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Everything posted by Konnor97

  1. Miriel x Ricken (even though I like Henry's modifier spread a little bit better, I like Ricken's class options more) and Mariabelle x Donnel (it's the only way Brady can have Armsthrift and have at least 50 luck, plus the mods aren't that bad).
  2. Same things as last time, Lissa x Henry and Sully x Stahl.
  3. A good chunk of characters will be in completely new classes by the end, with even some weird ones like Demon Fighter- Virion and (most likely) the Manaketes being Brides.
  4. I like SD more. Honestly though, I'm not a huge fan of Marth's games, even though I like a good chunk of their characters, and I consider Marth to be my favorite Lord. But yeah.
  5. D'oh, now I've got to look up on another game series. And get a Wii U, but only when the game is close to being out.
  6. Chambray can't have both Lance Slayer and Sword Slayer, considering neither Stahl nor Panne passes Wyvern Rider down. But anyway, MU- Demon Fighter- LB, Lucky 7, Vengeance, Astra, Luna Spotpass~Wolt- Assassin- LB, Lethality, Pass, Magic Slayer, Astra (Miriel)Morgan- Dark Flier- Rainbow Cry, Strength Cry, Love Cry, Lightning Speed, LB (MU)Loran- Sorcerer- LB, Secluded Lady, Crimson Curse, Astra, Lucky 7 Miriel- Sage- LB, Crimson Curse, Secluded Lady, Magic Expert, Vengeance (Olivia)Lucina- Great Lord- LB, Royal Weapon, Aether, Lethality, Lightning Speed (Stahl)Degel- Paladin- LB, Astra, Luna, Lance Slayer, Pass Vaike- Berserker- Axe Expert, Counter, Wrath, Lucky 7, LB (Virion)Jerome- Warrior- LB, Resistance +10, Sword Slayer, Lance Slayer, Bow Slayer (Chrom)Azure- Hero- LB, Royal Weapon, Lethality, Lightning Speed, Astra
  7. +Magic and -Skill. Because I am planning on having wind magic be my preferred magic, those would work well for it. I was going to do -Luck, but it would lower my make my luck pretty bad, and I'm pretty afraid of low % crits.
  8. 'ello Hamon, I hope you have a great time here at the forums.
  9. Well, eventually I'm going to do a playthrough for each marriage candidate for MU, but the main male one will be Miriel, and the main female one with either Virion or Henry.
  10. Okay, with the n_n situation, yes, it should +1 Res only. I think it's just a typo in the children and inheritance section. If you check the numbers in this section http://serenesforest...ar_max_all.html, it'll give you what the values should be.
  11. Each character has their own set of cap modifiers. As the name says, it modifies the cap of a stat for that unit. Take Lissa for example; she has a magic modifier of +2, which means that she takes the magic cap of whatever class she is in, and she gets an extra two points for it. Take the Cleric magic cap, which is 25. Because she has a magic cap modifier, her magic cap is 27 as a Cleric, instead of 25. The modifiers can also be negative, and they will lower the cap of a stat for that person. For example, Lissa has a strength modifier of -2, so no matter in what class she is in, her strength while capped will be 2 less than the class's normal one. Cleric has a strength cap of 22, but her strength caps at 20 while in that class.
  12. No. Once you complete the sidequest, you can't go back and play it again.
  13. DON'T DO THE RESTART METHOD! IT ACTUALLY DOES COST A DEMO USE! I found this out the very hard way. Well guys, have fun messing around with the demo until Awakening.
  14. L+R+Start+Select It doesn't take off a demo use, and all I need to do to get back is mash A and Start. With stopping a little bit to make the asset Luck and the flaw Defense.
  15. Which is what I'm trying to do. I'm just going to the Prologue, checking to see if either of the event tiles have a staff, and then if not, I restart. It's a lot faster than doing all of her Heal uses, and then going to Ch.1, and there not being any staves there.
  16. Has anybody found out what Healing Heart is? I really want to stop resetting in order to get some kind of staff.
  17. So, by the looks of it, there's a dynamic growths-type thing going on in Awakening?
  18. Wait, sorry, it's Early Initiative's new name. That's the one Archers have, right?
  19. Um, in case it hasn't been reported, Late Initiative is now Prescience. Sorry if it has been reported already.
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