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Steven Tyler

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Everything posted by Steven Tyler

  1. Guys, I'm gonna do it! I'm going to play Biany FE! Any tips before I play?
  2. Shit, that ain't nothing. I just came from an live orchestra recording of the music they're doing for the game and I manage to get a single from one of the songs from the official soundtrack! http://www.box.net/shared/uvnrl8gfns That sounds like a very great idea! You don't mind if I ever get into the industry and if I ever work for Nintendo after 20 years of experience that I pitch that idea with them? :P A FE universal war would be a nice fighting game. Say like all the villains are butthurt because they got defeated and they think using their skills could bring the world into ruin.
  3. The way I see it, the real uptight, hardcore, fundies will still hold on and still won't believe that evolution is a theory that even the Catholic church agrees with. Those with a unbiased point of view well look into this and see if this can mix in with their faith. Would be something if God did created evolution as well as creationism but there could be some conflicts.
  4. Ah okay. I stand corrected. I still have this mindset that many or almost all Christians are like that.
  5. Oh my, us Christians got owned. Hell, maybe God did created evolution (lol) just to test his twisted sense of humor upon Mankind. I honestly think that God may had created evolution along with creationism but I could be totally wrong. And a topic like this with a well-known religious nut here I sure will not generated lulz and flames. I won't reconsider my faith anytime soon, but still, if the Vatican thinks that evolution is real . . .
  6. Post your favorite pics from your Photobucket Rules 1. KEEP IT CLEAN!!! (Keep it at least PG-13) 2. 56K Connections are for the poor and idiots. (Comes with an angry mobs who can't tell from reality from fantasy!) (And that is why you must keep an eye on warning signs!) (Done by Nightmarre) http://i193.photobucket.com/albums/z154/Th...edaxMinvera.jpg (Yuri picture of FE1's Sheeda and Minerva. [DON'T RUIN IT FOR THOSE SHOW KNOW WHAT THAT ACTUALLY PIC IS!!!]) EDIT: That Sophitia picture was too large for my tastes.
  7. If I ever become a game designer or a video game composer, I might have to give it up because of the demanding hours.
  9. Marty! Thanks for the Sarcasm Radar thing!
  10. Don't we all? Go! Kill them for dissing great games!
  11. http://www.gamefaqs.com/console/ps2/review/R120035.html http://www.gamefaqs.com/console/ps2/review/R106971.html You know what to do!
  12. Sonic Boom (Ending) (Sonic CD) Listening to it now, it was a bit cheesy but it does stick to me because of the rich nostalgia effect it has on me. You gotta admit, despite it cheesiness, it was catchy. Way to Fall - StarSailor (Metal Gear Solid 3) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xw6kAAkKFak I admit the fact I never played MGS3 but Way to Fall is a song that fits the treatment of Big Boss, Eva, and anyone else who been screwed over by those above them. Listening to the lyrics, you can tell there's a sad story about an experienced person telling a rookie that people will **** you over and people will lie to you. The seasoned vet is dealing with is own issues and sadness due to just being treated like a tool.
  13. Titlyu is the biggest whore in FE4. She does boys, girls, dragons, horses, and pegi!
  14. Endgame isn't here and if he was, I would ask the mods permission to flame and harass the living hell outta him. Regertfully, my first Fire Emblem was Gaiden. I said to myself "Oh, it's a RPG after all!" then I got to some battles and I was a bit disappointed. The first true Fire Emblem experience I had was with Fire Emblem 4. Originally, I thought Sigurd was Marth. Then they say Sigurd is not Marth but oh well.
  15. Gender nor race means shit to me. A hunt a hunt!
  16. Well, what are your favorite ending theme/ending credits songs in a video game? Did the song reflect on the characters, the game, or you just plain like it? And so this won't become a "Top 10, 15, 100" topic, please state why you enjoy the song? Sonic 3 Credits (Sonic 3 and Knuckles) YouTube - SONIC 3 - "Sonic 3 credits" music request Listening to this song gives you a sense of victory and a sense of joy that you completed a good game. It is basically a celebration song! Also, there's another reason why I love this song: YouTube - Stranger In Moscow(Sonic 3 Credit Mix) - Michael Jackson Eternal Wind (Fire Emblem 6: The Sword of Seals) YouTube - Fire Emblem: The Sealed Sword Original Soundtrack 30 This . . . is a bit hard to explain. Seeing this song and ending focus on one of the worst final boss in a video game the supporting villain (Idoun) and her reformed heart after taking a beating from Roy. Man, other then that, it's basically an arrangement of this song in the key of D minor/F Major: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_5iRP1iJpbY Seriously. The Best is Yet to Come (Metal Gear Solid) YouTube - Metal Gear Solid Soundtrack: The Best Is Yet To Come Reading those lyrics translation, you can tell that Snake had a simple, easy life before his mercenary days. The sadness expressed in this song details that Snake long for peace and a better simple life, but he knows he can never have that lifestyle if he's always fighting. Snake basically kills his past and his emotions and yet, despite killing them, it is like they are revived at one point. Ending Credits (Super Mario 64) YouTube - Super Mario 64: Staff Roll Another song that doesn't really fit the game, but gives you another sense of closure. This is a very beautiful and well-composed piece that gives you that effect of remembering older days playing this game. Staff Roll (Mario Kart Double Dash) YouTube - Mario Kart Double Dash Music - Staff Roll Tell me, when was the last time you heard jazz as an ending theme in a video game? Another celebration like song that is so damn upbeat, like the game is praising you for beating it.
  17. So, I can basically dis anyone here with totally usage of Freedom of Speech and Expression?
  18. Fuck Sigurd that overrated piece of shit Lord! FE4 wasn't even a great fuckin' game! Fuck, I make a diss song about the FE4 fanbase! Yeah, I voted for Sigurd.
  19. That's very wise to say and I have no doubt in my mind that will not cause any more issues then what we already have.
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