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Everything posted by RJWalker

  1. I disagree completely. Time travel was done horribly. Awakening's children had potential but it all wasted by their awful personalities and much of it has very little to do with their doomed past. It crops up sometimes in supports and during their recruitment (which only brings up more issues since aside from Laurent who tried but failed, Lucina who tried but failed a little less and Gerome who didn't try at all, the rest of them did nothing for 2 years or more considering Laurent's predicament and seemed very unconcerned about pretty much anything) but it is a wasted. Maybe you find the FE4 kids boring. I don't. I think the're vastly superior to FE13's children because we get to see their hardships unfold and know that there is no convenient time travel to fix everything. I don't want Belhalla again because I don't beleive they can do it properly (even the original had issues which were left unanswered) but not because losing the first generation is 'just terrible' as you put it. I think that's an awful reason to not want something to happen.
  2. Axes are too good for a class that is already too good. Pretty sure they meant that their is no downside for the player's wyvern units.
  3. No, I'm saying the 'Not blood related' is a bigger fetish than straight up sibling incest. Correct me if I'm wrong but I'm pretty sure that it's only cousin incest that is culturally accepted in Japan.
  4. No, it wouldn't be as good. But better that than time travel or time chambers.
  5. IS is not doing it for the art or to push buttons or anything. It's a popular fetish and they're pandering to it. It's that simple.
  6. Absolutely. Ditch marriage, kids, pair up, avatar, the artist and the art director, bring back weapon durabilty, a weight system, rescue, capture, shove. I hate everything about the new direction FE has taken, both from a gameplay and story/plot perspective.
  7. I wasn't being a jerk about anything. I said it's a bad book because it doesn't feature the creator of the series. That is objectively bad. Nothing to do with opinions. I could hate the Kaga games but this book would still be bad. You don't like my opinion? I don't really care. Don't reply to me. I certainly wasn't replying to you specifically when I first made my comment yet you get triggered for no reason. You complain about elitism yet you took criticisms of the book as some sort of personal attack. That's just dumb. The book is bad because it doesn't feature Kaga's contributions. And that's just one reason. There are many others. If you don't like that, you can choose to ignore me. You have that ability. Use it. There is no reason to get bothered.
  8. There is nothing elitist about saying that a 'Making of' book that doesn't feature a single word from one who made the series is a bad book.
  9. What kind of 'Making of Fire Emblem' book doesn't feature a single word from Kaga? A bad one.
  10. They're both for different reasons and Olwen being 'terrible' as I've seen people sometimes say is an unfunny meme at best.
  11. I like Tiki before but I despise Awakening Tiki.
  12. Finn x Adean is the only couple that has the potential to be reunited, as far as FE4 itself goes. It's my FE4 favourite pairing and it helps that it a solid pairing gameplaywise too.
  13. Probably Genealogy or Mystery of the Emblem.
  14. Come, Join Us is the best version of the FE1 recruitment theme for me. FE4 and FE5's themes are second. The themes fromthe 13 and 14 are so disappointing.
  15. I'm sad this patch doesn't refer to Wolt as Roy's milk brother (as far as I'm aware). Nobody playing this patch will understand the joke about Rebecca's milk making two shit units.
  16. I don't get why fighters do that stupid hover in their animation in 7 and 8. They don't that in 6 except during criticals.
  17. Is this thread real? Are people actually suggesting players shouldn't have to pay attention in strategy games?
  18. Shadow Dragon and New Mystery use the same version. No need to keep both on the poll. I vote for that. Starts out big but the most recognizeable part is soft. It's great.
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