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Everything posted by Konnor97

  1. Konnor97

    does it hurt

    Pretty much this. It'll take a while before you fully recover, but then it'll be all over, and you won't have to worry about it again.
  2. 'ello, and I hope you have a great time here. Oh, and who's the crying girl (?) in the bottom left, and who's the guy up left from Gatrie?
  3. Are the ___ Slayer skills as good as they sound? I know they're probably not as good (at least the +50 avoid part) in Lunatic+ with Absolute Hit running around, but otherwise are they good?
  4. It taught me that jumping backwards can make you dodge a throwing knife/spear. I has also taught me that there are people who can transform into dragons, big cats, tigers, lions, wolves, hawks, ravens, and herons. Also some people can transform into dragons or giant rabbit-like creatures with special rocks. It has taught me that people can change what they're good at just by using a special crest/at will, but only at headquarters. It has taught me that by using a special crest, you will magically get new clothes, the ability to know how to use a new weapon just like that, and possibly a horse. It has also taught me that in some cases, people who are good with swords and are on foot can travel distances farther than those with books, bow and arrows, axes, lances, or special sticks.
  5. I'll do this again. I share mine with Gangrel, my brother shares his with Chambray, my sister shares hers with Inverse, and my grandma shares her with Vaike. Oh, and one of my close friends shares hers with Lon'qu.
  6. Is this accident anything like the time where your mom tells you not to touch the stove, but then you touch it, and it really hurts a lot? But with a heater instead?
  7. Name: My name Gender: Dude Best: Magic Worst: Probably Strength Partner: Miriel (for most playthroughs) Reclass: Strategist -> Dark Mage -> Mage -> Sage (though might go to Sorcerer every now and then for dark magic fun) for simplicity, though eventually everything possible for every skill possible with a male Avatar. Skills (eventually): Magic Expert, Curse, Crimson Curse, Carrier, and Pass. Some others like the ___ Slayer skills might be put in every now and then though, but those will probably be the main set. Weapon Path: Tomes obviously, mainly focused on Wind though. If I was using a female Avatar though, then there would be some slight changes. Name: I dunno, Connie or something. Gender: Girl Best/Worst: Most likely the same as above. Partner: Virion most likely (for most playthroughs) Skills/Weapon Path: Same as above most likely.
  8. I joined because honestly, I had lurked a little, and I liked the sound of drafts. Now I sometimes do drafts, and just hip-hop around to the topics that appear in the new topic listy-thingy. There's not much else. At least I'm more active here than when I was at GameFAQs, which I only go to when I need to check something up that's non-FE related.
  9. I like it for the most part. The lack of light magic or a triangle hurts though. The single rank for anima is pretty good in my opinion, because that way I wouldn't have to use the tomes that I'm not a fan of just so I can use the cool A rank tomes. I hope in the next game the triangle and especially light magic return, and by triangle, I mean both the Anima-Dark-Light and the Wind-Thunder-Fire triangles. Overall though, it's pretty good.
  10. Huh, so that's what a yellow is. Well, most of it seems right, except for the flamboyant (I think at least, from what I can remember with how I socialize) and 'on top of gossip' parts. I'm pretty sure I don't attract too much attention, though maybe I do, I just don't notice. And for the gossip part, well, I hardly know any 'gossip' related things, which usually leads me to be the last one to know anything, and with me not even paying attention anyway. Now that I look more also on some of the other colors, purple fits me also pretty well. I'm quiet, my hair is hard to manage (but I don't know about it being 'adorable'), I concentrate a lot (I think), and I kinda prefer solitude. I'm not really an artist though, unless being good with math is artistic, which I kinda doubt. But anyway, yeah, the yellow does fit me more the more I think about it. Pretty darn accurate I might say, especially with PMD2 helping confirm it with its aura checking section almost always picking yellow. Y'know, does having all of these words further solidify my status as a yellow?
  11. Uh, random speed blessage for Dorcas is pretty awesome. And oh, thanks, I didn't notice the Bartre thing.
  12. Uh, what does yellow mean? And hey, that's funny that that was chosen for me, considering it's my second favorite color. Blue's on top in the first position, and then something like purple/violet or whatever for third. The blue and yellow thing is also funny because my favorite football team (not that I care that much, but whatever) is Michigan/U of M/whatever it's called (once again, I don't care that much about football/sports). Wait, let me guess, yellow is pretty much these rapid short sentences that loosely tie with each other, right? Or something to that effect? Because if it was, then that would also be funny because usually I answer/say things fairly briefly.
