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Steven Tyler

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Everything posted by Steven Tyler

  1. Ishtar is gonna be on the Maury show pretty soon with Aless, Arthur, Julius, and the other guy.
  2. Ishtar is pregnant? Who's the father?
  3. Is any of the units that comes with Selphina any good?
  4. Oh. I thought Queens would had Hilda's battle sprite. That why I trip off of the Baron class. Hmm...speaking of Nanna, is her sub any good?
  5. Leiderick fucked with the wrong princess! Nanna feels that she don't need daddy's or her boyfriend's protection anymore with the broken weapon and magic triangle! I'm gonna try this out once I get her to level 30 or 40 or whatever the level max out. SHe's like the high school nerd who gets pick on in his or her freshman, sophomore and junior year but during the summer of her junior year, she started to learn how to fight and got stronger and feels she can get her revenge now. Okay! (So there may had been some cheating with Leg, STR, and Defense Rings. Take 'em off by -5 points and that should be her real stats)
  7. lol Baron Nanna! The promotions in this game are funny!
  8. Ah, know I see! So if I promote after my first promotion, I get that. Okay! But I rather experiment with Mage Fighter Nanna. No wait, Mage Fighter Nanna is stupid seeing that her Earth Sword (in range mode) can beat Dark, Wind, Fire, and Thunder magic. Then again, with the extra boast in magic, she can be a good healer.
  9. You know, those damn "Party Hard" pics and the song are only good if Loki was banned or something.
  10. I know I'm a bit naive about FE5: Ishtor Vs. The World but you guys are sure there are only the Master and Knight Proofs? I wanna promote Nanna to a Falcon Knight but I don't know if I need another item or not. Screw it, Mage Knight Nanna sounds fun!
  11. Paladin Saphy hell yeah! Range, canto, spears, swords, and staffs? HELL FUCKIN' YEAH BITCH! Bad thing, I gotta build her sword rank to a "B" to have her use magic weapons. :(
  12. I gotta do this: Stud: Slut: Stud: Slut: (Oh come on! You can not say she wasn't givin' it up to those pirates!)
  13. Why the bitch gotta snitch? What, let me guess, she's gonna come out with a song talking about how she force those boys to touch that girl but in reality, it was her.
  14. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uZcUTVLDN4w...feature=related http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oKLG2zKoW6w...feature=channel I still don't see how Haruhi and the Boondocks could be related. Is Haruhi a snitch now or something?
  15. I'm black. I can just look at 'em kids and they will know what's up! I don't need to sexually intimidate a girl to get a computer.
  16. Doesn't anyone wanna hear about my issues with kids thinkin' they're clever my beef?
  17. AU Ishtar should be the villain of FE4 and FE5 at the same time. Like she can be at two universes and timelines at once!
  18. Oh okay. I thought you know they never existed in the tsame timeline. Oh okay. I thought you know they never existed in the same timeline. He time traveled to prevented his own death.
  19. I could always learn how to time travel... lol Nanna's replacement/sub is in this hack! Time paradox much?
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