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Everything posted by Cynthia

  1. Ah, alright, well thanks for pointin' that out there darling.
  2. Yeah that problem happens to me with all handhelds... What is up with the shoulder buttons not lasting that long?
  3. I will say the idea of them just finding a new region or, "it was always there and we just never mentioned it", is a little uncreative...
  4. Well the two systems were broken anyways, so it's not like I'm going to out on anything. Plus my dad worked with electronics for a few years, so if I ever need help he can help out. One of the major problems I had was the motherboard that worked, the game reader's spring was broken so the games didn't stay in. Now the first thought was to take the game reader off of the broken one, but seeing as how it was soldered on would make that challenging. Making it even more challenging was it was soldered on by a machine, so it's not the kind of thing you can really just take off and put back on easily. Eventually after examination, I saw that the spring wasn't gone at all, it was just stuck. So a pit of fiddling with it got it out. The end product works, but is pretty much just a temporary solution until I get a new DS when they get cheaper. I really don't like the Lite or the DSi, so I'm trying to avoid it... The system works fine, but it's questionable on how long it can hold together.
  5. I'm going to take a wild guess and guess you have Avenue Q songs in that collection?
  6. That's your opinion I suppose.
  7. You just flipped out about something that didn't even really matter or affect you in any way just because you decided to take it personal, when the person who originally posted only meant the statement as an "imagine if" statement, and you misinterpreted it. Then you gave a long lecture and series of insults. I think I have nothing to be embarrassed about.
  8. Whoa calm down there. You didn't read the edit apparently... I said it was an "imagine if" statement. Obviously I wasn't sure if it's possible, I was just saying like "wouldn't it be cool..." No need to get so worked up over it...
  9. It's all a matter of opinion. And yes, you'll probably never see me in the FE section, darling.
  10. I see where you're coming from, but I'm sure they'd have a way to make it work if they put some time and effort into it. Plus I'm the ORIGINAL Cynthia, just keep that in mind. Usually if people say just "Cynthia" they're talking about me more than likely.
  11. You can add anything if you take enough time to learn how really. Some things would obviously require more thought and education, but most of it can be done. I never said I was going to though, I said I was going to see what I could do. That was a more "imagine if" statement. And by the way when this topic was made, I was working on it. It just so happens I actually have managed to put the two together to make a working DS. It's not perfect condition, but it works. I'll post pictures of it during the process of making it, and the final product soon.
  12. It's amazing to think if you ever listened to the same song twice.
  13. A poem expressing feelings towards a locked door by Alec Meer after playing Fallout 3: Original: http://www.rockpapershotgun.com/2009/04/21/locked-door/
  14. My new laptop is going to make me so happy. Better video card, better screen resolution, HD support, more RAM, faster processor, and lower price than my current. ... Sorry I just can't get past how that window over his background made it look like someone performing oral sex... That is an extremely strange coincidence...
  15. Embarrassingly I always eat everything given to me at a restaurant and at home. I have an incredibly high metabolism, and if I don't eat constantly and take in larger amounts of food than the average person, I lose weight incredibly quickly. I didn't eat for like 2 days once except like a poptart, and I got down to 89 pounds. Was quite scary.
  16. Is it just me or does your desktop look like it's someone performing oral sex...?
  17. Adding onto that. I recall some Pokemon hardcore fans that are friends of mine telling me about an interview with the franchise's creator. I'll have to find it to show you exactly, give me some time and I'll look for it. Anyways, he specifically said when asked if there was going to be a region out of Sinnoh, he replied, "yes. There is going to be a new region, and new Pokemon. We'll keep making new regions and new Pokemon until the series stops making money." So in other words he plans on milking the series until it's not profitable anymore. Whether or not he's actually having a good amount of effort put into those new Pokemon, or he's just throwing something together so the series will sell more is questionable. Most people feel that because they're in it for the money, they aren't producing quality, just quantity. Yes it's true any anime series is made for money, but the writers and creators have a certain passion for the story. They love their own story and want to see others love it just as much. When they give up on the story and just go for more money, it shows, and the fans usually are disappointed.
  18. Even with my anime, my TB drive still has over 850GB of free space. I have all 29.1GBs of Dragon Ball Z on there too.
  19. My new PC I'm getting in a few weeks has a 320GB drive (I also own a 1TB external) and this one only has 80GB.
  20. It's easier than you'd think. You can sort of see where stuff goes and how it fits together.
  21. I always take screws away from other things if I lose any.
  22. I kind of wish they could have more than four moves really. The game gets monotonous doing the same attacks over and over again. I mean why not 5 or 6? Give some more variety. I mean it's great they made it so you can go back and relearn old moves, and get rid of HMs, but still it'd be nice to have some extra moves to surprise the enemy with. It's 2009, turn based RPGs need a bit of spicing up in this day and age. Also a cool idea would be more characters to choose from at the game's start. I mean they made it so you can play as a girl, but really if they allow online play, why not have a few more choices? Or even a character creation? I mean I know the DS is limited, but it is fun to think about. If not a character creation, just a few more options.
  23. With the destruction of my first DS, I have been left with none except my brother's. This has caused me to be behind on some of Nintendo's later DS releases, which hasn't bothered me too much as I was absorbed into my PSP and Xbox 360. (My Wii being completely neglected for several months...) But now I took a look at some of the new DS releases, and I must say it'd be nice to play them on the console and not a ROM. My problem though was my console's motherboard was fried from a severe amount of water damage. My 5 year old DS could take no more beatings. Having no money to buy a new DS, I turned to the only other option I have. If I couldn't buy one... I'd build one. I have the parts from my old DS sealed away in a box (I took it apart a long time ago) and I recently acquired a friend's DS which wasn't working, but has a working mother board on it. If I could combine the two, I could build myself a working DS. Seeing the potential of this project, I thought why stop there? Why not modify it to see what I can do? A DS with more powerful battery? A new frame that makes it more comfortable in your hand? Even modifying it to support USB devices. I've always been fascinated with taking things apart really. I don't know what it is, but when I have a screw driver in my hand, I just have to explore the insides of whatever gadget I can find. I've taken my PSP apart and put it back together just to see how fast I could do it. (9 minutes and 8 seconds by the way) Anyone else ever wondered about the inside of electronics? Or ever considered modding them?
  24. I loved Golden Sun, it was a great Gameboy Advance game, it's just a shame that there is no third game to the series. I would have loved one. There was talk and rumors of a Gamecube game being made, but it never happened. Most people like the storyline, because it was originally made as a one-shot game, and for a one-shot the story was pretty good and nicely put together. A third game has got me really excited though!
  25. I have a brother has a lot of problems, and really medication does help, just not completely. At least when he was on medication he was staying out of jail...
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