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Steven Tyler

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Everything posted by Steven Tyler

  1. What is that sword that Patty gives to Celice in Chapter 7?
  2. Okay, water+electricity= Mecha-Julia's death.
  3. Does Mecha-Julia have any weaknesses like magnets and lighting?
  4. Ishtor's girlfriend and her army is a bitch to defeat this time around.
  5. That's just sad. Oh, this is the only way otakus can get women. (R.I.P George Carlin) (Ignore the cheap tencho music BTW)http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xqeM-5uLqOg
  6. And that's why I hate gamers who bitch and complain about how others play. If i wanna cheat, hack, abuse, or whatever, Ido it.
  7. WTF Syliva can promote in a hack? What hack is it? Also, why Arthur x Julia? Besides, I thought Julia can't love unless it's Rana or Celice.
  8. Celice was thinking about Ishtar while he and Julia was doing it and also he did came first while having thoughts about Ishtar.
  9. If you willing to dress up and talk like a woman.
  10. Julia upset at Celice that she didn't orgasm and now she's on a rampage.
  11. I swear I didn't steal the following lyrics Fire, it's your birthday. You best not get banned today , And we're proud of you today. Fire, it's your birthday. Happy birthday, Fire. Fire, it's your birthday. Happy birthday, Fire. I wish you love and good will. I wish you peace and joy. I wish you better than your heart desires. And your first STD from that whore. Fire, it's your birthday. Happy birthday, Fire. Fire, it's your birthday. Happy birthday, Fire. Yeah!
  12. She looks like she's pissed off at somebody.
  13. Julia is actually decent with Dark Magic. Sure it doesn't heal with like Rezie but an evil Julia does make lulz.
  14. LET'S PLACE BETS!!!! $500 says Loki will turn a this into a religious debate about his religion doesn't allow birthday celebrations and this topic will turn into a huge flame war by the end of the afternoon!
  15. Celice is too broken in this hack. I kinda regretted giving him a Skill Ring so I gave that to Jovan since Axes are kinda heavy.
  16. Do you always have to ruin somebody day or topic everywhere you go? Happy B-day.
  17. Mecha Yuria? Mecha as in metal robotic parts? Okay!
  18. What was in the sig that made Hanz take it down?
  19. Masturbation is not time well wasted if you have some fantasies while you doing it!
  20. I see you, idiot. Learn to use better hiding methods.
  21. Aw, that wasn't the finale I was looking for. I mean, I want to see a beautiful, well performed climax full of emotion.
  22. I'm just going out on a limb here but I thought that monkey was basically meant how silly that bill was to the point anyone could had written that, not the whole incident with the chimp fuckin' up that lady's face. Can't blame ya for thinking that seeing both incident happen within the same week.
  23. To mock poor people who still have 56K speeds. And I did kinda forgotten about that feature.
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