  13. Uh, I like colors. Especially the song Colors. That's pretty cool. Code Geass is also, but I haven't seen much of it. Uh, that's about it. Oh, and I know you said to post a sentence, but whatever. Oh, and ehre because you said to do that also.
  14. Update the 4th. Note: I sorta forgot when I sold certain stat-ups/promotion items, and when I used some. So to count it up, I used the Ch16 HC on Dor-man, the Ch19x GI on Lucy, the Ch17x SB on D-art, the two GRs on Cane and Lucy, and the Ch18 SW on Hevtor. The Ch16 KC was sold, and all other stat-ups/promotion items were kept in storage. Ch16: Flo-Flo hid in the water, while everyone else went towards the boss-man. Dor-man and Bart went back to take on the cavaliers, but Merl died. Supports were gained before ending the chap. Ch17: Bart and Matt got the first treasure goodies, and then Bart took on the horse reinforcements. Everybody else went up and did stuff. Some people got supports, and no Caelin soldiers died, so I got the RG. Ch17x: Lucy went up, Hevtor, Lynsey, Dor-man, and Matt went down, while the others went through the middle. Bart got Cane, and the mine glitch was used. Then some arena stuff happened, and supports were gained. Ch18: Lynsey, Lucy, Prissy, and Bart went right, while the others went left. Eventually Bart and Dor-man took on the middle ship. Shopping was done. Ch19: Cane, D-art, and Bart went up, while the others went down. The Torch staff was gained, along with level 20 for Bart & Dor-man, and the gaiden was also gained. Matt also got to level 20 here, or maybe in the next map. Ch19x: Dor-man promoted, and went down, and then went with the gang. Lynsey kinda stayed for the pegs, and then went with the gang. Cane and Lucy went with the gang, and then took on the mages. Some murdering was done, and every lord was level 20 by the end. The gaiden was gained. Oh, and more supports. Ch19x^2: Cane and Dor-man went left, and then up, while the others just plain went up. All of the treasure was gained, and both Cane and Lucy reached level 20. Ch20: D-art took care of the bottom, Cane and Matt went through the middle (the one with the door), while the others went through the other middle (the one with the pally-dude). Lucy promoted at prep. I got Lego and the MC, so Cane promoted, and Matt got some good stuff at the SSs. D-art and Prissy got to level 20 also. All of the treasure was gained also. Current team: Hevtor: Level: 20 HP: 38 Str: 18 Skl: 17 Spd: 13 (11) Lck: 9 Def: 18 Res: 7 Axes: A Supports: Eli: B Matt: A Eli: Level: 20 HP: 34 Str: 16 Skl: 15 Spd: 16 Lck: 15 Def: 11 Res: 7 Swords: A Supports: Hevtor: B Lynsey: B Lynsey: Level: 20 HP: 32 Str: 14 Skl: 17 Spd: 20 Lck: 13 Def: 5 Res: 7 Swords: A Supports: Eli: B Bart: Level: 20 HP: 41 Str: 18 Skl: 15 Spd: 14 Lck: 11 Def: 12 Res: 3 Axes: A Supports: Dor-man: A Cane: B Dor-man: Level: 20/4 HP: 49 Str: 15 Skl: 19 Spd: 14 Lck: 12 Def: 11 Res: 10 Axes: A.5 Bows: ~D.35 Supports: Bart: A Matt: Level: 20 HP: 39 (32) Str: 12 (10) Skl: 13 Spd: 20 Lck: 8 Def: 8 Res: 2 Swords: A Supports: Hevtor: A Prissy: Level: 20 HP: 22 Mag: 8 Skl: 15 Spd: 14 Lck: 19 Def: 5 Res: 16 Staves: A Supports: Lucy: A Lucy: Level: 20/4 HP: 30 Mag: 22 Skl: 19 Spd: 15 Lck: 9 (7) Def: 4 Res: 20 Light: ~A.99 Staves: ~C.01 Supports: Prissy: A Cane: Level: 20/3 HP: 36 Mag: 19 Skl: 15 Spd: 19 Lck: 10 Def: 9 Res: 11 Dark: ~A.95 Staves: ~E.4 Supports: Bart: B D-art: Level: 20 HP: 44 Str: 17 Skl: 13 (11) Spd: 15 Lck: 6 Def: 7 Res: 5 Axes: A Supports: -
