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Steven Tyler

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Everything posted by Steven Tyler

  1. So Celice, you're rihgt. The fanboys are gonna bitch about this, and yet, they'll still love it. I should write a troll review and spoiler the ending. Shit, I rather play the ROM verson where
  2. The internet has created some of the biggest bunch of cowards and pussies of all time. So you are hiding behide a computer screen! So fuckin' what? That doesn't give you the right to harass and attack anyone online. Bunch of soft, pathetic sons of bitches some folks are online. Esp. the internet tough guys who brag about being strong and hardcore online and yet, in real life, they are cowards.
  3. Oh yeah, I keep forgetting no matter what happens, Karla+Barte=Fir is still canon even if you make some strange time paradox if you get Barte killed.
  4. You don't want to be around this man when he takes his mask off. Poor sap . . .
  5. Fads aren't funny and they're ain't cute. The only thing that is funny now is George Carlin jokes!
  6. D-Hero, shut up you fuckin' hypocrite before I troll your ass and believe me, you don't want that. Ain't no threat, it's a fuckin' promise. Sucks that great talent die so young. I mean, I never heard of the band, but it's sad when young musician live too fast and die so young. A tragic overdoes in which he never knew he shouldn't pop all those drugs.
  7. I read the title as "NBA LOK"
  8. The "Don't Hate Me Because of My Low-Levels Near Endgame" archetype? Naw, that was Est of FE 1 and 3 who started that. Umm . . Chad and Ellen. However, that is more Big Sister/Little Brother more than anything imo.
  9. What if Hector and Matthew still were bitter towards Jaffar for killing Leila and their other friends to the point that to get revenge on Jaffar, the two hired mercenaries and bounty hunters to kill Jaffar after the events of FE7? It would make a cool side-story that Hector and Matthew would go as that far but, it seems out of character for them two to do that esp. with Nino having children with Jaffar.
  10. Anna owns the Secret Shops in FE 1, 3, 5, 6, and 7 to my knowledge. And hell, what if she sells your weapons you got in stock in FE4? Sneaky lil red head. Also, Anna's the Nurse Joy/Officer Jenny of the series.
  11. lolwut? Damn, I want this hack, but the guy who was working on it killed it.
  12. Barte because he looks cool and I had a better and enjoyable time playing as him instead of Darcas. Plus, Barte has a hot wife and he put poison in Darcas's mutton.
  13. I was wondering, in chapter 31x, what if Karla by some tragic mistake wind up defeating Barte, her husband? Will there be an alternate convo or something? Is that even possible?
  14. Dane Cook is as funny as watching your mother die from a painful illness. George Carlin is my favorite stand up comic of all time. He didn't give a damn if he offended people and the fact that he kept it real and raw while throwing in a few jokes! Dave Chapplle comes close to Carlin as well, but I think the only person who could match Carlin was Richard Pryor.
  15. Win. I remember doing a topic like this a while back ago. I;m just going to copypasta what I said there: Me, I am not really p.c. In fact, I joke about just about anything and everything under the sun. I don't care if I hurt anyone feelings because I'm just joking and my jokes and stories shouldn't be taken seriously. I be honest with you, sometimes, I like to talk and discussion about taboo subjects and joke around with it because that is how I learn from them and learn from the failures of it, and not try to overlook the taboo's flaws. People just need that jokes are jokes and that the world isn't full of happiness, peace, and love.
  16. An old high friend of mines was named Matthew expect this Matt was black, had an Afro, and was silly.
  17. I rather have my classic Knuckles. http://www.game-ost.ru/covers/s/sonic&...onic3_front.jpg That game was sex! But yeah, red and green looks nasty to me.
  18. Nothin' really. Nothin' happen at all. That and I'm getting new violin strings!
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