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Steven Tyler

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Everything posted by Steven Tyler

  2. I want to die by chopping my head off with an axe. Now that's badass.
  3. Fire Emblem 4 was my first Fire Emblem and I was easy for me. Also, get him to play Fire Emblem 7 as well. Both are very easy, but really great games for beginners.
  4. No, Keith pulled a gun on Pegasus but Pegasus used that eye thing and fucked up Keith's mind and Keith wind up shooting himself in the head.
  5. Oh and Bandit Keith gets shot in the manga.
  6. Fuck him. He's a Canadian who immigrated to America, thus is not a true American. inb4controversy
  7. I was being serious as a Comic View comedian. On my part, it was some really bad sarcasm. And enjoy fried chicken and watermelons. Before I get attacked by that statement, my friend and I were talking about this and he made a really good point about people treating Obama like he is a god or something. If you think about it (which really, doesn't need thinking skills), he's the first BI-RACIAL president, not the first BLACK president. Yes, this is history, but this isn't the Second Coming of Christ he stated. he also stated that "The only reason why he got this rep of being the Anti-Christ, God, Devine Being,etc. is because people are treating him as such".
  8. Did they added their own music in the game? I wonder how they do that. lol, a shitty character as the hero, another shitty character as a creature, and Hardin blowing up Nina! Shit is cash! EDIT: They made Anna playable! Man, I so going to get this hack!
  9. But I am not a woman. I blame the next person for letting him or herself be a scapegoat.
  10. lol maybe! I didn't get a nice look. :P I'm trying to get the rest of the transcript from Smart. Anyways, like Will stated from me, I had place this book about Evolution in the Sci-Fi/Fiction area and I did. However, I think one of the employees of the store caught me and I put it back to it's rightful place. Or and it also doesn't help the fact we saw a group of schoolchildren chanting like cultists in a kid's store. On another ironic tale: After the bookstore, my friend and I went to an Apple store pretending to be indie fags. While we were browsing through the store, we saw the most ironic thing; A freakin' P.C. near the software and I saw a few employees in the backroom using P.C.s Yeah, it was a night of irony for me.
  11. Yesterday, a friend of mine and myself decied to see "The Curious Case of Benjamin Button" at a local mall's theater. We got to the mall and notice the movie didn't start until an hour so, to kill some time, my friend wanted to go to this bookstore to see if they have this book he wanted. So we were browsing in the store and we came across some Bibles. I was like cool and whatever since I had some at my house, so I really didn't need one and I put the bible back. I went to the other section right next to the Bibles and that section read as "Christian Fiction". I pointed this out to my friend and the both of us, having Christian Morals, started laughing our butts off! My friend was like "Wait, I thought Christians like you didn't believe the Bible wasn't fiction!" And I was like "It doesn't help the fact that there are Bibles right next to the Christian Fiction and normal fiction areas." and then we started laughing a bit more. More to come.
  12. But I haven't become a game designer yet so none of the characters for the company I would work for haven't been Rule 34'd for yaoi! I blame the next person for all the pointless religious holy wars ever.
  13. That would ruin the series' rep if that was to happen. Adult Swim might tone down on the violence if they would to air it.
  14. So, this is your way of getting your e-penile enlarged?
  15. I blame the next poster for being racism to America.
  16. That's a sign of things to come in these four years. Always dropping the ball and letting it roll away from you.
  17. I seen a parody video of it on YouTube with a Final Fantasy VII battle. Shit was fuck up because some girl got poisoned and she wind up sticking the hilt of a knife against the wall and started stabbing herself in the neck with it.
  18. Faval, the only reason you fell is because you were smoking pot with your friends because all high school students do it. During your high, you was unaware of your surroundings and you missed that huge ass mud puddle. (Do not take this statement seriously). I feel . . . slightly bad for ya.
  19. ITT we post our favorite fanart pics. Keep it worksafe! Vegeta, after the Dragon Ball years We love to see you smile . . .
  20. The RNG in this game isn't really that bad. There's been some times when I got fucked over by it but it ain't that bad.
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