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Steven Tyler

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Everything posted by Steven Tyler

  1. Steven Tyler

    Be Proud

    What I'm Proud -To be black even through I didn't have any deciding factor of race! -Proud to be super ghetto even through it's insulting to my race, which I'm proud to be even through it's stupid to be proud of something you were born with. - Proud to be 6'2 despite the fact I have no control over my height. -I'm a prideful American despite I can't choose my country of origin. (See where I'm going at?) -I'm proud at what I have become personally -I'm proud of becoming a musician -I'm proud I'm not an arrogant indie musician -I'm proud of basically, what I have done in my life.
  2. Oh so when I was moaning about the fox thing, my name was changed to something fox related!
  3. Snow's Fail List - Indie Music(ians) - Hipsters -©rap Music -Nigg***s "Rock" Music Pussy Soft music Rock YouTube Comments Retards
  4. I know joking about rape isn't funny George Carling, but honestly, Brenya's hot. And an all mighty king like Zephiel wouldn't go around filling rape charges against a woman like Brenya. Besides, I think he would enjoy a little sex in his life. It'll be a happy ending until he starts to freakin' denying the child. But yeah, I mean imagine Zephiel casually walking into his bedroom and finding a naked Brenya in his bed. Yeah . . .happy ending indeed. Zephiel calls off all attacks, restore Idoun's soul and everyone has a great day and there's a huge parade for Roy and company in downtown Bern!
  5. Celice (FE4) disappointed me in my last playthought. He usually get very good strength and magic defenese. Also, I made a HolynxBridggete paring in FE4. Usually, Patty caps strength and speed for me. However, when she got to level 30 promoted, her strength was only 18/30.
  8. Is there anyway I can change it so it won't be linear?
  9. Yeah, I mean, shit! I'm grilling chicken and none of these spices I have in my fuckin' cupboard will taste horrible on the chicken!
  10. To be honest, I find it funny they could miss names like "Linda", a common English name and "Richardo", a common Latino name. Other than that, I don't give a fuck. Fuck weaboos, fuckin' losers. Nintendo don't give a flying fuck if you're butthurt because you like the Japanese names!
  11. Hardin the Snake Charmer!
  12. ANYTHING BUT THE SWORD OF SEALS!!! ANYTHING BUT!!! I would chainsaw my head off. I'm cool like that. Seriously, just old age and peacefully. No drama, no action, just peace.
  13. I mean, if I was Brenya, I would raped Zephiel! Just wait until he's alone in his bedroom, tackle him and have my way with him! You also have her death quote.
  14. Good. You're a fox, not a human, so I'll let you join me. Foxes . . .hmph. Can't believe I gave such a silly thing to my sister.
  15. Divine Dragon. That would be funny.
  16. Dammit. So you have defeated me...But my will shall never die!
  17. No. I'm not! I am no way, shape or form associated with niggaism humans! Don't touch me, human. Only Brunya and Idoun are allow to touch me. Besides, I solved my daddy issues years ago. Now, I just need to get rid of that . . . bitch. Heard it was pretty average. Never saw it. Read a little bit of it and now, I'm thinking of suing the producers.
  18. (Actually, I blame the Government for my craziness.) The whole Brunya x Zephiel was actually going to be used once, but they put that in development hell along with Murdock being the older brother of Zephiel. With Zephiel being blinded with his "KILL ALL HUMANS!!!" mission he never saw that Brunya actually loved and cared for him. Maybe if he wasn't so blind . . .
  19. Humans. I despise you all. All you have done in this world is caused war, hurt, harm, suffering, pain, sadness, and destruction. How can anyone of you live with yourselves with the sins you have commented upon this world? This world . . .this world doesn't belong to you humans in the first place! You, you scums just stole this world from it's true owners; the Dragons. Sons-of-bitches. I can not wait until the human race is wipe out.
  20. Legend of Zelda could have a tie-in with Fire Emblem because of the middle ages air to the series. Then again, crossovers don't work very well.
  21. I need to find some pics for my YouTube vidoes I have for Seisen no Keifu music. Then I was like "This is a nice site, I should join".
  22. Never gonna run around and (Fuck Rick Astley.)
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