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Everything posted by Konnor97

  1. Happy Birthday.

  2. [spoiler=My Thoughts] MegaTile is pretty awesome looking, though I have a bad feeling he'll be one of "those" megas, like MegaDoom and MegaTric (I think they qualify), the megas who, while are still mega and so are pretty cool, aren't that good. Oh well, being able to (from what I have heard and seen on Smogon) counter Rotom-W and having good synergy with Talonflame and Gyarados is pretty cool, you know, when the games come out. Anyway, Lightning Rod is pretty nifty and hopefully he gets even better Speed and Special Attack, and a better special movepool. MegaPert lifts. Like he could very easily pass as a Water/Fighting. Swift Swim is pretty interesting, and his physical stats are gonna be great. MegaCie looks alright. I wanna know what her ability is. It has gotta be better than Clear Body. I can see it getting something like +40 Sp. Atk and +30 to its defenses. Primal Kyogre and Primal Groudon is pretty interesting, and it's technically not a mega evolution, though how it happens needs to be known. Steven! My precious! Weird how he has a MegaZardX, you'd think that he'd have some other Mega, like a MegaGross (if it happens, which I think is likely). And if they wanted to keep that a secret, they would have not mentioned any megas for him. Yay Acro and Mach Bikes. Hopefully they're easier to switch between. I absolutely love the new Team Magma and Team Aqua designs. Maxie and Archie look freakin' sweet. Maxie looks like a researcher/scientist, and seems a bit more refined, and Archie just looks badass. The grunts look cool (especially the Aqua grunts). The admin redesigns look pretty cool. I don't mind Tabitha's new design and to be honest, he reminds me of something, but I don't remember what. Courtney looks hot (geddit?). Matt looks even more buff than his look in the originals, but the Aqua logo on his chest/stomach looks weird. Shelly is pretty nice looking, and just like Matt, the Aqua logo being on her chest looks a little weird. Brendan looks really excited over something just off screen. His obvious brown hair bugs, if only because it was black before. May's redesign is really nice looking. Her top reminds me a lot of Serena's. Mega Bangles instead of Mega Rings is interesting, making me think that you'll get a different accessory in each game for mega evolutions. Wonder how you get it. Maybe you get them from Mr. Stone when you get the Pokenav, or at some interaction with Steven.
  3. Uh, Ana, it's not the LoZ boomerang. It's the boomerang the Boomerang Bros. use in the Mario games. At least, I'm pretty sure.
  4. More group trophies sound cool. More FE trophies also would be welcome. Maybe I-ke's Mercenaries and the Shepherds, like what Ana (and others) said.
  5. I have the Slowpoke. Want Bold, Quiet, or another?
  6. A Mandibuzz, eh? Really unexpected. Thanks.
  7. Sure. I'm not using the one I have. Wait, which male? I forgot to ask.
  8. Yeah, sorry it took a while to actually do the trade. Alrighty then.
  9. Okay, now I have two that have four IVs (missing Attack and Speed), one male and one female, and a male that has a full 6.
  10. I can quickly breed a Quiet one up, if you want.
  11. Both are bold, one has 4 (missing attack and speed), the other has 5 (missing attack).
  12. I think Mario in that was just doing a side-step dodge. I think I remember characters like Mario and Luigi would make an "oh no!" face when they side-stepped. I may be wrong, and if I am it doesn't matter that much, but since he seems to be going into the background, it's probably the side-step.
  13. I don't think so. Sakurai said that your name will appear there, so probably like those nickname things you could have had since Melee. I think it just might be at the very bottom of the character portrait, right above the character's name.
  14. For AS, I'm going for recreating my original team members as I remember or ones I have the most attachment to: Sceptile (This was my first starter ever. (I may have picked Mudkip or Torchic actually as my first, but I don't remember and I have more of an attachment to Treecko.)) Pelipper (I actually really like this thing, even though it kinda sucks quite a bit. At least the Stockpile buff and the improved learnset will help this thing a little.) Gardevoir (I always preferred this to Alakazam because I never wanted to deal with the levels as Abra.) Swellow (Really awesome bird, and it was my first shiny.) Aggron (I love this thing so much. My favorite Steel type, and one of my favorite Rock types.) Walrein (I love this thing a lot also. Big, bulky, and just a boss.) For OR, I'll have others I have liked over my playthroughs, but weren't quite my favorites: Swampert (He's pretty cool, but that Route 110 Rival fight sucks with Marshtomp if you don't have one of the like, 4 flying types or Gulpin. He's still cool though.) Camperupt (Pretty rad fire type, but eh, not my favorite of guys I've used.) Breloom (Take Camperupt, but change fire to grass.) Shiftry (I like this guy quite a bit, though that's mainly from XD, but eh. Doesn't quite beat out my top guys.) Flygon (Pretty rad Dragon/Ground with Levitate, and is pretty well balanced in an Eliwood-ish way. (Stats are kinda eh, except for a couple, but not that great all around.)) Seviper (TBH, I've never fully used a Seviper, but it has always seemed pretty awesome and cool to use. I'll trade from AS for this guy, obviously.)
  15. Power Glove for Smash 4! Anyway, I feel pretty "eh" on R.O.B. I wasn't that bad with him, even though that doesn't say much because for some reason I seem to be pretty decent with everybody besides Link, Falco, Fox, Kirby, Game & Watch, and Olimar, but I don't really care if he leaves or not. If he does come back though, I hope they make his final smash more interesting than what it was, because it was lame in Brawl.
  16. For SSBB: I don't really have a clue. I got my Wii and Brawl a while after it came out, so I knew what was in the game beforehand. For SMB4: Something with Megaman, RD!Ike, MegaZardX, and Greninja I guess. Maybe replace MegaZardX with an Awakening rep if there is one. I'm not quite sure.
  17. Oh wow, Ike's just about twice Mac's size from that perspective. Judging on how far each are crouching down (Mac more than Ike), I'll take a random guess and say that Ike is probably as tall or a little taller than Samus. (Note I have pretty bad perspective guessing)
  18. As one of the people who thought Ike would be gone, I am pleasantly surprised. I did not expect this at all. I am a little happy to see him return, to be honest. Having a strong, bulky swordsman was pretty cool in Brawl (even though I preferred Marth's speedy air strikes), and having him return and be even bulkier is pretty cool also. And I'll be honest, I was only thinking Ike was leaving because of what happened to Roy. His model in the Wii U version looks really awesome. I wonder how much he'll change from his Brawl appearance. Like I'm going to take a safe guess that he'll be the most powerful of the swordsmen, but things like how his speed will be and if there will be any big changes to his moveset are making me wonder. And I just realized how similar the armor he has on his left arm and from his knees-down is to Greil's
  19. Is Light Platinum really that good? Not that I think that LP is bad, but it's consistently up there and I've heard good things about it from other places.
  20. Aw sweet, it's a remix of Blue's and Lance's (and Red's) champion themes. It's sounds pretty rad too, though it seems like there's a bit of a focus to the Johto themes, at least that's what it sounds like to me. Still totally radical sounding.
  21. Sorry for double-post. Comet, I'm ready when you are.
  22. Oh, right, sorry. It's 1719-3226-3296.
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