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Everything posted by RJWalker

  1. There are different types of dances, even fit similar purposes and clothing associated with those dances. Shocking.
  2. Tiki but not Awakening Tiki. She looks awful to me.
  3. Your argument is weak. Why do you assume the character's clothing came first? The story and characters came first, given that Kaga was the director, scenarist and game designer but not the art director. The art director is given a character's background by the see m scenario writer and director (in this case, both positions are held by Kaga which only strengthens my case) and the art director then handles character design based on what information about said character they're given.
  4. But the thing is, Bern and Etruria show no signs of having waged war in recent history in FE6. Etruria also goes to great lengths to justify declaring war over Bern. Cecilia says that the only reason Etruria helped Roy in the early game is because they wanted to oppose Bern but needed a good reason to do so. And this is after Bern has conquered 2 nations, on the verge of conquering another and showing no signs of stopping. It's hard to imagine they would go to war for such a trivial reason as a simple tactician whose exploits are largely unknown since the events of FE7 don't cause big news.The S-A ending was either written by writers unfamiliar with FE6 or not meant to be taken that seriously and is merely acknowledging the player's skills.
  5. Then you're mistaken. All of Kaga's design choices are very deliberate when it comes to Jugdral. His notes make that very clear. Jugdral is a lot more harsh then Archanea and Sylvia's backstory is intentionally showing that. Her dialogue is also vague enough to imply prostitution (or maybe that's just the translation patch) and Leen is implied to have been raped during the events of chapter 7 when Ares left with Jabarro. It's extremely likely that their clothing choice is not coincidental.
  6. Lex isn't so great after the first couple of chapters. Even with crits, Arthur is unable to kill enemies in the later chapters.
  7. Gaiden and Thracia did so much better with the whole '2 nations of opposite ideals at war'. Especially Gaiden with how it turns everything around with King Rudolf's true plan.
  8. It's the principle that counts. It's not truly optional because several features that were once separate are now tied to the tedium of My Castle so that argument is bullshit. EDIT: I'm not referring to Anouleth's post, just to be clear.
  9. Is that all you have to contribute to this thread? Nevermind that what you said about me isn't even true. I think there's good stuff past Shadow Dragon. The gameplay of New Mystery, that is. After New Mystery, everything goes to shit. But why should that matter? Like seriously, what the fuck that have to do with anything? Just because I dislike the majority of stuff in Fates means I can't complain about it? Are you serious?
  10. You still have to do that mining thing. Personally, I don't believe there's a single good feature in My Castle, shops and armouries aside.
  11. Many of these features are not optional either. Forging, a mechanic that has become a prominent feature of the last 5 games is locked behind My Castle. I like Forging. I want to use Forging. So how is My Castle just an optional feature? Many other features are integrated into it so it's not optional at all if you want to use those features. So what are my options here? Just deal with it and be forced to never use forging too? Then I'm not getting my money's worth because several useful features that I want to use are locked behind a bad one. The "It's optional" argument doesn't work because these features are far from truly optional.
  12. I have a much bigger problem with how stupid everyone looks. Since when did we need extravagant and nonsensical designs on every single character? What happened to simplicity? Do the designers feel that these ridiculously stupid designs are the only way they'll hold the attention of modern players or something?
  13. The dragon tribes of Archanea are so different from those of Elibe that it's impossible for them to be related. Like Mage Dragons (demon dragons) are a corruption of Divine Dragons in Elibe instead of being their own separate thing.
  14. Oswin is not the father of Bors and Wendy. Bors is far too older looking to be less than 20 years. Bartre is fixed. Fir's mother is Karla. This is unchangeable. Matthew is unrelated to Chad or Cath. If 40% is too low, I suggest you gid gud.
  15. I'm not a fan. Damn near every single track forces the main notes of Aqua's song into it. Conversation tracks, battle tracks, map tracks. Fucking everything. It's just bad.
  16. Archanea by far but also Jugdral. Good thing the poll makes a distinction between Archanea and Ylisse because they both rank top and bottom respectively for me.
  17. They're the same size. It's the spritework size that makes it look different. Big eyes are only really promiment in the GBA games. People don't get credit or praise for maintaining a standard and not doing worse than before, though in my opinion, Kozaki's artstyle is no where near as good as Thracia's or Sacred Stones's artstyle. This conversation started with people saying that Kozaki drew normal proportioned eyes when compared to the rest of the series. This is nothing but a myth. Fire Emblem has almost always had normal sized eyes and Kozaki merely continues this tradition.
  18. Big eyes is only prominent with younger characters. Kozaki doesn't get any credit or praise for maintaining a standard that has always been present. I could go on and on. Close to zero difference. Just like with Kozaki's art, only the youngest characters and 'cute' females get the big eyes treatment. He is not immune to it and does it just as much as the rest ofthe series. "Kozaki toned down the big eyes in Fire Emblem" is nothing but a myth. It has always been a standard design choice in all games in the series. Also, given that the sprites tend to be very small and graphical quality is not very high in the eealier games or on the small GBA screen, bigger eyes can also be a compromise. You'll see that sometimes the eye claorty for characters with normal sized eyes is very low. In fact, I will go on, this time with official art instead of sprite work. And more, just to show you that Kozaki does this just as much as the other art in the series. You'll notice that once again, these are all really young characters or 'cute' female characters. The older characters are exempt from this. Let this myth die.
  19. Maybe it's because people have gotten so used to anime styles but no. Not really. The kids in Fates especially have this.
  20. The deities were probably dragons, given Gotoh's involvement and both Archanea and Jugdral referring to dragons as gods.
  21. I'm not seeing it. His eye proportions are not any different than any other gamenr series. Big eyes have only been present for young characters and 'cute' characters in the series and his art has this too. Look at most of the female kids. Their eyes are huge too.
  22. I guess outlandish and ridiculous clothes and armour really are needed because, to me, Kozaki has a very noticeable same'face problem. In any case, regardless of anyone's opinion, the next game should have a new art director and lead illustrator because a franchise like this needs fresh looks.
  23. That would explain why he's carrying a Sol manual.
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