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Steven Tyler

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Everything posted by Steven Tyler

  1. YES!!! LEAVE AND GO AWAY!!! DON'T COME BACK!!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KsmQB0pAC3c
  2. I'm apologizing to Snow_Storm even thought it wasn't me who made that diss song "Fuck Snow_Storm!" on YouTube. Recently, my computer was stolen in a robbery. Among the items stolen were my beat machine, my piano, violin, keyboard, MIDI Controller, Fruity Loops (FL Studio 8), Reason, Cakewalk, Anvil Studios, various sheet music, my microphones, the rights to my studio, CDs, DVDs, and other musical shit. I'm still trying to figure out why I didn't had enough sense to lock all the doors in my house. The reason it seems he went after Snow_Storm was because of a beef and song me and ViolinSnowKid were writing. Among the lines were the following "fNigga gon' melt in the sun" "Weather forecast predicts the end of the Snow_Storm" and "Kill that hater Snow_Storm" all of these lines were followed by a joke such as for the "Fuck Snow_Storm Club" one the response that no one joins and the creator of it goes emo. Unfortunatly, the WIP was stolen and release on YouTube in its premature state. ViolinSnowKid has went back to the studio and edit the song. I'd like to especially thank TheSnowKid for noticing that my YouTube account registered that I had been loging in and out abnormally. I've got no clue to what that little shit was planning to overblown my beef. But hey, it how the game goes. Also, can anyone tell me where I can file this in court and get my rights back to that song? I am trying to prevent this fiasco from happening again. If anyone has a clue how I can find that little shit (Snow_Storm, lets make a diss song about his ass. I provide the beats, melody, and Harmony.
  3. Thanks. Yeah, I think I need to work on the dissonance.
  4. Not only that, I started to reflect on my childhood when I used to take apart my parents VCR and putting it back together. Curious to know what was inside and how did it work.
  5. Errr (That's not a photoshop btw. The guy who play Tommy stated that in an interview it was for a poster.)
  6. Yo, here's a loaded gun. Put it to your temple and pull the trigger. Don't wanna see you get fuck over by the end of the world. I think if you're not religious and you being safe and know the risks, go ahead. If people wanna go have it after marriage, then let 'em be.
  7. Yeah, that part got me thinking "Oh, so this is a real hack!" Then I saw the GPS system and I started to get sad. :(
  8. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xg7YiKGstL0...re=channel_page I need more opinions :(
  9. Oh, I remember that. Everyone was freaking out saying that the computers would take over the world or crash so badly. In fact, I say the world is going to end on May 5th, 2009!
  10. Ah, okay. Esp. when I had said this: IIRC, because of a lack of violaists, orcestras tend to pay them higher.
  11. You guys are wrong. The follow are annoying douchebags:
  12. Not my problem if ya future is destoryed.
  13. Because there's no debating that violins are so much better than your average, patheic, forgetable violas! Violins are also more popular, more beloved and more vauled. They also make more money in the orcestra and they're like the gods of the orcestra.
  14. I wanna learn that song on the violin and piano. Thing is, if I did record one video on me violin and on the piano, it might not come out right because I have a tempo issue when playing music (as in I go too fast then slow down when it not right) so yeah.
  15. Wow, now you guys hijacked a Chrono Trigger topic.
  16. A religion sub-forum? Man, it's morning and I don't need to laugh right now. Let me guess Loki, all you gonna do in that sub-forum is try to troll and cause flame wars because people don't agree with your religious viewpoints. I don't see this as a great idea. Looking at past religious topics and see how they ended, it is not a good idea.
  17. Kid, no. You do not want to harm her. At all.
  18. Here's a warning: Also, it's best to do as many side quests as possible if you wanna save the future and don't go against Schala the Dream Devourer. You'll need the might of the world to take on this threat against the world.
  19. Before anyone goes to sleep or whatever, when should I promote in FE5 Hack and how do I do the Branch Promos?
  20. Yeah, I think her name was Cecil. She was good. Isadora was decent enough to use.
  21. Was there ever a good female Paldin. (And I mean one that could use Swords, Axes, and Spears. Not the healers.)
  22. She pulls a sword from her purse and fights the police. Too bad that guns are better then swords so Midia dies.
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