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Everything posted by Phemcee

  1. Aw, I missed celebrating your b-day by a day! :( Sorry! Happy belated birthday, good sir!

  2. VERY belated thanks to you, King Marth. Sorry about that, my cpu was in the shop for like 1.5 months. Thanks!

  3. Just wanted to let you know, on the last last chapter Shon is glitched out, on the prep. and on the map. I play using vizzed, could you fix? tx
  4. this topic was originally intended to be FE 13, but I don't really care.
  5. I gotta say, fe 13 assassins are sweet... Fe 7 Berserkers... Fe 8 Berserkers... and so on. I also like the fe13 dark peg.
  6. What weapons can the Bride class use? Specifically?
  7. Mine is the Demon Fighter class, then probably the Strategist...
  8. Do you think Awakening will be announced for a North American release this June? E3? Nintendo Direct? Any Ideas?
  9. @miscellany... your probably right, I was just hoping... Oh well.
  10. yes, it is region locked, but you can import an EU 3ds and copy of the game. BTW, can you change the region settings on your US 3ds to EU and use EU games? tx
  11. Sorry, but I'm not exactly sure... Is there a post-game, and does DLC carry over into other quests, or do you have to purchase it for each quest? Thanks!
  12. Please visit my petition to nintendo to bring Fire Emblem 13 to the USA... Link is in my signature. tx

    1. Darros


      North America*

    2. Phemcee


      tx for clarifying

    3. Phemcee


      tx for clarifying

  13. I agree, remakes are less likely to sell. Please see the link in my signature to sign my petition to Nintendo to bring fe 13 to the US.
  14. Nintendo has registered a domain name, which could mean nothing, but I wouldn't spend money on one without a reason. Also, please sign my petition to Nintendo to bring fe 13 to NA. Link is in my signature.
  15. Sounds awesome so far! I just started a petition to nintendo to bring FE:13 to America, please sign it here. Thanks!
  16. Does anyone know how many chapters the game has? Also, How many DLC Chapters have been announced?
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