  15. Hmm, I'll think about it. Not now, but maybe later.
  16. ZM, if I would create another RNG style draft, what would it be of? FE6? 11? 4?
  17. So, if Diadora didn't have Silence, what did she have? Sleep?
  18. Well, I'm still planning to get it the first day, so I guess I'll just have to go after school. Oh well.
  19. Uh, it isn't completely a food combination, but having Mountain Dew and pancakes wasn't that good.
  20. Update the 3rd. Ch11: Matt and Hevtor ran left, Matt went back for the RG, and Hevtor killed the boss man. Ch12: Dor-man spent his time receiving and selling an old book. Everybody else just kinda killed, killed, and killed. Ch13: Bart and Eli went left for the village, and the others went down. Guy was recruited only for the KE, which was given to Eli. Then some support grinding happened for Matt & Hevtor, Eli & Hevtor, and Dor-man & Bart. Ch13x: Dor-man took the bandit dudes from the south, Matt took the left half of the map, and the others did the middle. Bart also grabbed the money village. Ch14: Serra came only for Erk and his stuff, so she and Eli went up. Dor-man stayed behind for the soldiers and pegasi peeps. Matt took the bottom for Prissy, and Bart & Hevtor went through the middle. Some shopping was done also. Ch15: Dor-man and Bart took down the boss man, Hevtor took on the up-left intruders, but Merl ran off in the process, and the others went downish. Matt grabbed some keys from the thief, and he grabbed the treasures, at the cost of two vulneraries. Matt also sold off Erk's special treasure for moneys. Current team stats: Hevtor: Level: 9 HP: 27 Str: 10 Skl: 9 Spd: 7 Lck: 7 Def: 13 Res: 4 Axes: ~B.5 Supports: Eli: B Matt: C Eli: Level: 10 HP: 26 Str: 12 Skl: 9 Spd: 11 Lck: 12 Def: 7 Res: 3 Swords: ~B.5 Supports: Hevtor: B Bart: Level: 9 HP: 33 Str: 12 Skl: 9 Spd: 7 Lck: 7 Def: 8 Res: 2 Axes: ~C.55 Supports: Dor-man: C Dor-man: Level: 14 HP: 37 Str: 11 Skl: 12 Spd: 11 Lck: 7 Def: 6 Res: 5 Axes: A Supports: Bart: C Matt: Level: 15 HP: 35 (28) Str: 9 (7) Skl: 10 Spd: 20 Lck: 5 Def: 8 Res: 1 Swords: ~B.8 Supports: Hevtor: C Prissy: Level: 4 HP: 17 Mag: 6 Skl: 7 Spd: 8 Lck: 8 Def: 3 Res: 6 Staves: ~C.5 Supports: -
  21. I don't know anybody named Lucy, so I don't have to worry about anything.
  22. Update the 2nd. Note: Nils got every singe one of his levels after Lu exploded. For peeps with stat boosters, normal is current, and () is what it should be. Oh, and no code or whatever thing for stats because I'm not good with it. Ch6: Lynsey took the bottom, and the others stormed the top. That's about it. Ch7: Everybody ran for the boss man. That's about it. Ch7x: Dor-man, Matt, and Rath went for the treasure. Lucy stormed the middle. Lynsey stormed the right. That's about it. Matt also put on his robe due to the cold. Ch8: Rath grabbed the village, and everybody else went towards the boss. That's about it once again. Ch9: Lucy's flashlight ran out of batteries, so he hid away from the enemies so he wouldn't explode. Everybody else went for the boss (Dor-man and Matt went ^ at first, and Lynsey & Rath went >). That's about it once again. Ch10: Stuff happened, Matt put on a pretty ring, and Lynsey murdered her, uh, great-uncle was it? Whatever Lu would be to her. Then Rath commanded Nils to dance for him for ~60 whatever-each-turn-is-supposed-to-represent-time-wise. Final Lynsey Mode Team stats: Lynsey: Level: 13 HP: 26 Str: 9 Skl: 13 Spd: 16 Lck: 10 Def: 4 Res: 5 Swords: A Dor-man: Level: 9 HP: 33 Str: 10 Skl: 10 Spd: 8 Lck: 5 Def: 4 Res: 3 Axes: ~B.9 Rath: Level: 10 HP: 28 Str: 9 Skl: 9 Spd: 13 Lck: 5 Def: 7 Res: 4 Bows: ~B.5 Matt: Level: 9 HP: 30 (23) Str: 8 (6) Skl: 7 Spd: 17 Lck: 5 Def: 5 Res: 0 Swords: ~C.6 Lucy: Level: 7 HP: 21 Mag: 8 Skl: 10 Spd: 11 Lck: 2 Def: 1 Res: 8 Light: ~C.25
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