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Steven Tyler

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Everything posted by Steven Tyler

  1. Since I'm a big dude and all, I would fit perfectly in any armored based class. I also have the high strength to boot. A second choice would be a Makute since people called a beast in high school as a little joke because of my looks.
  2. Actually, you helped me learn a new term! Now I know the difference. Thanks! But why people are saying it's an opera is strange.
  3. Okay, so it's a hack. I need to redown an SNES emulator ASAP.
  4. Ya are some of the biggest haters around. Seriously, it's just a thread. http://www.comedycentral.com/videos/index....l?videoId=24419 http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=hater
  5. Jack Thompson is old news. He was worthless in 2005, he's worthless now.
  6. Everybody in this world needs to blame somebody for something they don't like.
  7. I thought preists in the older FE games don't have light.
  8. EDIT: Sometimes Wist, you scare me, just a little bit.
  9. I would say there's always trade school for the kid but even trade schools and the job fields in trade, you need those skills.
  10. THis is why 4chan, in fact, all the chans needs to die.
  11. FE1: Only up til when you get Jake. FE2: Only up to the second chapter. Never again. FE3: 3 FE4: 5 FE5: 3 FE6: 1 FE7: 2
  12. To be fair, Young Link bangs Saria.
  13. You need to get your ass beat or your IP traced, pronto!
  14. To be fair, there's different heroes using the name "Link" in different time lines, so the Links may have one, five, ten, or no girlfriends. TP Link is banging Zelda, Minda, and Illa while Hector bangs four girls (Lyn, Florina, Farina, and Serra) and Roy, eight girls (The 6 ladies, Idoun, and Princess Genvieve.)
  15. lol Dew kills everything in slight! Can you make Lex a sword fighter or that's impossible, Shanan?
  16. Fix'd. It's not Nintendo's fault that fanboys are whiny bitches. Seeing how easy games are today makes me stop playing games these days and this new idea is just overkill. I can see this working for somebody who's too poor to have internet access (but yet, they can afford a gaming console) or a really young child (then again, we're still babying them with this idea). I feelings are mixed right now since it is somewhat a good idea on paper however, a freakin' video or a skip level idea is just plain silly!
  17. Why is that anything that is popular will always attach haters? Anyways, before I start a flame war . . . Is getting FE9 worth it?
  18. Capture and stealing items from the older FE games need to make a come back!
  19. I had HeatherxIlyana in a tab but it's old now.
  20. The most toughest guy ever (Joey). Dude is straight a beast! Not even that big guy didn't want to fuck with him. You, you should had play the music while you was watching.
  21. I don't care if they're ain't in FE9! Yuri is yuri!
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