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Steven Tyler

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Everything posted by Steven Tyler

  1. Family Guy before it was originally cancel was good. Now, it's crap and it's creator has a big ego to make up for his small penis and ratings.
  2. So? That means next time I gotta set booby traps under the floors so you plans won't work against us!
  3. I have an aunt name "Dorothy" if that counts for anyime and a cousin name Jasmine, expect this Jasmine is actually a girl instead of a confused bandit..
  4. Yeah, for some reason I was in linear mode. Oh well, I got things fix, so somebody, lock this topic, please!
  5. D. Hero, doing drugs don't make you cool, child.
  6. It was from a prototype Nintendo Power Magazine from '96.
  7. More than likely, yeah, they're bashing off the violence of the game. Remember, this IS the media we're dealing with.
  8. Where were you ten years ago? They claim that children was trying to perform magic spells because of Harry Potter when the first book came out, amoung other things like Satanic worship. You must remember this is the media we're dealing with. The media just throw in "video games" and "GTA" just for the attention and bonus effect. They know what parents want to hear. They know parents think that video games are the tools of the devil. What better way than to play on those parent's blinded eyes?
  9. Mods, can I troll the fuck outta that retard? NO, seriouly, any fucker who going harass somebody over there art skills should be flame. Man, I don't give a fuck if somebody art's isn't worthy of selling, but flaming somebody over minor shit is out of line! This ain't fuckin' GameFaqs or Gaia Online, dammit!
  10. About the microwaved cat and the boys breaking into people houses? Yes, this is similar. And yet again, the American Parents played their favorite game: "Finger Pointing!"
  11. Yeah. I mean, it's bad enough they used Cooking Mama's images to promote they failed mission, but dammit, you know now they're gonna hop on the "Blame Video Games" bandwagon. Another thing, who the FUCK allows their children to play GTA? And who the FUCK would leave children alone?!
  12. Young Boys Hang Kitten with Game Controller Cord After Playing GTA | GamePolitics 2 boys use video game controller wire to hang kitten | PET & ANIMAL NEWS | Local Breaking News from AZFAMILY.COM & KTVK 3TV - Arizona's Family This is just horrible, no seriously. Is this the effects of violent video games on children? I mean, I am not shock that children would act out in such a violent matter on an animal who couldn't even defend itself. This holiday season, be careful what games you buy for young children. We can not allow children to get their hands on violent video games. You read the effect on violent video games now.
  13. I would show you pictures and links about dog rape, but you're not that worthy enough to cause myself to get ban. And that whole "it's not rape because they don't wear clothes" is an insult to rape victims. Ever heard of forcible oral sex?
  14. Be like me and go totally insane over some family issues like your mother being a whore, your sister still believing in you and your father trying to assassinate you over some bullshit.
  15. The graphics in that game are horrible. So horrible that I stop playing the game because it hurts my eyes. [
  16. Well, this was back in 2006 when that god-awful 50 Cent game came out. Sorry. I DID found that pic on Encyclopedia Dramatica, it could be a fake.
  17. Funny story, I was modded for liking rap music. When i was telling these kids off for being racist, I got fuckin' modded. And you guys wonder why I do the things I do on GameFaqs like shock pics of Chiki and Luicius
  18. Finally! Nintendo understand my people! Seriously, if this was the online play, why are people not using common sense? The ESRB can not touch anyone within online mode, so of course you will get a shitload of immature children (and adults) who think using cuss words makes them look bad ass. Attention Whoring, anyone?
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