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Everything posted by sinfonic18

  1. For the way I acted the last moments of my time here on this forums. I've acted like an moron crybaby, harassing mods and members to do something they can't and don't care to do. For that, I am sorry, I hope you all can find it in your heart to forgive me and my nutcase rants and moods.
  2. I just used my two Edelgards with my Bridal Lyn as a healer and and Lysithea as backup damage. Beat all difficulties on first try except Lunatic (which was somehow harder than Infernal by a huge margin)
  3. Well, there is usually (on every website that requires an account to access most features I've been on) an option to delete your account, which surprisingly isn't an option on most forums for some reason. But that is a better answer than I was expecting for this question. I guess it will have to suffice for this. I didn't think of taking it up with a mod as I couldn't find any contact info for one but I will find a way, hopefully. Thanks for the help!
  4. I don't know if this is where I should be putting this or not, I couldn't really find a help/info section in the forums where I could ask this so I decided to do it here. I've looked everywhere for an account deletion option and it's nowhere to be found, is it possible? if so how do I do it? Thanks in advance!
  5. I love Three Houses but the Cindered Shadows side story is just so, ew. So aren't the characters. When I bought the DLC it honestly kind of ruined one of my favorite games this decade. I thought it would elaborate more on the main story and what exactly happened before Byleth was born and why he had such a distrust for Rhea. That's what I would change about Three Houses. I would add more to the game in order to make the story seem a lot more sense, because playing through it even all 3 routes, it just seems like a ton is missing plot-wise. I'd also like to see Edelgard's story have more chapters but I guess that's in the past now.
  6. I actually don't know what Berwick Saga is, so I suppose it doesn't count. mod post merge: Wow, thanks for your input everyone! If there is anything I learned from this thread it's that I need to find someway to play Path of Radiance lol.
  7. Uh, title. I'd like to know your reasons why your favorite game in the series is your favorite. Is it the gameplay? Story? Characters? OST? Heroes can also be included (although I play it I'm not much of a fan of mobile games, even if they are entries of my favorite franchises.)
  8. Well you make a good point. There are political affluences in many games but I never really paid that much attention to detail how many FE games have politcal-driven stories.
  9. Why bring politics into a forum about Fire Emblem? Just why? Politics, the starter of wars, destroyer of friendships and family.
  10. Looking at the rest of the replies here and I definitely voted this all wrong. My bad. Still, I rate him 8 out of 10.
  11. Yes because offensive white magic in 3H is useless. However I think Marianne makes decent (hard emphasis on decent) Holy Knight in 3H because she is the only one that I know of to have things like Aura and whatnot. She also has natural talent in lances so it's easy to get her there if you want, but for everyone else, it's pretty much the most worthless class in that game. I have never played fe4 or other ones released only in Japan so i wouldn't know. Now that you mention it, my Hector is a great tank only threatened slightly by mages and even those don't dent him too much.
  12. Well thanks. I suppose you're right, but still, the way I play is inefficient in my opinion but a touch of OCD and personalization prevents that lol. I accidentally deleted my save file yesterday and have to start over from Ch. 20. (THANK GOD for VC save states, I had a backup I did on chapter 20 just in case.) I had to get all the way to 26 again but it was a blessing in disguise because I was able to grind the arena this time and get all my units ready to promote, which is what I love lol. Plus they got great level ups.
  13. That and how Nosferatu was changed to a white magic tome in three houses makes it even more useless in that game. Honestly makes Mercedes offensively useless and only good for heals which is what she's supposed to be I suppose. Now that you put it that way, I can see why it's useless in any game that isn't awakening lol. I thought Eliwood was the only one who couldn't die due to game over in his story but now I know lol. Still better sacrificing a character I don't like then getting a game over. xD Good advice. Didn't know thieves had that perk.
  14. Ah, I totally forgot about weight. I actually didn't know weight existed in the older games, thought it was a new feature. Now I understand why nosferatu isn't a great tome in this one. But even if you don't double with it, the health drain from it might be useful. Given a unit has high magic, I would imagine it'd be decent healing. I haven't tried it though yet, so I will take you word for it. Well, I admittedly used Dart as a sacrifice on purpose, I was in a situation where it was either him or Lyn, I didn't want to lose Lyn because she is amazing, so I fed him to the crows. Rip pirate man. Fiora is different story. It was on the map she is recruited on and it's one of the irritating maps where there is fog and you can't see enemies unless you have a bunch of torches. I very riskily put her into the deep fog, and the next turn an archer came out of nowhere and instantly took her down. I was distraught but I didn't want to reset since that's kind of cheating and my other units had good level ups. So yeah, I've definitely been spoiled with the newer games' casual mode...
