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Everything posted by Cynthia

  1. Cynthia

    Look in Here!

    This just gets more and more complex... Now we got more people involved, and Fox elaborating more on why he was demodded...
  2. Cynthia

    Look in Here!

    If he tried to help and it didn't work, only should make him able to walk away with more pride shouldn't it?
  3. Cynthia

    Look in Here!

    To be honest, if Fox thinks the staff is poor, he should be glad to no longer be associated with it shouldn't he?
  4. Remember, it's very important you pull out your gun.
  5. The most efficient way to evade being mugged.
  6. Cynthia

    Look in Here!

    What EXACTLY was being gotten at with this conversation? And what specifically did you propose to do about the situation stated. I am quite interested in hearing.
  7. I don't get how she can say she'll stay out of politics, but still "aid the republican party."
  8. Nah, that's not my thing. This has just been a note that there will never be a conversation where the above statement is even remotely relevant or desired.
  9. My friend after seeing Death Note uses that one quite frequently while eating chips of any sort.
  10. Cynthia

    Look in Here!

    Interesting conversation. I saw it before, but I think Fox elaborated on it a little better. Blacken sure was riled up wasn't he? Well nothing much to say, but I hope this works out in a manner that is beneficial to everyone, or if not everyone, the majority of those involved. I'm sure a compromise that is satisfactory can be reached.
  11. A lot of famous politicians do, regardless of their popularity or mishaps, so I doubt she resigned for that reason. Barrack Obama wrote two books before he became president.
  12. Cynthia

    WTF Gamestop

    Sonic and Mario at the Olympic games is more inhuman. (I think this belongs in Far From the Forest though.)
  13. Here's a pickup line that a friend told me: "The word of the day is legs
  14. Like I said, people view it differently. Obviously die-hard supporters will think positive of it no matter what. She possibly lost a lot of supporters for this action though. The big question is: Why? Why would she make such a move? I mean in her short government career it's been all about surprise I know, but perhaps this is one surprise too many. No one would have guessed she'd be John McCain's running mate, or that she'd be so poor at public speaking (majority's opinion, not mine) and now resign during her first term. Her whole career is about surprises it looks like.
  15. Quite so. People are mocking her for her poor speech giving skills, lack of experience, and "intelligence" however the last one is a matter of opinion. It could just be that she is nervous and doesn't realize what she's saying, it happens. Others however just think she is of low intelligence. It's left to debate.
  16. It could go either way for her. Some criticize her for saying she's a quitter, others say this may mean she's serious about election in 2012, clearing up her schedule so she had that and only that on her mind.. It all depends on the perspective. Personally I don't know what to think of it, time will tell.
  17. I wouldn't have a problem with it coming back, I just think we can use general either way.
  18. To be 100% honest, I have no reason at all for being here. I don't like Fire Emblem, and I definitely didn't come for the community. I'm just here for the sake of being here really. As for other forums, mostly I join for the same reason, but occasionally I'll join one for legit interest in the subject.
  19. Oh no, I was perfectly okay with that, it's just when people started to take it personal and as if it's an argument they must win or their reputation will be lowered or something. That and the occasional person would come in and say something extremely controversial and everyone would gang up on them. (Not to mention trolls will do this purposely just because they don't like people to have serious discussion.) The way I see it is this community just can't be civilized and disagree on an issue at the same time. I think you'd agree that there are a large number of people who take others disagreeing too personally. This is all my opinion however, and I could be wrong.
  20. Cynthia

    WTF Gamestop

    Yes, Sonic and Mario at the Olympic games and the Wii together? Clearly a joke. Or did you mean the rubber duck...?
  21. If I recall a large percentage of problematic topics and topics that erupted into flame wars came from that section. Although I think that some people take the general section lightly when it comes to trying to discuss serious topics, and don't always add insight, it's just fine for discussing (no pun intended) generally everything. That's just my opinion though.
  22. Have a good one enjoy being 23, I also noticed it's HolsetyExcaliburRexcalibur's birthday, along with sagewolf, and Izuka, so happy birthday to you three as well. Lot of fourth of July birthdays. Hope you all have a good one.
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