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Status Updates posted by Mikado

  1. Ur a Faggot

    1. Original Alear

      Original Alear

      srsly u r the faggot

  2. Your turn in the FE6 reclass draft.

    1. Mikado


      Your turn in the FE6... again.

  3. The FE6 reclass draft has started, and your up first.

  4. Your up in The Oswin draft. I wanna finish drafting by tonight.

  5. Thanks. My keyboard was being retarded and couldn't type in the N at times. ^^'

  6. Happy birthday General Arch!

  7. Hey, when will the next RTU for FE5 be out?

  8. Hey, sorry to keep pestering you, but it's your turn. If you're not gonna be around, leave me or someone a list of units you want to draft.

  9. It's your turn again. :P

  10. It's your turn in my draft.

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