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Everything posted by Cynthia

  1. Is that a fashion statement or are you comparing him to Blacken? :P Seriously though, we're all good now though? No more confusion on the system?
  2. I actually think the new system is great, and protects the privacy of the members, and gives them a little bit of ease when making a suggestion and not being worried people are going think lowly of them for it.
  3. I think you and I both know that some members would disagree on the opinion and then later on remind that member how stupid they are for it. I see all too often people have to remind others of past mistakes and use them to insult them. This way at least a person's privacy and reputation are spared when making a suggestion. @Pinken: Jyo's response fits in the part of "if it doesn't have a chance in hell in the staff's eyes in the first place, why mention it?"
  4. That's how it looks like it's working to me. It's a good idea, this way staff members can say what they think on it before everyone else so people won't be all "that's impossible!" or "that's too much work for the staff" and other various complaints that happen when we're waiting for staff input. It throws out the bad ideas right away so people don't feel the need to go "NO THAT'S AWFUL YOU RETARD."
  5. The re airing is probably just going to throw in some of the stuff that they skipped over before, as the Bamboo Leaf Rhapsody WAS in the light novels and the mangas. (although the manga is not written by the creator)
  6. Apparently you don't understand how the system works now. Member suggests it Staff reviews it Staff decide if it's worth mentioning If yes, they put it in member feedback Then members express their opinions. This way the topics actually GET to the staff, and don't get cluttered with all kinds of arguing and fighting first.
  7. I once used the pick up line: Hey I was going to ask you to come with me somewhere, but then I figured what would become of it. We'd have a good time, I'd be nervous and not know if I should kiss you or not. So we'd stand there awkwardly for several minutes and you tell me to call you, so I do. We start going out more often, and eventually we're going steady and I meet your friends and you meet my friends, and we eventually get intimate. So we're now engaged, and I have a successful career, and you're happy with me and I'm happy with you. Then you want kids, but I'm unsure, but you decide to trick me into sex one night where you're not on the pill so you can get kids, and sure enough 9 months later you have one. Now it's like 4 years later and I keep feeling regret, and we've lost that spark we had, and you think having another child will rekindle our relationship, but instead it just drives me mad. I start drinking to get away from my problems, and you start to let yourself go and put on about 50 pounds. Seeing how ugly you've become I shallowly decide to have an affair, but you catch me and want a divorce, which I deserved. So now a year later we have to explain to the kids why mommy and daddy don't love each other anymore and why mommy tried to kill daddy with a hack saw. So to avoid all that, if we're going to have any kind of relationship at all, let's just keep it sexual and not personal. Fortunately I said that to the girl I was already dating, and it worked.
  8. V I think Death's response fits. A lot of the time a suggestion will be made that is actually worth considering, but people who disagree because they want their way will make an effort to derail the discussion and create a fight so no one cares about the suggestion anymore.
  9. I've had sex with: Hanz, Metal Rabbit, MaSu, Lyle, Blacken, and Jyosua. ... ... ... DAMN my vagina hurts...
  10. I had sex with Metal Rabbit.
  11. FIREMAN! Congratz to you two. I always saw Tino as level headed on most occasions.
  12. It is actually a good idea that hasn't been implemented. It makes sense as they "faint" and they can be healed when you take a rest at your home. So it only makes sense that they heal over time. The only problem with the idea is it might make the game significantly easier, especially at the elite four.
  13. Cynthia


    Well I'm going back today to see if I got the job.
  14. Cynthia

    Look in Here!

    I just wanted a rule where people who are INSISTENT on arguing need to be polite about it. Saying "FUCK YOU YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND THE SITUATION" or "GET YOUR FACTS STRAIGHT MORON" hardly are productive and mostly help more than hurt. They SHOULD already be covered in the no flaming rule, but people don't care if it's not mentioned specifically.
  15. Cynthia

    Look in Here!

    That's your opinion I guess. Personally, I'd respond a lot better to someone who is polite in a discussion than flat out rude. No matter though, as if a post is rude and I don't give a response to it, it's warrant for reporting if they should make a rude or insulting post unprovoked. Stating an opinion they don't agree with is hardly provoking them, as you had no idea they would react that way. That's my opinion. I'll report the posts I think are offensive and we'll see where that goes.
  16. Cynthia

    Look in Here!

    I think you're missing the point. There is no excuse NOT to be respectful. "Fuck you you're wrong and need to shut up when you don't know what you're talking about" doesn't help anything.
  17. Cynthia

    Look in Here!

    Like I said, IT TAKES MORE THAN ONE PERSON. People have formulated this idea of all the "logical" people and "debaters" into one group of nasty people who make their lives on this forum miserable. As much as you don't want to be in that group, they are putting you there. You have to be willing to stand up and tell other people when they are being disrespecful too, and actively report them. People will realize you're not a part of that group then. The problem is that people are making EXCUSES to not be respectful. "Oh he was an asshole" or "oh he's a fucking idiot" or "oh he doesn't show respect towards me." Who cares. Forgive and forget, holding a grudge does nothing. Some members flat out insult people, and some give them an attitude that is obviously rude when they disagree with them. That's called flaming. Just because it's part of a "debate" doesn't mean it's not flaming. The facts themselves are not flaming, the way they are presented are though. "Dude this is how it is *list of facts* so get it right or go home" is a rude way of phrasing something and is unneeded, when "This is how it is *list of facts*" can suffice. Or people just going "Dude you're fucking retarded and know nothing about the subject."
  18. Cynthia

    Look in Here!

    One person does not solve the entire problem, and doing it for a short time doesn't give them the message. Especially after a long time of making their lives miserable. You can't expect to be instantly forgiven. Plus if you're being respectful and the OTHER is being rude, you may report them. Plus like I said, one person doing it doesn't fix the problem, plus you can't control people getting mad about incidents not related to you. Obviously some people will still be rude no matter what, but it's better some than being shitty to everyone and encouraging ALL to be. It shouldn't even be a QUESTION of "should we be respectful to other members", it should be an obvious thing. I guess asking a little bit of politeness on the internet is too much to ask though. One of the rules is to not flame people, which is insulting them or making otherwise rude or hateful remarks. It should be common sense by now.
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