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Steven Tyler

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Everything posted by Steven Tyler

  1. I thought the Obama Administration moscot was: Then again, we already got a monkey in the highest office.
  2. *Hit the Captain's knee with a sledge hammer*
  3. But your physical defense suck so... (Critical Diadora with an Killer Axe) Now she is. You can pay me back later with money, power, and respect. See, what would happen is that NPC players would get attack by the good guys. How can I prevent that from happening? I thinking of sending Othlin to take care of the evil armors for training. Is that safe?
  4. I say alcohol. It's always alcohol in those cases. Chapter 18 of FE5 is gonna anally rape me trying to get Xaiver and his crew.
  5. Diadora, what made you even marry your half-brother?
  6. Sorry, but that's a totally different map then I have. It's day time nad the place is full of horseback enemy units. Once again, I'm sorry.
  7. Well, I'm currently on my mom's laptop playing FE6's chapter 18. A while back ago, the laptop caught AIDS a virus and was in the repair shop for good while. Well, I decided once after I got the laptop back, I was going to replay FE6. I forgotten that I was still stuck on Chapter 18 and I totally forgotten how to beat the chapter. Help!
  8. Roy ejaculated on Idoun's face and she claw his eyes out after that.
  9. Great guides, cheat, hacks, etc. However, the message boards are horrible.
  10. Yeah, he (Keaneu) came oujt and said he was playing Spike. I won't be a whining fanboy and bitch about it since nobody seen any part of the movie yet.
  11. He would be the most broken character in FE4 and 5 also he's banned from online play.
  12. Lilina gave him a disease that fucked up his eyesight?
  13. The Watchmen could destroy every character in Fire Emblem 4 and 5.
  14. Judging from his avatar, he likes older 60s Hannah-Barbara cartoons.
  15. Bunny Bread was a national wide thing? I always thought Bunny Bread was a St. Louis thing as a kid.
  16. Destiny Hero was a decent troll and he had his own style and grace. He easily rivals the trolling skills of somebody like Captain Cornflake.
  17. Black man mentally. Well usually since I watch a lot of crime drama, if article of clothing is found in a furnace, usually the person is trying to destroy any details of rape. Just assume that what he did. I mean, it's not as fucked up as me making a comment to my friend when The Comedian
  18. The ending was fuck up but well done! Rorschach was just brutal and awesome. This is not a children comic book-based movie due to the gory violence and sex and yeah, there were some dumb ass parents who brought their children to see a "R" rated movie with over-the-top violence and sex.
  19. White boy in the ghetto gonna be the black man's bitch.

  21. I'm so awesome I should take over the world.
  22. I have a fetish for black men rapping one white woman.
  23. Oh fuckin' great, not another furry. I don't have enough gas in my flamethrower to burn you all!
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