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Steven Tyler

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Everything posted by Steven Tyler

  1. Here: http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=11997 If I was to make a FE4 list, Leyla, Daisy, Ishtar, and Julia would be top tier.
  2. So, people made it into a racist topic then you have people posting porn of girls of different races. That is uncivil . . .
  3. Back up. To my knowledge, that only happen to me about three times since I usually kill the leader so I can remove the morale for the enemies. They're kinda fun to fight with however.
  4. * Gran Year 001: Gran Kingdom formed west of Yun River. * Gran Year 230: Shift to republican government. * Gran Year 310: Territory expansion: Era of prosperity. * Gran Year 440: Dark Lord descends to Archbishop Galle; Loput Sect religious order is formed. * Gran Year 447: War of the Twelve Dark Lords; fall of the Gran republic. * Gran Year 448: Archbishop Galle takes the throne, and the Loput Empire is formed. * Gran Year 449: The Great Purge: Casualties exceed one hundred thousand. * Gran Year 452: Sorrow of Miletos: Numerous human young are burned to death in sacrifice to the Dark Lord Loputousu. * Gran Year 453: Atrocity at Edda: Casualties are in tens of thousands. * Gran Year 535: Mutiny of Maira Imperial family. * Gran Year 611: Liberation army disseminates across the Jugdral continent. * Gran Year 632: Miracle at Darna Fortress: Gods descend to liberation army, and the Twelve Crusaders emerge. * Gran Year 633: Beginning of Holy War. * Gran Year 648: Fall of the Loput Empire: The Twelve Crusaders establish seven dukedoms in Grandbell and five regional kingdoms * Gran Year 649: Kingdom of Grandbell formed. * Gran Year 757: Grandbell invades Isaac. You don't think . . . Maybe they were. But it doesn't say "warlords", maybe just twelve demonic evil kings and queens.
  5. Because of the whole Eyvel/Sara/Dadga/Lifis/Galzus issue, I always thought the Dark War Lords were zombies or reanimated bodies who was being controlled by evil spirits.
  6. So, how did we got to Sigurd and Celice? Anyway, I was a bigger fan of Sigurd, so I pick him.
  7. I seen that Hardin FE4 hack but why does he have hte Lopot sword?
  8. Is it me or does the Red_Fox vote count says "9002"?
  9. You seen her in-game, right? She looks like somebody who done her share of pot.
  10. See, the good thing about Misha is that she's ugly and no man or woman wants to have sex with her. She is safe from the STDs.
  11. STD's GODS Roy Lachesis SYPHILIS TIER Finn (Got it from Lachesis) Lachesis (Got it from around the block) Nanna (Got it along with her skill sets) Maretta (Got it from Leaf and Nanna during a threesome) Leaf (Got it from Lachesis and Nanna during a time paradox) Machyua (Got it from her husband who I forgotten his name) GENITAL WARTS TIER Lachesis Lara (Got is from Parn) Lifis (Got it from Lara) Parn Tina (Got it from Parn) Saphy (Got it from Lifis) Shiva (Got it from Saphy) HEPATITIS Manfloy Sara (And guess who she got it from!) Miranada (Got it from Leaf, who was seduced by her) Gonorrhea Lex (Got it from Ira, who got it from Lachesis who got it from Roy who got it from Lilian, who got it from Wendy[!] who got it from the King from Burger King) Lackhe Ira Lachesis Mareeta (BETA only.) Arthur (Who got it from Julia, who got it from Diadora, who got it from Alvis, who got it from Aida) Julia (Got it from Rana and Celice during a threesome when Rana and Julia agreed that Celice can have them both.) Fee (Got it from Arthur) Olwen Dragon Rash Tier (Dragons only, a really nasty rash on the private area) Medius Chiki (Who got it from Chieny) Chiney (Who got it after having sex with Marth, who thought Chiney was Chiki during that prank) Minerva (She's into bestiality) Narga (Who got it from Medius) Lopotusu (Who got it from Narga) Sophia (She gave it to Roy, Ray, and Idoun) Idoun (She got it from Sophia) Fa (Who got it from Sophia, making her a pedophile) Ninian (Who got it from Nils. Ninian also gave this to Roy thus almost every woman in Fire Emblem 6 and Smash Bros. Melee has the Dragon Rash) Nils (Got it after banging a hot dragon chick) Myph Eliwood (YOU HAPPY NOW IT DIDN'T SHOW UP UNTIL LATER IN LIFE AND IN FACT, NINIAN PASSED AWAY FROM THIS ILLNESS!) TEASE TIER Leen Syliva Lara Leyla Everyone else is either clean or I'm being lazy.
  12. God, did everyone loved the Green/White Ranger. Boys wanna be like him and girls wanna be with him.
  13. Sexual Chocolate: Snow_Sotrm Top Tier: Snow_Storm High Tier: Snow_Storm Ego Tier: Snow_Storm Vanity Tier: Snow_Storm Yep.
  14. Lousie, Karla, and Ninian for Top Tier.
  15. I always forget to teach Mareeta the Meteor Star hit in 16A because i was in a rush.
  16. Captain Obvious: "This poll is opinion-based!" (For anyone who keep on saying "It's a personal poll" or "it's my opinion." A NoishxAyra paring makes the best Lackhe because of what skills both parents offer. Lex can also make a good father for Lackhe because of Ambush and Elite.
  17. D. Hero should get a sex change. He already acts bitchy!
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