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Steven Tyler

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Everything posted by Steven Tyler

  1. I rather play Madden or Grand Theaft Auto than dat gayass wackass Final Emblem gay bullshit. Shit for lil kidz and nerdz. Go playz sum real game like madden.
  2. Steven Tyler


    Yeah! Because as a Christian, we should put down and harass anyone who don't believe in our God! Good plan, Spoon! Couldn't think of a better way to embarrass our God!
  3. I'm also pissed he said that ALL rap (even the good rap) sucks.
  4. Doh! Well, when I compose, I usually work with a keyboard or piano, so I at times, forget I'm writing for one instrument instead of piano and add chords. Yeah, I could have the cello play the notes! You given me an idea to do a whole piece from those chords, however! Also, any tips for doing a battle theme?
  5. Once again, thank you all for the feedback. I never thought of it as a country-town feeling until I re-listen to the song and reflected on it. Now I do. Yeah, I can imagine like a farmer boy working in the fields during the morning time while the hero helps him get the work faster of a game while this song plays. And yes, another violinist! (I play as well, but my "D" string popped while I was tuning it.) Speaking of violin, I did a short somewhat somber violin melody this week. It's a part of a violin/cello duet I'm working on this week. http://www.box.net/shared/e3rzjybsa7 Tell me what you think! Also, I'm composing a minor average battle theme this week and I need some tips!
  6. I must tell you once again, you are a damn good sprite artist!
  7. Also, he's anti Christmas http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xInXGpwyW7U
  8. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=llIGmByQLrY Of course, Weird Al is still music, unlike ©rap music.
  9. YuYu Hakusho was a pretty kickass series. I, like most many people however didn't really care for the show after the Dark Tournament season. Hiei and that big dude were the best of the series.
  10. Wow, I just gave a hand in derailing a topic. Besides, I got that from Dave Chapplle about the whole cocaine and AIDS deal, along as me making fun of paranoid blacks who still believe the government created AIDS to kill us off.
  11. Steven Tyler


    Great, great. What did I told you guys? A debate would happen sooner or later. And sadly, very soon. Anyways, I think it be better to know what religion backgrounds we all are from and give a little information about it and debunk some myths and stereotypes about religion, or the lack of the belief.
  12. Also, did you know cocaine was originally created to destroy the black community? AIDS was too!
  13. Steven Tyler


    Usually, with controversial topics like religion, you can't prevent it. This is actually a sitting duck for that person. on topic: Am I one of the few Christians who: -Can take a politically incorrect joke -Don't use my religion to hate other religion -Don't hate gays -Play fantasy games
  14. Why do people think it's cool to do fad topics? It's funny the first time, but after a while, EVERYONE has to do it! Like cocaine!
  15. Steven Tyler


    It's going to happen. You're gonna get that one, ignorant ass arrogant religious nut job or atheist who think his or her viewpoint is the best thing going on and is going to try to to get people to disagree with him or her. I'm a Pentecostal Chirstian.
  16. This. Sadly, I tried to prevent this, but alas, my name was changed against my will.
  17. (stick chest out and raise chin) Oh! Is that so, huh! You think you're a big shot mercenary?
  18. Expect Gonzales, I'm better lookin' than him.
  19. If this is a serious topic, then sadly, I can joke or poke fun. Dammit. I find crap music depressing these days.
  20. Man, who the fuck you think you are?!
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