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Everything posted by Konnor97

  1. Something very minor and off-topic, but Persona 5 is also coming out on the PS3. But to be on topic, am I the only one to feel as if Jigglypuff is worse than what she was in Brawl? Her aerials feel worse, and her ground attacks don't feel that good.
  2. Shrek is drek. Can doge come back? I actually really like doge.
  3. After refreshing myself on the characters and not relying on memory, I can add Noah, Laura, Jake, Beck (last name), and Ryan. My dad's name is Thomas, which is pretty close to Tomas.
  4. Uh, I know an Amelia, Kyle, Josh(ua), and Leanne at school, I have a teacher with a last name of Navarre, Rolf and Horace roads (I think they also meet at an intersection). My last name is Kent.
  5. Or don't change the stats and just make the ability less bad like Vital Spirit or something.
  6. Where's this thing about special Palutena's Temple taunt convos? I guess I missed this in the stream, or was it after the stream stuff?
  7. I just took that as something Gamefreak wouldn't do. Yes, events are hugely biased in Japan, but have there been any pokemon truly exclusive to them? Sure there are exclusive moves, but it's not the pokemon itself.
  8. Once I need to work on the trophy challenges, I'll do Trophy Rush with visits to the shop after every few rounds. As of now, I get whatever I get from Smash Run, plus the shop.
  9. It also has Heat Wave from Gen 5. Plus it always has access to Hidden Power Ground or whatever.
  10. Yeah, but I haven't got back in the Falcon Groove just yet. Just getting a good hang on some of the newbies.
  11. I could never do the DK method for this, because it doesn't help for air attacks, or that much from behind attacks. And eventually the damage adds up. It was a lot easier for me with Lucina because pretty much all of her tilts, smashes, and aerials can send the Miis flying, plus she's fast..
  12. I believe you have to have at least 50 more KOs than your rival after the match. So try and get like 53 or so more and quickly suicide. And Greninja'd. And I thought of it more as counting your score needing to be at least 50, because after you get KO'd it shows you your final score.
  13. It's not impossible. Just use the Kirby method. Jump off the edge, inhale a Mii, shoot it out a little ways down, carefully maneuver so you don't get footstooled, and repeat. I've also heard of people doing careful counters with fighters like Ike or Little Mac.
  14. Ah, alright. And yeah, it's like alternate trophies from previous games, where it's just some alt, usually one of the first couple. Or use some Smart Bombs.
  15. The alternate trophy is just one of their alts. Like Shulk's is his light blue shirt, but I normally use the black jacket one. Unless you knew that and were just joking around.
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