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Everything posted by Konnor97

  1. I am like 90% sure Yukimura is Grandpa Max.
  2. Alright then. I keep forgetting that Fem!Corrin's non-Kana child just gets Nohr Prince(ss). And in Laslow's case, would he prefer to go Merc -> Hero -> Dread Fighter, or Merc -> Dread Fighter -> Hero. Hero and Dread Fighter have similar enough stats by the looks of it, and the access to Kunai could make him a little more useful.
  3. Reina's is so nice. And Laslow's as well.
  4. What works best for marrying Laslow? I'm guessing Samurai to get Swordfaire, as a +Strength/-Resistance(Luck?) Corrin for this situation. I was thinking about making him a Dread Fighter during those levels from joining to 25, switching to Hero for Sol, becoming a Swordmaster until Swordfaire, and finally maybe Paladin through a Xander A+. He might want levels as a Master Ninja, though, doesn't he? What would Soleil/Kana do though? I can see them following in their main parent's footsteps, just with Soleil's Paladin coming from Sophie, and possibly no Dread Fighter. Anything better/more notable for them?
  5. Is this the first time we've noticed Clear is now Kilma?
  6. Dumb question, but if a unit uses Copycat, and then the puppet uses a class-change item, does the original also change? I would assume so. Another dumb one. Do class-change items reset experience to 0? Or does it stay the same?
  7. For Nohr, probably Hero, maybe Berserker. For Hoshido, Spear Master. No clue for Revelations.
  8. Woo. Can't wait. Mine and my brother's Special Editions await.
  9. Something like: Effie/Laslow for Nohr, Reina/Hinata for Hoshido, and Leo/Takumi for Revelations. I'll see about future playthroughs.
  10. I am so glad Kisaragi is the same.
  11. Percival being "taken" doesn't really mean much considering Arthur was "taken".
  12. I dunno who wants them on Nohr. I think Laslow might enjoy one.
  13. Forrest could be worse. I wonder how many times my brain will forget and call him something like Florence.
  14. The site says you need to complete chapter 18 in order to upgrade the turrets up to level 3.
  15. Konnor97

    Time for Gen VII

    It's known as the Man-Made Pokemon, "created by humans 500 years ago."
  16. {spoiler}Text you want to spoil.{/spoiler} Change those brackets into the normal brackets [ ] to actually make it work. Like this
  17. Alrighty then, that makes sense, thank you. Something I noticed though is that the skill Luna says Selena, but it gives accurate information and is even in the spot where Luna should be alphabetically.
  18. Wow, this is really interesting. As an amateur with the drop-down boxes, how do they work? EDIT: Oh, and those table markers (can't think of a better name, the things that list child, parents, stat names, etc.).
  19. That... could be worse. Fake edit: What the heck. Now all I'm gonna think about is the Keaton from Majora's Mask. Y'know, the fox spirit.
  20. It's not quite next week, but I plan on finally finishing FE6. Then not play any FE until Fates so I don't get burned out.
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