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Steven Tyler

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Everything posted by Steven Tyler

  1. More likely some guys put their penis next to a ruler and measure it. Next, I figure they see what is the average size online.
  3. I get stabbed? Wow. But I just got stabbed! EDIT: Oh nevermind, Ishtar healed me.
  4. What are the retirement benefits, Miss Sylvia?
  5. How about you write something that you are passionate about?
  6. Play the "Song of Time" and relive the three days that just past.
  7. I didn't had any beer or donuts for him.
  8. Man, Homer isn't in this hack either. :( He was awesome!
  9. Mine came in last year for a loser community college. I'm still thinking of what four-year schools I should go to. One of them is "Berkly School of Music" for "Film Scoring" and "Orchestra". Since however the music industry is hard to break into, I do have a back-up just in case. I'm taking a Computer Technology course gettin' a major in that area.
  10. Strange, I get him at 27 by that time.
  11. Time paradox much? By 3. By the time you get to that chapter with ShananxPatty, Shanan's speed should be at 27 at level 30.
  12. http://www.mywot.com/ Web of Trust add-on FTW, bitches!
  13. No. I'm thinking about there's an affair in the Tordo family.
  14. Well yeah. It's like "The Boy Who Cried 'Wolf' " conflict.
  15. I kinda knew about the whole "Ritter" thing seeing it was from Germany and such.
  16. Only a retard would say "My computer was hack! I never meant it!" Old ass trick.
  17. I blame video games, comic books, action movies, novels, and whatever the media like to blame theses days.
  18. He has it in him to take over the world in the FE5 Hack. He does have balls. Also, Forest Knight Mareeta is lol.
  19. No. Quiet, "innocent" cult girls aren't my type. Besides, too young. Remember that pic when Sara's feet was making friends with Leaf's meat sword? Let's say Julius is in that situation expect Sara is stomping on it.
  20. Sara chained and tied him up and gagged him to her bed. She's a bit mad that she was force into the Lopotusu Cult and she wanna take her anger out on the main guy.
  21. Well, technically she is a member but she wants out and spend the rest of her days pissing off Nanna by having Leaf protect her (Sara). Sara will play that innocent girl act to a point and then she'll rape Julius.
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