  15. Oh I know how good prepromotes are even in the newer games. I used Marcus to get me out of some tough situations when i first started Eliwood mode. I just don't like using them personally because I'm the type of person who likes to grow units and mold them into what I want, even if it is inefficient. I like to treat FE like Pokemon, assembling my own team and training them from level 1 to 100 or whatever. It's very satisfying to me and part of what drew me into FE as a whole. Like I said, it's pretty dumb but it's one way I like to enjoy the games. pre-promoted units don't offer this kind of "growing" that I like. So while you're right that Jeigan like units are really good and make the game easier, it's personal, but I can't do it lol. Buuuut, like I said, I used him a bit to help me out with hard times and he really pulled through, I can see why a lot of people say he is the probably the best unit in the game. Yes and FE will be FE, kind of forcing units upon you on certain chapters and disallowing some. Argh. I just got to the chapter where you get Hawkeye and he is a really good prepromoted unit and since most of my other units are promoted now I might consider using him since berserker is cool.
  16. Nosferatu isn't great in this one? I remember it being broken in Awakening. But not being able to double enemies especially in this one is a big downside I guess. Any unit that joins before the last chapter I would imagine would be useless, why would they even introduce a character at the end of the game? I also don't like using promoted-out-of-the-box units unless the map is really hard because they suck up EXP. I always thought it'd hinder the growth of units but perhaps I was wrong. I'm in chapter 20 and I've only permanently lost 2 units (fiora RIP, and Dart RIP) so I think that is a good testament on how this one easy, since this is coming from someone who finds 3H normal to be hard.
  17. To be honest I think I may have had a bad start to the game since I this is my first time playing it and I was using characters that weren't worth it in the long run (such as Dorcas) and stunted the growth of a lot of my good units now that I am in mid-game (basically all 3 lords, both Kent and Sain, Wil and erk and serra, etc). A big victim of this is Florina, since as SOON as she joined in Lyn's story I let her die when i didn't see an archer in her range. Now I had to level her against enemies that were way stronger and it was a pain but worth it since she is one of my best units now. Of course I could've waited until I got Fiora, but I didn't know she joined later and I thought Florina was the only flier. Wish i would've known that sooner lol. I've been using both priscilla and Serra as my healers and they've done a great job. They almost never get hit. I don't really use matthew much unless there is a chest on the map since he's pretty weak but I would really like that Assassin promotion. Basically been using what you stated and it's worked out pretty great. I swapped Raven with Guy because I like swordmasters and Hero kind of sucks no matter the game.
  18. Alright, well all this info has really educated me on this game and FE pre-awakening as a whole so I thank you guys whole heartedly for helping me out!
  19. I've really found Sain and Kent to be extremely useful. That might change but I will definitely throw out Erk for Canas when I get him. Thanks for the info! I just started the Eliwood story part. Good to know that FE7 is one of the easier installments since I've heard from a bunch of people that the older games were a lot harder than the 3ds-and-beyond era so I was kind of preparing myself for that but fe7 seems to be easier than I thought as of right now. I've actually been using Wil and Dorcas a lot, didn't know they were mediocre. They've been subpar throughout what I've played but I thought they would eventually get better, but now I know I'm wasting exp on them. Yes, my mounted and flying units are much higher leveled than my infantry units, I've tried holding off on using them since they're so overleveled but they really do come in handy. Thanks so much guys for the info, will make my playthrough a bit more enjoyable!
  20. This game gives you a lot of units, and unlike Awakening you have limited EXP in this installment so I want to know who is the best units to prioritize that isn't Lyn, Hector or Eliword. It also goes for who is the best to promote when I get there since I'm only on chapter 11. I think this hasn't been asked before, but if it has just delete this post and link me to the topic that has these answers please.
  21. My sister was born with jaundice, but they never had to take blood from her foot... Sounds kinda... Gruesome. Hope you and Integrity are healthy and happy nowadays though!
  22. Thank you all! I didn't expect this warm of welcome with so many replies. Makes me glad I joined!
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