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Everything posted by Konnor97

  1. I think it just requires some luck.
  2. I wouldn't mind a free removal/switch when concerning a 6th Gen placeholder/Mewtwo. If it goes through, then I know I'd use it to replace the Gen 6 placeholder for Mewtwo (with Mega Mewtwo Y implemented). Gen 6 doesn't really have much for reps, except for Mega evolutions, and Mewtwo -> Mega Mewtwo Y (final smash probably) is probably the one to fit it most. Oh, and I am specifying MMY because unless they make it either random or having to do a certain button combination when you activate the final smash (assuming it would be one), they're probably only going to use one Mega Mewtwo, and Y would probably be used over X, what with the movie and all.
  3. That would be Shuckle. It can be found using Rock Smash on rocks on Route 18, Terminus Cave, and Victory Road.
  4. Indeed it is. All of that delicious, fluffy sugar is amazing.
  5. We need more Slurpuff love. It's too freakin' cute not to have more love. Also more Xerneas, because deer > bird. Birds are scary; deer are not scary. Also fairies > bacon.
  6. Tonton's highest total % record (560%) has been broken by Assurhaddon, with a mighty 580%
  7. I know, I was just restating it
  8. The (current) person with the highest total % (if I counted correctly) is Tonton with 560%, if anybody wanted to know.
  9. Paranoid: 74% Schizoid: 54% Schizotypal: 42% Antisocial: 46% Borderline: 30% Histrionic: 30% Narcissistic: 42% Avoidant: 54% Dependent: 58% Obsessive-Compulsive: 42%
  10. Sain and Marcus, for more horsey action.
  11. I'd say you'd be alright in moving on with the 4 IV 'mon. From what I know of, 31 IVs aren't that important unless it's speed or HP (really only important when concerning stuff like Substitute for getting like 4 substitutes or something). Having like, 6 or whatever, less Atk or HP or Sp. Def most likely will not be a game changer.
  12. INTJ 67% Introvert 12% Intuitive 38% Thinking 33% Judging EDIT: And according to that one celebrity thingy a couple pages back, I apparently share this with Newton, Nietzsche, Tesla, Hawking, Martin Luther, among others. And apparently Schwarzenegger and John Adams have contempt for 95% of humanity. Apparently.
  13. Oliver is the only one who doesn't make me wanna throw up at sight. That, and he's pretty cool. He has his own theme music (2 in fact), he joins Ike's army (sure only in RD, but it's more than the others), he is in more than one game, and he has an awesome 'stache.
  14. Okay, I'd say it is at least a 7/10, maybe a 8/10. One of the Pokemon there I like a fair good bit, and the others are pretty nice (I had used one of them in a previous playthrough of another game)
  15. Added you. Need you to add me back, so 1719-3226-3296 is my FC.
  16. If the poster had meant movies based on games, then they would've had game-based movies. Movie-based games clearly means games that are based off of movies. X-based Y's means Y is based off of X.
  17. I think that means that they are using an O-Power on themselves.
  18. It's only in the shaking bushes (IIRC) on route 6 (again, IIRC). The one that leads up to the giant mansion and has Honedge in the grass at the sides.
  19. No, but I just tested with my Wobbuffet, and it fled, even though Wobbuffet was sent out. You literally can't even attempt to capture it before it goes to the Sea Spirit's Den (or whatever it is).
  20. FE9!Rolf. I normally like the early game archer and will almost always use it, but Rolf is just bleh. And this is coming from a guy who always uses Wolt and Gordin in their playthroughs and enjoys it.
  21. I swear I remember seeing that Ice Punch (Ice Fang as a replacement) was a good move for Mawile somewhere. I guess I was thinking more about potential ground types that could heavily damage Mawile, instead of actual coverage. Also because I didn't really know that Mawile could get stuff like PuP. So I guess PuP it is for Mawile, since I don't think it absolutely needs the +2 Attack on it immediately, and I'd rather do some damage while I'm boosting. So I guess my Mawile was actually good to go then. Anybody want a Mawile before I Wonder Trade the suckers?
  22. Woo, first egg from 4 IV parents got my 5 IV Mawile. Unfortunately, I forgot that A. Play Rough isn't an egg move so I didn't have to train an Azumarill for it, and B. I forgot that Ice Fang is an egg move. The best moveset for MegaMawile is something like Play Rough, Sucker Punch, Iron Head, and Ice Fang, right? And is Adamant or Jolly better?
  23. 1: Yosuke the Greninja. I was thinking of Frogfucius before this, but I didn't think it fit with a ninja-frog. Then one day while looking through the XY Update thread, Breezy said something about Yosuke from Persona 4, and that his Persona was a ninja frog, and it kinda clicked for me. I did thank him for unintentionally giving my Greninja an awesome name in a later post in the thread. 2: Bulby the Venusaur. Since my first file of Fire Red, I have always named any Bulbasaurs that I use Bulby, because I was an unoriginal 7/8 year old. 3: JoJo the Pangoro. People were making jokes about comparing Pangoro and Joseph (I think it was) Jostar, from that whole manga series. I decided to follow along with it while naming my Pancham, but since the 2 that I caught were female, I just decided to go JoJo instead of most likely Joseph if it was a dude. 4: Masamune the Aegislash. I wanted a sword name for my Honedge, and that's the first one that popped into my head. 5: UglyBarnacle the Barbaracle. "The once was an ugly barnacle. He was so ugly, that everyone died. The end." 6: Snoop Dog the Furfrou. This one is weird in that, it was just a random name that I gave to a random Pokemon that I caught that would hang out with my team until I found a 6th party member. Eventually, I got to like the Victory Road, and just decided that since he has been in my team for so long, he might as well stay. Anyway, the origin of Snoop Dog for its name should be fairly obvious. If I wanted it straight from when I caught it, it probably would've been like Rex, my dog's name. In conclusion, I either don't have any originality for names (Bulby, UglyBarnacle), or very little (Masamune, Snoop Dog).
  24. Wait, Bulletproof made Chesnaught immune to those types of moves? I thought it just lowered the damage. And on the Mr. Bonding topic, I never thought about in that way, except for one 'joke' comment after seeing him for the first time in a hotel room.
  25. I would also like the Ditto safari, please. It just makes everything a ton more convenient. Anyway, for the OP, my FC: 1719-3226-3296 Friend Safari Pkmn: Lampent, Phantump, and Golurk. Konnor97/Konnor/Connie for names and such. If anybody adds me, either do the quotey thing, or PM me so I can add you back, although I would prefer PMs due to them being easier to manage.
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