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Everything posted by Konnor97

  1. I would imagine that Zygarde 50% is measured head-to-tail like other snake pokemon, while Zygarde Perfect is measured from head-to-foot like most other pokemon.
  2. I took Ranulf saying that ballistae were bad news for laguz because they can't counter attack and the ballistae would be too far away to reach without getting shot at.
  3. Try looking up your name up in the member list with the search bar.
  4. I can search to see that Loki seems to have 6391 posts and they're not on today's top 20 nor do I have them added? Shin seems to have 4318 posts and he's not in today's top 20 nor do I have him added.
  5. You can also just search the poster's name and it will tell you. And I somehow have over one thousand.
  6. You get Rotom by checking the TV in your character's house. It's like level 20 when you battle it. You get the Rotom forms by talking to this one guy in the Dept. Store basement, as he warps you into a room with the various Rotom objects. The forms even have their types from gen 5. And apparently Rotom-Fan has a new ability.
  7. How does the King's Rock work as an evolution item in this? Do you use it on a Pokemon or do they have to level up while holding it or something?
  8. Let's see, Abel has been a little more reliable than Cain (Green/Speedy) I like Noish a little more than Alec (Red/Strong) I like Lance a little more than Alan (Green/Speedy) I like Sain more than Kent (Green/Strong) I like Kyle more than Forde (Green/Strong) Oscar has been a little more reliable than Kieran (Green/Speedy) I like Rody (Him?) a little more than Luke (Red?/Speedy) If it's Luke v Cecil then Luke wins I like Stahl more than Sully (Green/Strong) So that makes 6 green v 2 red and 4 strong v 4 speedy. I generally like the strong ones more comparatively than the speedy ones though.
  9. Au contraire. http://www.gameinformer.com/b/news/archive/2015/06/16/fire-emblem-if-becomes-fire-emblem-fates-in-the-west.aspx
  10. Sorta. Maids and Butlers can wield staves and hidden weapons, a new weapon type consisting of things like knives and shurikens.
  11. This is generally what I use it for, especially once she gets staves and the healing part becomes pretty pointless. Even if she's silenced, she can still use Sacrifice on someone, possibly another stave user to Restore her.
  12. D'oh, I wanted to play the most caution-to-wind-throwing run of Lunatic(+) ever. Oh well, I guess I'll do it on some random Normal run later down the line.
  13. Nohr. It'd be pretty hard to betray those who raised me and loved me, even if I was originally from an opposing nation. At least in my opinion. Plus Marx, or whatever his name is, is too hard to resist.
  14. Not bad, I guess. I dunno how Sumia got on the bottom.
  15. The events don't have much depth to them, and there's no way to link events or whatever. You can make the individual events, but they can pop up randomly and it would be incredibly unlike to see one follow-up on another.
  16. Darn it, missed it again. At least I survived in the participation of a murder event and survived an arena event before getting decapitated.
  17. Wow, I totally missed everything after page 2 until like right now. Shame I died so quickly from a stupid tsunami.
  18. On my next playthrough I'll double check there and 3-6.
  19. I remember grinding his lance rank to SS and during some event of him returning (I think it was 4-3) I saw it didn't keep after his leave.
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