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Everything posted by Konnor97

  1. So he's a living wall that can attack back? Can't wait to see more of him (them?) later. And this is going to be a fun playthrough to watch/read. Super Thracia has always been something that interested me that I would never play because I didn't think I could get through it.
  2. ZM! Happy birthday!

    1. ZemZem


      Konnor! Thank you!

  3. I personally think it has something to do with that Cooperation option on the menu. They may even switch it up to be instead of, "Look at other's points of view," it may be, "Let others see your point of view," if that "Take your heart" thing is used in a charisma sense. Just a theory, but it's a possibility.
  4. Hmm, interesting observation. Maybe there'll be a friendly Jack the Ripper demon.
  5. That's true. Well, for right now I'll go with Shax because of the thief stuff Shax is associated with. It definitely could be something else, but I like Shax when it appears in games. I tend to be a fan of the Goetic demons.
  6. I need to see if any of my friends are looking to upgrade out of a PS3 sometime this year.
  7. I like how guns are back as an additional weapon to melee weapons. Speaking of them, it looks like Potter had a knife and a handgun, Ryuuji had a pipe and a shotgun(?), Anzu had a whip and I don't know what kind of gun she had, and Morgana had a scimitar(?) and a slingshot. Igor is back, along with young(?) twin attendants wearing eye patches, and the Velvet theme is a prison. Music from the trailer is super sweet. I wonder who the mysterious fox/tanooki/something-masked person was. Maybe a party member not part of the main 4? Potter's persona, whether it's Shax or something different, has a nice top hat. I'm not sure on Shax though because all though in one part of the trailer it had a long thin beak like Shax's normal interpretation in SMT, on the poster it is beakless while still had the top hat and wings.
  8. You're not the only one looking forward for it. Besides Codename: S.T.E.A.M., I'm also looking forward to: SMTXFE Majora's Mask 3D Persona 5 Zelda Wii U Xenoblade Chronicles X Mario Maker (sorta) DeSu2: RB Etrian Mystery Dungeon Whatever the next Pokemon game(s) is/are called, assuming there will be
  9. It's either after the box legendary event or after Wallace. Stupidly late, probably only because of Thunderbolt and that TMs have infinite uses. They don't want you to have it mid-game I guess.
  10. Looking at Smogon, currently Steel is RU and the others are NU. Steel has a Curse and Sneaky Pebbles set, Rock has two Sneaky Pebbles sets (SpD and general Sneaky Pebbles), Ice has a Resto-Chesto set, and Gigas has a wall set to hold on until Slow Start wears out. They generally run full HP and either full Atk/SpA or max SpD.
  11. Uh, I'll add a Cherrim in a passerby's Mirage Forest I just found not even 5 minutes ago. Also a Blissey from a randomizer Crystal run.
  12. Sceptilite is in the game, don't worry. Steven gives you it on Route 120 to the right of Fortree. You don't even need to fight Winona first, not that you could.
  13. I remember that I actually caught a Feebas in the originals, and that after I evolved it I traded it Fire Red for whatever reason. And Kyogre is a jerk to catch, though I think Groudon might be worse, looking at the moves it has. Why would they give Groudon Rest? Aqua Ring is pretty bad, but Rest, just why?
  14. It can appear on any tile, so no, it's not as bad. Luck goes into play with that 5%, but it's otherwise dandy.
  15. Yes he does, but if you have any Heart Scales, you could also give him Close Combat. Also Leaf Blade and/or Night Slash.
  16. Vulpix is in the same spot as before: Mt. Pyre. For the Dawn Stone, unless you want to wait until Victory Road/Sea Mauville (which is probably in a Dive-only section), I recommend using Super Training. Once a pokemon has max evs, it can do special balloons, and the Gallade one can sometimes give you a Dawn Stone.
  17. Is your Ralts in the lead slot in your team? Synchronize has a non-stated out-of-battle effect giving every pokemon you run into a 50% chance IIRC of being the same nature of the Synchronize pokemon. So depending on how many additional Ralts you've caught/what team position Ralts is, that may explain it. I'd say either make sure Ralts isn't the lead pokemon or just breed one.
  18. I was thinking more of the left side, because I'm pretty sure you can see both patches while in the middle rows, although I was going to suggest that spot also, I just couldn't remember how much the ledge got in the way on the right. But I'm glad that it worked out.
  19. I don't have the NatDex, but I noticed that pokemon that trigger the DexNav tend to be either close to the borders of the screen or just off-screen. DexNaving for good Aron and Corphish, along with hatching eggs on Route 117 made this really stand out to me. If I biked near the edges of the grass on 117, I could easily trigger a pokemon to show up. With Corphish and Aron, I'd have to do little things to increase the chances one would show up (and not get stomped by the Ruin Maniac for Aron); most notably for Corphish, I'd go to the lower pond in Petalburg (the upper was too small), and once I triggered and defeated/captured a Corphish, I'd go to the lower right corner of the pond so it will trigger near the middle-ish of the whole pond almost guaranteed. For Aron, I tried to start the next search near the Ruin Maniac or far off from him so it's pretty unlikely Aron would dig over there. Anyway, I'd recommend just biking around a good area where you can brush by the grass and listen closely for Paras' cry, so probably somewhere near the upper middle or lower middle of the woods so either big patch could potentially trigger. If this doesn't work, uh, sorry, I don't know then.
  20. The first slakoth from Petalburg Woods I found shaking was level 15 with Hammer Arm, and went to my team. Plus a shaking tailow on route 104 had Brave Bird, making her a really good killer. I tried to find some good Ralts, but I gave up quickly on it and took the normal one I got. DexNav is really nifty.
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