their potential "manlier" look; after all he's a skirt chaser.
  15. The only thing I auto-battle is Normal-Rival Domains I also manually grind Tempest Trials xD.
  16. Sigurd is the same kind of anomaly that Brave Lyn; having pseudo Gen 2 Stats product of winning CYL1 in Lyn's case; where the improvement it's a flat +10% as you said, instead of the standart Cavalier Spread that we see since Siegbert. That is the reason why Brave Ike's stats are a little lower than the Gen 2 Infantry, why Sigurd has a little higher stats than the Gen 2 Cavaliers; and why Brave Lyn is the only Cavalry Ranged with a stat spread higher than 144-146 BST.
  17. This will be a very interesting CYL after some many stuff in the last months :P
  18. Well; it would be the same case as Selena; where they avoid mixing characters with different identities despite actually being the same person.
  19. Yorokobe Shonen. Damn!; Jouji's voice is so awesome; I want him in Heroes.
  20. Yeah; Laura is pretty much the only character that "kind of officially" joined the Dawn Brigade before it turned into the Liberation Army (Aran was mostly around Laura; and Meg/Ilyanna were along with the Brigade because of the circunstances; and anyway; isn't like Ilyanna really needed the extra push; she is quite popular). And like you said, it would be a nice reason to create a 2:1 Banner
  21. Yeah; after the Linus Re-Run and the Anniversary that close; I can feel the GHB Rotation 3 (and Elite Quest 3) coming.
  22. Do you think a Lunar New Year Banner would remplace the Summer Festival of last year as the "Arts Festival" Banner?
  23. Well... How many banners we have in the Year? The banners that are properly Seasonal Banners are: New Year Valentine Spring June's Brides Summer 1 Summer 2 Arts Festival Halloween Winter (Christmas) And whatever this new banner it's? There are 9 Banners that are properly Seasonal Banners; not exactly half of the year (each year has like between 22 and 25 Banners) despite looking like that because this banners are long-ish and there are few periods of time without at least one running. 2018 had 16 "New Heroes" Banners and 9 Seasonal Banners. But I can understand the New Heroes Banners number looking surprisingly high; because some people would have their doubts considering "New Heroes" Banners Stuff like Arrival of the Brave, Adrift and the banners with OCs.
  24. If this banner has a thematic related to Setsubun or something like that; I hope it's considered the "Arts Festival" Banner of the year. After all last year we didn't have the Fall Festival; but instead, the Summer Festival.
  25. The timing of the banner is quite strange... I would have easily though it's a Moon Festival Banner... if wasn't for the fact we didn't have one last year; and last year pretty much gives us the standart of what we would expect from seasonal banners. New Years Valentine Spring Festival June's Brides/Grooms Swimsuit Summer 1 Swimsuit Summer 2 (Summer/Fall) Arts Festival Halloween Winter Festival (Christmas) Maybe a Collab with Cipher/TMS/Warriors? Who knows. BTW; if this thing ends up being a setsubun banner or something like that; I hope it takes the place of the Art Festival; like Festival in Hoshido did with Performing Arts.
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