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Steven Tyler

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Everything posted by Steven Tyler

  1. Gen 2 of Biany is so broken that I felt guilty boss abusing Danan.

  3. I'm a Catholic hating Protestant who wants revenge on those bastards who ruined our religion. I want to bomb every Catholic church in the world in replace it with a Protestant one. In all seriousness, I'm a Pentecostal Christian. I believe in the Holy Trinity (God, Jesus, and the Holy Ghost) but I also believe that God and Jesus are two separate Divine people (bite me Yourgranny). I will however, never force my religion down anyone throats and I do not believe that my religion is the right one. I'm faithful to it, but no religion is right. Also, I don't give a damn what faith-based religion you belong to or if you don't even believe in a god. I'm not going to fight over somebody else veiwpoints. Anyways, this is going to end well!
  4. Hey guys! Let's talk about our religion or lack of it! I'm sure that we're all going to respect the fact that we believe in God or not!
  5. I believed it until I saw the prison break. Does FEU fails or something btw?
  6. FE5, FE6, and FE7 axes are actually good. They sill have issue but they're actually good in those games.
  7. I would love to enter one of them if they do not have any diseases.
  8. Ishtar > Entire female cast of FE4.
  9. Yeah when we got him in a shitty game which also ruined his character. Damn. I allied with Isaac. Err, what should I do?
  10. Okay, so like, which castle is Issac so I can give Julia the cooler Light magic.
  11. lol, she needed to take a shit after 19 years!
  12. Trolling with religion much? That's my area, kid.
  13. That looks like a really fuck up version of Metal Sonic. That or because I'm listening to some Sonic 3 music and that's influencing my thoughts about that Idoun avatar. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FXiomhZVUro The dragon on that box cover is Meduith. But series, that pic of Idoun looks like a robot.
  14. Oh okay. Okay, who should I pair up in Gen 2 or it doesn't matter anymore?
  15. After FE4 Biany, I'm playing that FE4 Tordo. Those fanart face mugs look so much better than the original.
  16. 1. At first, I thought you meant like they only stay as Prince and Lord throughout the game and you almost got me upset then I had to read it again. 2. Johan is the emo one, right, the one with the handband? 3. The Slut passed that down to Nanna, along with some lube and condoms. Trying to teach her daughter how to be a slut as well. 4. Oh, I will! I will . . .
  17. Actually, that's just a cover up, a display. Actually Rana is a serial killer who enjoys torturing the Empire's Soldiers and drinking their blood because she belives by drinking their blood, her battle morale is boasted.
  18. Here's one for the hack: A love triangle between Rana and Lackhe and Celice! Also, since I'm starting over with Gen 2, any advice for this generation. I'm also at Chapter 6. I'm also thinking of making Celice and Lachke loves so I can heavily abuse the Triangle Attack of Shanan, Unimportant Twin, and Lackhe.
  19. And kids, this is why you don't pirate software or music, you might mess up your computer. Well, um . . . congrats?
  20. I make Levin and Titlyu's unborn son one of the main supporting character in this hack if I could hack. I also have Beowulf and Lachesis have a divorce once Beowulf finds out about Finn banging her.
  21. Norse myths are more awesome because they deal with pure manly violence. The avatar is nice however.
  22. I wish I could learn to hack so I could make a hack of FE4 and change the storyline.
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