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Everything posted by Konnor97

  1. Hello Goriya, I hope you enjoy your time at the forums.
  2. Am I one of those 3? I posted that the 'game being unable to be beat' was the only issue, which meant that the other reasons (namely the next 2, the sword one, and the dress one) had to totally be correct and flawless.
  3. That works for me. There has pretty much always been 'not the best' endings in games, so that's a good point.
  4. How can you not complete the game if Chrom marries Sumia? How can you not beat Grima and see the credits/map records of that playthrough if they marry? That's the only issue I have with this.
  5. Konnor97

    X or Y?

    Yeah, that's a bit of a given considering we only know 27 (besides legends) new Pokemon, and with most likely a considerable batch of old Pokemon littered about, like with B2/W2 and its 300 Pokemon regional dex.
  6. Konnor97

    X or Y?

    a: Alrighty then. I would probably be right with ya if there was Treecko also. b: I kinda forgot that Inkay was part Dark, but yes, it is pretty cool. If Houndour wasn't around, Inkay would actually probably be my go-to Dark type, assuming something new and super cool and 'must have or else' didn't show itself.
  7. Konnor97

    X or Y?

    I plan on holding off on the Torchic, if only because I don't tend to use event Pokemon in the main game. Anyway, all I know I want is Froakie, Pangoro, and Dedenne (unless it sucks a ton, then Swirlix). The other slots are going to be special in that I'll try and use most new Pokemon I find, until I find my preferred batch of 3. There is an exception in which if there aren't any cool Dark types, then I'll use Houndour. The reason being that assuming some rumors from a fairly trustworthy source are true, Pancham can only evolve while there's a Dark type in the party, and Pancham is at least at some level, like the early 30s.
  8. Konnor97

    X or Y?

    I have high hopes for Spritzee's and Swirlix's evolutions. From what I remember, most version exclusives + their evolutions are not that bad at all. And the two seem like the 'about 3/4 badges in' version exclusives, which are usually pretty nice, like Growlithe/Vulpix, Zangoose/Seviper, and Solosis/Gothita. From the Pokemon that we know of that are available so far, do you have any basic/primary team plans?
  9. After some reading up, there are some rumors that there will be 3DS XL bundles with Pokemon X or Y (depends on which you buy) coming to NA, so there's that. I've found a few sites saying that Target SKUs (whatever those are) are saying stuff about Wind Waker HD and Pokemon X and Y bundles.
  10. Konnor97

    X or Y?

    Yeah, Swirlix does seem like more of a joke, but I kinda like it for that. That, and cotton candy is also called fairy floss, so I like the reasoning behind its Fairy type. I'm also just not feeling Spritzee's plague doctor thing its got going. I was kinda planning on using it though, but Dedenne revealed itself, and so unless Dedenne really sucks, I'm going with that. There's a good chance I'll catch one though and have it hang around in my team until I get a good set of six that I really like.
  11. Konnor97

    X or Y?

    Cotton Candy plus Dog > Plague Doctor plus Flamingo-thing But seriously, I just prefer Swirlix's design more than Spritzee's.
  12. I have 6 accidents on my first playthrough that I can remember, but I apparently have had 8. Sui-Ki, Taraka, Morax, Hagen, Jeanne d'Arc, and Lanling Wang are the ones that I remember. Hagen is such a bro. I've had him from when I was like level 45, and I'm now level 70, and he's not slowing down that much. Though, without any buff/debuff related moves, it's only a matter of time before he has to be fused away.
  13. Are Medusa and Minotaur really that hard? I beat Minotaur on the 2nd attempt, with the 1st attempt being lost due to a lack of him missing, and a bonus of him critting and smirking a good deal. The 2nd attempt my MC died, but I didn't want to potentially have another like, 3 attempts before winning, due to him smirking. Medusa took I think 3 attempts, maybe 4. The 1st attempt I was unprepared and I thought she was at the bottom of the stairs, and it didn't end well. The next attempt or 2 I just lost. And then I won, and that was that. Xi Wangmu, the Hunter Tournament (prelims because I forgot to due the finals before going to Blasted Tokyo), and the Thor & Odin challenge quest annoyed me more (and finding Bugeikan for Cu Chulainn's quest, but that's another story).
  14. Telekinesis because laziness. And what the poster above me said about levitation.
  15. Does MMBN count? If so, Battle Network 3 Blue in 2004. If not, then Pokemon Sapphire in either 2004 or 2005, I can't remember.
  16. Konnor97

    Spoiling it

    I am spoiled on everything revealed so far. If there's info about a game I want that I want to know, I will try and learn it.
  17. Well, first off, the weather really isn't dry now. It's kinda hot, but not really dry, and it's been more dry before than what it is now. As for drinking, I'm pretty sure I've been fine for that. I always have something to drink with me at all times. The symmetrical thing is a possibility, because my right side always feels more natural/powerful with anything. And I haven't been eating any differently. That's a good suggestion that my parents have been thinking about, so I'll probably try and have them schedule an appointment in the near future. I'd almost rather not though if it turns into a case of me just using my nose to breathe through more than what I used to, and I just have to deal with it until it normalizes. And for a note from my inner 'Coincidence? I think not!' guy, I find it a bit weird that not long after my dentist check-up where I'm told to start breathing through my nose because my mouth gets really dry which isn't good for my gums/teeth, my nose bleeds from a dryer nose than usual, due to me starting to breath with my nose. It could be a coincidence, but it seems a bit weird.
  18. As in, I'm getting quite a few. And before about 2&1/2 to 3 weeks ago, I've never had them. I've had about 7 in total now, and the ratio between number of nosebleeds and weeks is pretty large. And it's not like I keep getting my nose bonked or anything, because it's all been through blowing my nose, or just plain random timing. I might just be sitting somewhere, or after blowing my nose, and randomly the inside of my nose feels weird, and then about 2 seconds later, I feel something on my face above my lips. I touch it, and my finger tip is now the color of fresh blood. And that's how they start. Then maybe a couple minutes later, it stops, so I can calmly wash my blood away, and it's done. The weirdest part is that it's only my right nostril that bleeds like that. My left is always normal during the bleeds, while my right just has a steady flow of blood. So the question is, what can I do about this, if I can do anything at all? I'm really confused about this, what with the recent starting, and the 'right nostril only,' and the fact that I'm going back to school in a couple of weeks.
  19. Konnor97

    X or Y?

    X because Xerneas is awesome and the only thing Yveltal has going for it is Oblivion Wing. Also Swirlix > Spritzee and Clauncher > Skrelp.
  20. ZM made a little table-thing showing who would replace who in a hypothetical reverse recruitment hack/patch for FE13.
  21. That's for sure. Mountain Dew and pancakes aren't the best food-drink combo. And I've never had it, but I'm assuming peanut butter and hamburger also wouldn't be good. Also possibly chocolate and hamburger. But for on-topicness, ew, root beer.
  22. This looks so freakin' amazing. This will be sweet, and awesome, and cool. Except that something about Oak's design feels off to me. And I like how they said, "The Origin."
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