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Everything posted by Konnor97

  1. Oh, whoops. Read that Effie as Elise. Make mine Kinshi Knight!Selena. Marrying Laslow if that's on the table.
  2. General!Effie, just for some more niceness. Nvm, I'm blind. Kinshi Knight!Selena. Marry her to Laslow if I'm allowed to do that.
  3. To clarify, this only works on Corrin's end. Corrin's A buddies can't use Friendships on him/her.
  4. EDIT: I'm gonna get rid of what I said cause I wasn't thinking when I posted it.
  5. Roy (Eliwood), Wolt (Rebecca), Lugh and Raigh (Nino), Sue (Rath), Clarine and Klein (Pent and Louise), Lilina (Hector), Fir (Bartre and Karla), Igrene (Hawkeye and his wife), and Hugh (Canas and his wife). That is 11 units out of 54, or ~20%. Out of those 11 children, 5 are from established couples (Igrene and Hugh are already born, and Klein is in the womb), making the adjustable children 6 out of 54 units, or ~11%.
  6. Yeah, find something new to complain about, or at least something that hasn't been repeatedly complained about recently, like how Warriors don't exist anymore.
  7. Defend what, Nohr's story? Because I'm not.
  8. Okay, so? Nohr's story sucks, big whoop. Thanks for the insightful conclusion that has been said over and over and over again since Fates came out. As if we needed another person complaining about this. It's not like this is what most Fates posting devolves into.
  9. Are you playing Birthright? If so, then that would explain it as Birthright's smithy can't forge swords, only katanas.
  10. Man, I wish I could pair up Beowulf and Briggid in my Binary playthrough. The Binary patch I have seems to be mostly the same as this one, but almost all portraits are Thracia-like, and the Beo Sword for no good reason is B rank. Unless female thieves have B rank, Patty has a cheated B rank, or she could use the Beo Sword anyway, it becomes an instant pairing no-go.
  11. In FE4, mothers determined children, and they had 2 children. As for having less kids in newer games, that is sorta true. There are 7 mothers in FE4, 9 if you count Deirdre and Ethlyn, so that makes 17 kids. 19 if you want to count Yuria and Ares. Awakening has 13 kids, because of the 11 mothers, Chrom, and Robin (who could be a mother) who provide kids. Fates has 21 kids, because of the 8 exclusive fathers in each route, the 3 neutral fathers, Azura, and Corrin (who could be a father) who provide kids. Technically if you don't count Revelations, then each route only has 13 kids, like Awakening. There's also the fact that was mentioned about how FE4 gives more kids because all of the parents die halfway through the game.
  12. I've only grabbed Shiro mid-story, and he works well enough, though he makes my billionth Basara/Spear Master. In Conquest, the kids, mainly Velouria, Sophie, Percy, and Forrest, helped with Ch. 27 and Endgame.
  13. Shin Megami Tensei IV: Apocalypse will be released Summer 2016 for NA.
  14. Pick My Units. PMU threads are sorta like challenge threads, wherein other members pick out the units the OP is going to use, whether they like them or not.
  15. I didn't think you got WExp from My Castle battles on Conquest.
  16. Yes and yes except for amiibos respectively.
  17. If you want blinding, switch to the default green look.
  18. So are these banners actually staying up, past April Fools?
  19. You mean Slamilla? She's the truly beauteous one.
  20. I'm not gonna bother learning it, as I'm too used to normal controls. Really interesting though.
  21. SMT IV is my favorite, though it wasn't my first. I like the fusion system and just the gameplay stuff, except for the dumb requirements for the Neutral route. My least favorite would be Strange Journey, as I couldn't really get into it that much, and I just kinda stopped at Eridanus.
  22. 9. No 10. If I understand what you're asking, the DLC maps show you how many blocks they take up when you purchase them. 11. Bundle. It includes all maps that have been and will be released until April 21st. 12. Not completely. She is an NPC for the Dragon's Gate, but she is also a DLC character (with a map to recruit her on), which will be released April 7th.
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