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Everything posted by Konnor97

  1. 4Ever because it was the first (of 2, the other being Wishmaker) I got on VHS, and I just really liked Celebi because of it. That and I was fascinated with time travel back then. So yeah, mostly nostalgia, but I can't give a full opinion because it's been so long since I've seen any of the movies. For reference, the most recent one I saw was the Victini one, and skipping the Zoroark one, I only watched the movies one time, when they came out, ever since the Lucario one. I actually have it on DVD, but I think I only watched it like twice since I got it. I just didn't care that much about the anime movies, and the anime finally started to wear me down with the Unova arc (Iris was a main cause of this, that and laziness).
  2. Oh my, Hoopa and Volcanion have a sickening yellow shiny; Diancie's looks really good though. And Hoopa seems to be in some sort of inanimate pose, so maybe it has a neutral and battle form like Xerneas?
  3. Happy birthday, Elie, glad to hear that everything seems to be starting to work out.
  4. Well, besides Knuckles' design (but everybody is pretty iffy on that already), this actually looks pretty good. And I might check out the show, because I mean, it can't be that bad, right?
  5. Wow, I can't believe that only now (and by now, I mean last night) I see that Sacred Fire is, and has been since Gen 4, physical. I always thought that it was special. So does that mean Entei getting it was a good thing, so it can have a good, physical, fire move?
  6. ...How have I not seen this video until now?
  7. http://www.hypable.com/2014/02/01/jk-rowling-ron-hermione-relationship-regret-interview/ So apparently according to Rowling, she regrets putting Ron and Hermione together. So what do you guys think about this?
  8. Oh Elie, this is horrible to hear. You've always been such a nice guy who seemed to have little to no big worries (from what I've seen in your posts), and to see this just makes my heart feel heavy. I wish there was something I could do, but until things get better, I'll hope and wish for your eventual happiness. Just remember that these troubles will end someday.
  9. There, now there aren't anymore ties, at the moment. My Cobalion vote is now one for Virizion. Cobalion/Virizion was pretty much a coin flip decision at first, considering I find them both pretty eh compared to Terrakion, so it didn't really mean much to me who I voted for.
  10. Let's see... (Whether through looks, stats, or otherwise)(These include their entire lines)(Also I don't particularly have favorites, so these are just guys I really like) Chesnaught (the first two forms grew on me after a while, mainly through seeing their in-game models) Greninja Diggersby Pangoro Furfrou Aegislash Slurpuff Barbaracle (Binacle grew on me really fast) Clawitzer Tyrantrum Dedenne (purely on looks though) Klefki Trevenant Avalugg Xerneas And conversely (and for fun), the ones I don't really like that much... Delphox (just Delphox though) Aromatisse Heliolisk Carbink Yveltal Zygarde (by far, my least favorite Kalosian pokemon. Mainly because it freaks me the heck out.)
  11. I agree that the abilities seem fake, mainly because dat Impractical is way too broken. Legendaries themselves I believe, but the abilities seem way too good (except for Diancie's, but it still sounds pretty alright). And the Chamber of Emptiness contained the Banettite, so that's something. I think it's just some random cave that holds items, and then is pointless from then on. It's like the Sun Chamber from R/S/E.
  12. Ah, well, I'll just keep my place holder guess of a 6th gen 'mon for right now. The only thing I can think of for a switch is someone from SMT to have some hype or whatever for SMT x FE, but that's pretty far fetch'd.
  13. I may as well participate. Lv34 Pumpkaboo (mine)->Lv4 Pansear->Lv3 Fletchling->Lv1 Bellsprout->Lv8 Furfrou->Lv1 Charmander. Stopped because it had egg moves and a good nature (Jolly). Lv35 Pumpkaboo (mine)->Lv30 Garbodor->Lv1 Gastly->Lv1 Gible->Lv6 Combee->Lv22 Wobbuffet->Lv15 Luvdisc(f)->Lv30 Karrablast(j)->Lv7 Scatterbug->Lv18 Sentret(j)->Lv3 Fletchling(j)->Lv1 Piplup->Lv36 Weepinbell(s)->Lv2 Caterpie->Lv1 Fletchling. Stopped because Gale Wings. And done because I don't want to do any more.
  14. To restate the title in a different way: What were you doing when we switched over to 2014? I personally was watching SAO because my brother wanted me to try it out. Whoops, accidentally double topic'd. Please direct your attention to the other one of these instead.
  15. To restate the title in a different way: What were you doing when we switched over to 2014? I personally was watching SAO because my brother wanted me to try it out.
  16. My theory (and know that is all just what I think) is that it might go and Mega Evolve in Z (or whatever the 3rd game equivalent is). Nintendo did say that no Kalos pokemon would Mega Evolve in X and Y, but they didn't say a thing about Z (or whatever they do instead).
  17. And it's not even worth it because it relinquishes your Everstone usage.
  18. May I also borrow a Manaphy please when the time comes? I forgot about it existing, and just remembered after going through another round of all of the legends.
  19. That would be much appreciated, thanks. I technically don't have every single pokemon yet, like say Latias, Magmortar, and Milotic for example, but I have every main game, plus the means to transport GBA ones up, so I'll get them eventually.
  20. ...Shoot. Forgot about those. Well, I'll have a few spots missing, but it would be my most complete. I would have all but Deoxys and the Unova events (minus Keldeo), so 4 in total. 714/718 isn't that bad.
  21. Alrighty then, sounds like a good idea. Some people would probably have at least some of their mass breeding done, so there would most likely be a lot of old pokemon out and about. And I want to actually complete my National Dex this time around. It really helps that you can get over half of all of the pokemon in these games alone.
  22. Should I just trade off the 6 boxes of Froakie now, or wait until the Pokebank issue is over?
  23. Sure it's a 1/192 (I think) chance, but I've got a few with 0 as its final IV, which has the same chance, so each of those are a kick in the balls. At least this is good WT/GTS bait. Oh, and they have made it 6 boxes now. I better get good stuff from the WT when this is all done.
  24. My first female starter was either a Totodile in Silver, or a Torchic in Emerald. I played those after going through a few playthroughs of both Fire Red and Sapphire, so it took a while. Also these Froakies are annoying me. I have 4 full boxes of Froakies, and not a single one has gotten 6 31 IVs, and only like 6 have got 5 31s, including the main breeders.
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