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Everything posted by Cynthia

  1. Cynthia

    Look in Here!

    I personally think if some of the people wanting to "fix" the problems were a little more polite to people and not downright rude or insulting, they would be listened to a lot more as their level of personal regard from the members and even the staff would be significantly higher. There are nicer ways to say "I disagree," than to try and publicly humiliate someone or flat out insult them. Then people would probably take you a little more seriously. If you want to be taken seriously, that generally happens when people respect you and know you want to be taken seriously. If they don't respect you, they won't care if you want to or not. A little kindness goes a long way, darlings.
  2. Cynthia


    So yeah, I applied to like 5 places, and one called me for an interview. Interview went great, and I got called for a second. Same deal, went pretty well I think. Said I could work any and all hours of any day, I do anything they ask and I have plenty of free time so I can work extra. They seemed quite interested. Well now it's been a good 4 days since the interview and still no call back (this is the third time, the last two I didn't get the job...). I'm worried I didn't get the job, as I really need work. What's really got me stressed out is that everyone around me is getting a job with no effort. They don't even turn in a resume or application, they ask for a job and they end up getting it. It's really got me bothered, I mean I'm happy for them, I just wish a stroke of good luck like that would come my why. It seems like it's only the people I know it happens to as well. Why must I climb to what others can walk to I suppose is what I'm getting at. It's obviously complete coincidence, but it's an ironic one at that. I really need a job though, I got to make enough to get an apartment soon. It's really a frustrating situation. You get a person interested, you go to two interviews over the course of 3 weeks, just so you can do it all over again when they don't hire you. I'm not going to blame the economy, or people, only the fact that I live in a small town with few jobs available, and myself. I mean I'm wondering if it's my approach. I come in clean, neat and tidy with a can do attitude and willingness to do what it takes to get the job done, yet no luck. I wish I had hookups like my friends do, unfortunately that's the curse of living in an area so isolated it's almost impossible to get out of unless you swim.
  3. I put on my robe and wizard hat...
  4. Cynthia

    Look in Here!

    In all honesty though: "Hey, um that actually isn't correct, see it works like this see (link goes here)." Works a lot better than: "No you fucking idiot! You have no idea what the fuck you're talking about so shut up!" And considering a majority of those complaining about other users having "low intelligence" then getting "butthurt" over being proven wrong choose the ladder to respond to a situation, it's easy to see why they are the patrons of their own problems.
  5. Cynthia

    Look in Here!

    NO Shuuda! Now they're going to toot their own horns and use raise ego! They're Sp. Def will rise to levels unheard of!
  6. Cynthia

    Look in Here!

    Honestly, the fact that anytime someone makes a suggestion others find "dumb" or "stupid" instead of being polite and saying they disagree with the idea and give a simple reason why, they have to be rude and even insulting sometimes doesn't help the community at all, and leads to people being sore towards that person. Then they mock them later saying they're "butthurt," is a sign that it's not just the staff or those of "low intellect" that are contributing to the downfall of the community, it's also those who sit themselves on a seat of righteousness and intelligence they believe they have over everyone else in my opinion. Plus I call a lot of people "darling" or "hun" or "sweetie". It's my version of either "love" or "buddy" or "dude". I mean nothing by it. I also find it quite hilarious this topic made it to 10 pages like all the other attempts to "change the system" including some foolishly made by myself, when it's just going to end the same way.
  7. Cynthia

    Look in Here!

    I think someone is taking this a little too personally. It was just a suggestion, hun.
  8. Let's seriously become Lesbians! Seriously.
  9. I need some more yuri up in here.
  10. Let's get some Strawberry Panic up in here:
  11. Cynthia

    Look in Here!

    Does that make you a turd burgler?
  12. Cynthia

    Look in Here!

    If only life were that simple, darling. Still though, no one has given a valid reason why they can't just do that, I find it humorous. ^_^
  13. Cynthia

    Look in Here!

    Seriously people. If you're unhappy leave, come back when you're ready to deal with it. You could solve your own problems right now by getting up and leaving. It just so happens not everyone thinks it's a problem, and those who don't will stay, and those who do can leave. Why must this be so complicated folks?
  14. Cynthia

    Look in Here!

    I'm no longer unhappy with the system. I learned to deal with it. If I was unhappy, I'd leave again until I was either over it, or find somewhere else. I get amusement from this place.
  15. Cynthia

    Look in Here!

    I don't understand why people don't just leave if they're unhappy.
  16. In a word: No. But we have this fabulous parting gift for you.
  17. Cynthia

    Look in Here!

    I doubt anything will come of this topic that anyone is asking for really... It's entertaining to watch though.
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