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Steven Tyler

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Everything posted by Steven Tyler

  1. Fuck Julius! I shall take him out one day with a powerful, broken, cheap army of super-soldiers!
  2. I think the only games Fire Emblem could ever crossover with are fantas medieval seeing the nature of the series. Imagine, Link and Sigurd teaming up in a Legend of Zelda game or say...Queen Zeal using Idoun's powers to power-up Lavos in Chrono Trigger. Random yes. I could see some FE characters being as Metal Gear Solid characters since MGS is a bit wacky.
  3. So my boy get suspended but Loki (among a few others who I won't name ) doesn't due to recent flaming and insults? I fully support this. Shit blacklash on you when you don't take care of these sort of things.
  4. We won. Get over it! Anyways, before we get attacked by more whinners, Faval doesn't come with Ichival. :(
  5. Mecha- Julia's theme in FE4 Pt. 2 is "Fuckin Hostlie".
  6. Mecha-Julia is all metal. Damn, I thought you were still half-human! Mecha-Narga is cheap.
  7. King Zephiel was raped by Idoun and Brunya after some drinking too much and being hit by a magical spell the increased their sex drive. I'm just curious.
  8. I wonder. Does Mecha-Julia have all of her...girl parts despite being a robot?
  9. Yeah. If that cover has a whip, handcuff, and is very horny, run like hell!
  10. Why can't they order sex dolls of their favorite anime or video game character and get it over with? http://otakubooty.com/ To be honest, I seen a few pics and most of them aren't that bad looking. Yeah, they may lack some social skills but oh well.
  11. Damn, God must hate me for celebrating the life He gave me and my friends and family. Oh, what should I do?! I'm going to hell if I celebrate one more birthday. And no wonder why I don't like to talk about my faith . . .
  12. It's usually the kind-hearted, sweet ones that are freaky and dominate.
  13. Diadora doesn't seem like the one in Femdom.
  14. For the money to pay for this server.
  15. OS? Tinny has an incestous crush on Arthur and Ishtar.
  16. Yeah, it's like with her and Sety as lovers. Why is them being lovers so important?
  17. Something has been bothering me for a while. Why does Tinny have her own theme? I mean, she isn't that important to the story, is she?
  18. Yeah, but that means you only have half the power of Narga, I hope. If I free you from your metal prison, will you be at peace and won't kill anymore?
  19. Mecha Julia can't use Narga because Mech Julia isn't human, just a robot.
  20. Oh. Basically like how they did with FE3's Devil Sword.
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