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Steven Tyler

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Everything posted by Steven Tyler

  1. I've been itching to see it ever since this dude told me about it. Here it's really fuck up on the gore factor.
  2. That's only in the Fire Emblem Dating Sim. There's got to be a way to unlock Crono . . .
  3. Hey, how do I unlock Crono from Chrono Trigger on this game?
  4. EVERYTHING IS FUCKIN' BIGGER!!! However to be fair, in anime, penises, breasts, and tentacles are bigger as well.
  5. I want to die by chopping my head off with a chain saw.
  6. This is some of the worst fake cheat codes I ever heard in my life! Oh, if you kill Idoun with Fa, Fa will go on a killing spree after the end of the game.
  7. - If Hector doesn't die from his wounds early in the game, his younger version is playable. - If Aeris doesn't die in the Temple of the Ancients, the final boss is changed to this: Be aware that Haruhi spams Knights of The Round, Meteor, Holy, and Ultima. All at once. - If you get Sophia to 20/20 by the end of the chapter you get her, you unlock a special cut scene of Ray and Sophia having sex. Yep.
  8. ^Yeah, that was pretty fun! It was a huge challenge but it was a great one!
  9. Oh, and if you beat the game 10 times, Shigeru Miyamoto and Will Wright replace Idoun as the final boss and they have shotguns and automatic guns.
  10. And shove it up her asshole . . . with no lube.
  11. Titlyu fucked a 24. oz Pepsi bottle just so she can handle larger penises.
  12. That's if you want to unlock the hentai scenes in the game.
  13. This topic is more pathetic then niggas mocking people over the internet.
  14. So, a new member was asking how to unlock Human Idoun in Fire Emblem 6 (http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=12136) and as a good member that I am, I shall help out. To unlock Human Idoun, you must have beaten the game on both easy and hard mode at least one time each. Now, playthrough Hard Mode again and this time around, you MUST use every character at least once in the game. This may sound easy, however, the catch is that you can NOT have any unit killed and you can not reset the game. If you do reset the game, you might as well start a whole new game. You must complete ALL the side quests, Gaiden chapters, and you must get to the last chapter in under 45 hours. Only Roy or Fa can fight Idoun, DO NOT USE ANY OTHER UNIT TO BATTLE DRAGON IDOUN IN THE LAST CHAPTER!!! She'll go berserk and take it out on everyone in your party, killing them with amazing OHKOs. If you were able to defeat Dragon Idoun with Roy, you unlock a hidden chapter in which you are on a map with Roy and Idoun only. This map is a beautiful flower field in a quiet, secluded forest. There is no music, no words. Human Idoun and Roy look at each other and go into combat. If you are able to defeat Idoun in under three rounds, you unlock her. Hope I could been of help!
  15. Of course! It's Steve Vai! And seeing the song is about how men fight and slaughter for the name of their religion, it fits for Fire Emblem 4 and 5!
  16. They should use this song if they ever make a Fire Emblem 4 Generation 3.
  17. Not as bad as this one story I heard on Court TV years about a group of extremist who bombed abortion clinics in the name of God. This is just bad. These extremist want to make a statement about killing human lives and yet, this man almost risk the lives of a few people. Shit, this shit is not of God's work, at all.
  18. Racing. I enjoy watching drag, drifing, and any short races on a course with a great design, but shit like NASCAR is just so boring.
  19. It's Destiny Zero, a immature child who won't listen to you. Go off on his ass for stealing your shit however.
  20. I'll marry Brunya and Idoun just to piss Zephiel off.
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