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Everything posted by Konnor97

  1. No Primal Groudon/Xerneas in VGC woo Oh yeah, new online battle setting that should improve play. "A new system being introduced to the battle time settings is “Your Time.” When using this method of time accounting, players will have a maximum of 60 seconds each turn to select a move or Pokémon, and they will also each be awarded 10 minutes of “Your Time.” Under these rules, if a player runs out of their 10 minutes before the battle ends, that player loses the match. This will mean matches can be decided more quickly than in the past, allowing players to enjoy thrilling battles." btw "The next release of Pokémon Sun & Moon information will hit on October 14th at 22:00 JST, which is 00:00 AEDT, 14:00 BST, 15:00 CEST, 09:00 EDT, 06:00 PDT"
  2. Starter evos hopefully, but I know no matter what the middle stages look like, there will still be people arguing about if the leaks are real or not, with both sides taking the middle stages as fuel for their arguments. Related question: was it like this when the evolved Unova starters were leaked?
  3. I think the stuff with Type: Null is Corocoro. "The official site promises new information on October 4th at 22:00 JST, which is 14:00 BST, 09:00 EDT, 06:00 PDT"
  4. This was nice. I didn't expect Electrode to be able to float or make such mechanical sounds though.
  5. I didn't think Fire moves unfroze in Gen 1. I thought the only ways to remove it were items and Haze.
  6. You'll have to promote her to Spear Master/Basara, and as she levels up she'll learn the Spear Fighter skills. For example: Level 20 Spear Fighter Mozu (Aptitude, Underdog) -> Level 20/1 Spear Master (Aptitude, Underdog) -> Level 20/2 Spear Master (Aptitude, Underdog, Seal Defense) -> Level 20/3 Spear Master (Aptitude, Underdog, Seal Defense, Swap) -> Level 20/4 Spear Master (Aptutude, Underdog, Seal Defense, Swap) -> Level 20/5 Spear Master (Aptitude, Underdog, Seal Defense, Swap, Seal Speed) and so on.
  7. Maybe they're attempting to show events at different perspectives. Episode 2 with Looker was from the Global Police's perspective as they attempt to capture Giovanni. Episode 3 shows Green/Blue's perspective at completing the League just before Red, and him becoming the first champion.
  8. Yeah. He sounds very much like Joseph Joestar.
  9. Episode 3 has been released. Lance's voice actor is bothering me because his name is at the tip of my tongue.
  10. I enjoyed the game for what I've played so far. I made it to the end of the automaton island's past, losing to the last boss there because I blew my MP and didn't heal on the Tinpot Dictator or whatever. I didn't expect for there to be another boss right afterwards that does a butt ton of damage. I sorta rage quit after that, but my excuse is that SMTIV:A came out. After I beat that I'll get back to this.
  11. Started with Litten, staying with Litten. I love that leaked final evo. Next news should be October 4th at 22:00 JST, which is 14:00 BST, 09:00 EDT, 06:00 PDT.
  12. I'm staying with Sun because everything exclusive it has appeals to me more than the Moon equivalent.
  13. Oh ho, I haven't heard that one before. Let me guess, since it doesn't transform between a man and a wolf?
  14. Oh yeah, I find it funny how some people on certain other sites are denying Passimian to be the rugby/football monkey from the Chinese leak because it technically isn't following one of those sports exactly, or how it's closer to a lemur than a monkey, and lemurs aren't monkeys.
  15. Passimian looks awesome. Oranguru looks pretty good. Lycanroc Midday looks better in 3D than 2D, and it looks better than Lycanroc Midnight. Trainer Customization we knew about, but neat I guess. Pokemon Groom = Pokemon Amie.
  16. Episodes 1 and 2 have been released.
  17. I got it from basically nothing besides Gladion and Lusamine possibly being related, Lusamine possibly being a UB, and trying to think of a reason of why he's with Team Skull. It also gives a reason for his hand twitchiness. I called it a crazy theory in my original post for a reason. And by hybrid, I meant child, and probably should've used that.
  18. I said that Gladion would be a different UB, a hybrid between a human and a UB. Why is my post #2895? I guess it's fine now.
  19. I've played [spoiler=Long] Nocturne (forgot how far I was, I think the Embessy of Nihilo or whatever, and I last fought Eligor, or maybe Ose) Strange Journey (just entered Eridanus) Soul Hackers (I last completed the Akane Mall/Warehouse dungeon) DeSu1 Overclocked (completed all routes besides Naoya/Kaido) DeSu2 and Record Breaker (completed Daichi's restorer and Yamato's routes) SMTIV (completed White and just before alignment lock, heading towards law I think) Persona 1 (completed SEBEC quest) Persona 2: Innocent Sin (made it out of bomb shelter) Persona 3 FES (day 1/27 of Journey, in the 4th area maybe of Answer) Persona 4 (completed true ending once) Persona Q (on the final floor of Clock Tower) and TMS#FE (completed once, just beat Garrick 2 in Lunatic). I have a really bad habit of starting a file, playing though a bit, putting it down, and when I return I usually start again or rarely actually continue. I'm really hyped for SMTIVA and Persona 5, and spoilers only fuel the fire.
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