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Everything posted by luchinania

  1. I’m sad that a refresher hasn’t been introduced. I wonder if we’re going to get the renew spell again, or just skip being able to refresh units.
  2. I miss platonic endings, and if they feel like it would be too confusing to make a S rank platonic then they should make another rank similar to A+ in Fates but not as shitty. I was gonna write something in defense of yaoi and it demographic since it’s not as black and white as people assume, but I’m pretty sure people don’t want to read that. Anyway, Japanese media really love fujobait, and I’ve heard that there are some people who prefer when things remain subtext so they can write their own headcanons. So I can see a series developed primarily for the Japanese market (like Persona and Story of Seasons to an extent) using fujobait to appease that market, especially when the society is still pretty homophobic. But I feel like IS, and especially Nintendo, are trying to appeal to a worldwide demographic (some which want representation, some who just like to watch two guys kiss) by adding gay options and even making a character canonically gay. I’m a bit skeptical about the gay options in the leak since I don’t feel like IS would actually make a lord bisexual, or that we would get more than two options. If there are more than two, then hopefully we can pair them since I find non-avatar pairings more interesting.
  3. I tried it as well and no luck. I've heard that regionfour works (don't quote me on that) so I guess our fw is too low, although I thought regionthree bypassed that sort of requirement.
  4. So it does work on regionfour? I tried it on regionthree and had no luck with it.
  5. That's disappointing in more ways than one. I was hoping A+ supports meant at least platonic endings were back.
  6. So A+ rank doesn't get a conversation?
  7. My shitty laptop froze so I can't watch the stream. Oh well.
  8. I'm a lurker that's been a member for a few years now, but a new FE has entice me out of hiding. Ha! I've been a fan of FE since the gba days, and tumblr has nothing to do with it.
  9. My local GS said that the game will be available on the 4th, after I asked if it was true about it being released on the 5th. But I'm from Canada, so maybe it's different.
  10. Shoot, I preorder the bundle early last morning. I hope BB actually fulfills it.
  11. I've been lucky then with tumblr. I'm there all the time and I haven't come across FE hate or complains about the lack of gay relationships.
  12. Lunatic, casual. I've technically beaten the game in hard so lunatic is the next step. But I tried to do lunatic in classic and it was too much for me; I couldn't even pass chapter 2 without having Miriel die. I'll still reset, but at some point I'll have to say fuck it, temporarily sacrifice someone, and move to the next chapter.
  13. Libera and Azure, which is why I made them father and son in the first playthrough.
  14. Wow, Gaia is like perfect. In real life he probably would be gay.
  15. That actually was pretty cute. Although I'm not feeling the love, it feels more like they are good friends.
  16. Yes, but they were the lowest selling games in the series(at least in Japan). That might mean something to IS/Nintendo.
  17. Probably 3DS. FE in handhelds seem to sell better these days than in console. I was a bit meh about Tellius, so if they are revisiting continents then I prefer Magvel or Jugdral. Paris is wanderer, he can probably show in Magvel/Jugdral/anywhere else just as well as in Tellius.
  18. So Paris is a tsundere? Anyway, their support felt a bit underwhelming.
  19. But I think the problem is that they are portraying females as the weaker sex, or something.
  20. Krom and Marth are related, right? Do they ever comment on that fact?
  21. My reaction was "Who the hell are you mister?!" But ohhh, he's hot. I think I'll have to leave my FeMU single in my next playthrough just for him. So either Ike marries a random village girl, or Paris is from Mist's line. I hope he's from Mist's, I want Ike to remain asexual with a heterosexual life partner since I couldn't pair him up with a female in his games.
  22. It's not the age that's the problem, it's the way she looks and acts. And while I have no problem anymore pairing her off, I lose a bit of respect for her prospective husband every time I read their supports, or even think about it too deeply. I'm a bit meh about Sariya, but I love Noire. I just find her personality funnier and she's also a better fighter than Sariya.
  23. I voted for Sigurd, but I don't really want Paris to be any of those characters. I would prefer Paris to be a new character, but I'm guessing it's going to be good ol' Ike.
  24. Well, I'm a fangirl but not one of those rabid ones(god, I sincerely hope I'm not, they scare me). I can squee at the subtext but I usually don't take it seriously. I love romance, and as long as the intended couples are ones I can cheer for, I'm happy. I'm not that fond of yuri, but I did find myself wishing I could pair Mariabel and Miriel because of their kids. Wow, Azure cries like in all of his supports. I love the guy, but he's kinda annoying. I do wish IS would have allowed us to at least class change him into a bard. They technically do dance, don't they?
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